A series of interviews with fospropofol disodium for injection—clinical advantages

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Professor Liu Jin: Fospropofol disodium, promoting the new development of anesthesiology

Fospropofol disodium for injection (brand name: fosprofen ®) is a subsidiary of Yichang Renfu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. The new intravenous anesthesia drug independently developed by the company is a new class 1 chemical drug. Fospropofol disodium is the first water-soluble propofol prodrug in China, which is metabolized into the active substance propofol to produce anesthesia. It is also one of the most advanced general intravenous anesthetics currently researched in China. This product does not require fat emulsion as a carrier, while effectively avoiding the related side effects such as allergy, bacterial contamination and hyperlipidemia caused by fat emulsion, the incidence of injection pain and respiratory-related adverse events is lower than that of propofol, and the circulation is more efficient. Stable, comfortable, safe and reliable.

Originated from classics, more than classics

Fospropofol disodium for injection series interview< /p>

This issue focuses on its clinical application advantages

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President Du Wentao:

Innovation drives the development of disciplines

Modern The development of anesthesiology is inseparable from the research and development and clinical application of new anesthetic drugs. As a national designated R&D and production base for narcotic drugs, Yichang Renfu Pharmaceutical has been committed to finding new analgesic and sedative drugs that are more suitable for modern anesthesia.

Propofol is an intravenous general anesthetic that is widely used in clinical practice, and has been deeply loved by clinics for decades after its launch. However, propofol also has some adverse reactions in clinical application, mainly related to the formulation of propofol with fat emulsion as carrier, such as causing pain at the injection site, hyperlipidemia, bacterial infection, allergic reactions and rare but serious Propofol infusion syndrome, etc.

We aim to meet the unmet medical needs of the clinic, and work with the West China Hospital team of Sichuan University to solve the problem of propofol through new compounds. Problems existing in the clinical use of phenol. After more than ten years of unremitting efforts, fospropofol disodium has finally been launched, which is another Category 1 new drug of Yichang Renfu Pharmaceutical after remazolam besylate. Fospropofol disodium is the first water-soluble propofol prodrug in China. After being metabolized into the active substance propofol in the body, it produces anesthesia. It is also one of the most advanced general intravenous anesthetics studied at home and abroad. , In the future, fospropofol disodium has good clinical application prospects in general anesthesia, ICU sedation and other fields, we will continue to welcome and support experts to carry out Relevant clinical research to benefit more patients!

Professor Liu Jin:

Fosprofen, safer and more comfortable strong>

Since fospropofol disodium is a water-soluble propofol prodrug, it has many advantages: Disodium phenate greatly reduces the pain of intravenous injection and increases the comfort and compliance of patients; secondly, the active metabolite propofol is gradually released into the blood to play a role, the concentration of propofol in the blood will not fluctuate greatly, and the blood drug The concentration is more stable, and the respiratory and circulatory depression is less; third, the action time of fospropofol disodium is about 20 to 30 minutes, and the action time is longer than that of propofol, which can reduce the number and dose of additional anesthetics after induction; Fourth, it avoids the problems of hyperlipidemia, infusion syndrome, and bacterial infection during infusion associated with fat emulsions.

● Cyclopofol is still a fat emulsion, and the problems associated with the fat emulsion cannot be avoided

The chemical structure of cyclopofol is similar to that of propofol, and the potency is higher, but cyclopofol is still a fat emulsion, and due to the lower concentration of cyclopofol, The actual infusion dose of the fat emulsion is the same as that of propofol, and the problems associated with the fat emulsion cannot be avoided. The duration of a single injection of cyclopofol is particularly short, fospropofol disodium is better for long-term anesthesia maintenance, or long-term surgery, such as induction of anesthesia for more than half an hour of surgery span>, because the connection of fospropofol disodium from anesthesia induction to anesthesia maintenance will be more stable, calmer and more scientific.

A series of interviews with fospropofol disodium for injection—the original intention of research and development

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