A secret diary of a beautiful female nurse, she “decisively” saved when she saw the second entry.

Don’t be tricked by pharmacies to take stock of practical and cheap medicines.

The uproar of the “cheap medicine incident” during this period reminded me of those cheap and effective medicines when I was a child, which broke out some time ago 76 yuan of cheap drugs were fired to more than 3,000 yuan, and then it was revealed that there were 342 kinds of cheap drugs in the hospital, and some cheap drugs were about to stop production and disappear. These cheap drugs are actually as good as the so-called brand-name drugs. If you don’t believe me, you can try them.

Swelling and sore gums

Bezoar Jiedu Tablets, effective within one hour, and healed within 24 hours.


a bottle of daba file, 3.8 yuan, recovered after a week. .

Skin problems (eczema/dermatitis/ringworm/pruritus)

Skin problems are not critical and fatal. However, patients suffer from lingering pain, often itching unbearable. Doctors are also overwhelmed, which is indeed a major problem in medicine. Skin disease is one of the most common problems, and the use of hormone products in society is also very common, but it has hidden hidden dangers. Tips: ▸ Common skin diseases include eczema, dermatitis, allergies, ringworm, beriberi, etc. We recommend (peng yi) Pengyi Eczema Cream, which is sold on Tmall. Hormones, the effect and reputation are very good. I have been suffering from skin diseases for more than 10 years. I have spent tens of thousands of dollars in the hospital and they have not been cured. The herbal preparation has no side effects and is suitable for all kinds of people. Those who have various skin diseases recommend trying this< /span>

loss of appetite

morphine. Immediately feel hungry within 20 minutes of taking it. It is much better than Jiangzhong Jianwei Xiaoshi Tablets.

The hormones contained in western medicine can cause more harm to the human body. And this kind of injury is more serious than rhinitis itself, which is simply worse.

After listening to an old Chinese doctor’s introduction, I bought “Pengyi Snake Gallbladder Combination” on Taobao Tmall to use it. Wash your nose often, hold warm water or warm salt water in your palm, inhale through your nose with your head down, and blow it out several times. Don’t pick your nose, pluck your nose hair and cut your nose hair, these can cause bacterial infection. Now every day is refreshing and refreshing, and the whole person is more energetic.

Oral ulcers

Use oral ulcer powder, a bottle is enough for you to have 3 oral wounds. Combined with Huanglian Shangqing Pill, the effect is absolutely good.


Acetylspiramycin 1 and 2 metronidazole tablets. Don’t use it too much!

Hemorrhoids, anal fissure

When I was in high school, on the eve of the college entrance examination, it was estimated that I had internal hemorrhoids and bleeding. It hurts a lot, but it’s not good, and the root of the disease falls. Recent attacks, full three months, bleeding, pain, pain for nearly 12 hours a day. I have used various ointments, tethered, taken orally, and applied internally, to no avail. After returning home from vacation,

fortunately, I used the “Peng Yi Gu Shu Gao” recommended by an old Chinese medicine practitioner (peng yi). The syringe design is super convenient to use. Tmall Jingdong.com has its own search. Smear it on the ice and cool it, and it will feel much more comfortable at once. After a few days, the swelling will disappear. It’s totally fine now!


breath/bad breath

Olive alum removal method: gram alum, dissolve in 100 grams of water, add 10 mashed olives, soak for half an hour, and use it to rinse your mouth, 3 to 4 times a day, about 15 minutes each time, and use it for 2 to 3 days. Remove bad breath.

Hair loss/hair loss

Mogwort is a very good Chinese herbal medicine. Fresh mugwort can repel insects and has the effect of removing dampness and treating skin diseases , The dried mugwort is made into moxa sticks, which is a traditional Chinese medicine treatment method of moxibustion. Fresh mugwort or dried mugwort is boiled and wet applied to the head to prevent hair loss and help black hair. And must not use the hair dryer, it actually hurts the hair roots. The reason for many people’s hair loss is that the hair dryer damages the hair roots. For women who are prone to hair loss, the hair itself is relatively fragile. So don’t use a hair dryer and let it dry naturally.

Sore throat

Use Lingqiao Jiedu Pills and Pain Relief Tablets Once in the morning and once in the evening, a box of medicine is done

gastric ulcer

A Cyamiguanidine or cimetidine tablets plus scopolamine tablets, 12 yuan, eat two bottles, it is not easy to commit crimes.

Allergies and redness on the face

Some friends have sensitive skin and are prone to redness! Clean your face first.

Take: Pengyicold compress gel, apply to the affected area, twice a day. Both Tmall and pharmacies are available, because chamomile has the effect of repairing the skin and improving skin immunity. Generally, the skin will be repaired very well in about 20 days. This recipe is simple and convenient!

lumbar disc herniation, synovitis, cervical spine, scapula, and ischium

lumbar Intervertebral disc herniation is based on the degeneration of the lumbar intervertebral disc. Due to various reasons, the intervertebral disc protrudes into the spinal canal, which stimulates or compresses the sinus and vertebral nerves. bowel dysfunction. In such cases, it is recommended to use (Pengyi cold compress). Its principle of action is to infiltrate a variety of drugs into the skin, which can clear the meridians and collaterals, dissipate cold and dampness, and relieve swelling and pain. It can stimulate the nerves of the skin to dilate blood vessels, promote local blood circulation, and achieve anti-swelling, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Because it is administered locally, it can reach a certain drug concentration, thus exerting a strong effect on synovitis and cervical pain. It is sold on Tmall Jingdong! Note that people with this situation must go to bed early! Sleep on your back is best


Children’s diarrhea

Take half a tablet of bismuth subcarbonate, and it will take effect after two hours.

Baby eczema

Use: Pengyieczema cream, these are herbs The extraction is hormone-free and safe, and the all-purpose Jingdong/Tmall sells it. 2 to 3 times a day, it will heal in a few days.

Wonderful effect on gout

Xinhuang tablets, three tablets to relieve pain, and three more tablets to reduce swelling. But don’t go to the root, don’t use western medicine! At present, the western medicines used for gout all have serious side effects, and they can only cure the symptoms but not the root causes. In addition, taking uric acid-lowering western medicines in the intermittent period not only rebounds quickly after stopping the drug, but also often causes metastatic gout attacks due to the rapid dissolution of uric acid. Most importantly, taking western medicine for a long time is doomed to damage the liver, kidney and spleen, resulting in repeated exacerbations of irreversible gout. It is best to apply Pengyi gout cold compress gel for external use. The ingredients are pure Chinese medicine and emu oil is added. Everyone knows the effect of emu oil. Emu oil has deep penetration ability and joint inflammation. It has a rapid anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Used as a natural arthritis gout analgesic oil sold on Tmall Jingdong


Take Huoxiangzhengqi Taiji Zhengqi, then you will feel refreshed Cool, the diarrhea stopped within an hour.

People with insomnia

I often feel sleepy during the day, stay up late and may get irritated, can’t pull stool, and my stomach is very bloated. I have eaten a lot. Fire medicine is ineffective, drink Lingzhi syrup (more than 30 yuan a bottle), drink about more than 2 hours to easily defecate. Guess it was the effect of Ganoderma lucidum. I bought a lot of Ganoderma lucidum tablets and boiled water to drink. After drinking it for about half a month, I no longer have insomnia. Moreover, the symptoms of poor spirit and easy trance that have lasted for more than ten years are gone.


Pencil is only 3.8 yuan per tablet, blood pressure can be lowered steadily, and the complications of various cardiovascular diseases can be reduced.

Anti-inflammatory wounds

It only costs a few cents to use anti-inflammatory powder, and it can also heal wounds.

face black treatment (Freckles)/Chloasma/Skin spots A big problem. Nowadays, air pollution, high work pressure, irregular work and rest… everything has become a strong enemy of our skin. Spots have become more common. I have used a lot of freckle removal products before, including beauty salons for care, but the results are not satisfactory. Later, a colleague recommended me to use it (Mobao Beauty Cream), is the ancestral formula of an old Chinese medicine practitioner in Beijing. I didn’t expect that the freckles would be significantly faded after three months, and the effect was very good, and it was also a few degrees whiter. If you need it, go to Tmall to find it, conscience recommends!

tonsillitis >Inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, etc., Xia Sangju Granules (granules), a large pack of 20 small packs. It sells for 2.5 yuan for a large pack. It can also be used as a refreshing drink in normal times, but it is not suitable for those who are seriously ill.

Scrotal eczema, Moss femoris around the anus

Skin eczema, pruritus, Moss femoris, mainly due to the mutual resistance of blood heat, wind, dryness and poison The

recommended Pengyi Cold Compress Gel uses a variety of botanical herbal formulas to solve the eczema and itching problem of the skin from the deep layer It is available on Tmall! Conscience recommends

beriberi foot peeling blisters

foot odor, also known as tinea pedis, is a fungal infection, and a complete cure can only be achieved by completely removing the bacteria Killing, specific treatment, the best and most effective treatment is traditional Chinese medicine. If you suffer from athlete’s foot, it is recommended to go to Tmall’s flagship store to search for beriberi. It can deodorize, Yunnan herbal Chinese medicine formula, friends with foot odor and peeling blisters must try it. It is basically effective in one day. Usually, shoes with better air permeability should be used. It is best not to wear leather shoes. They are available on Tmall. It’s cheap and easy to use! The effect is great. It’s not easy to use and I don’t recommend it haha!

pimples, acne marks, acne marks Acne

Mobo Essence is recommended,this is a formula developed by an old Chinese medicine practitioner in Hunan and used in The TV column has recommended it. I used to have acne and pimple marks all over my face. It was very serious. My self-esteem was greatly affected. Use this and go to Tmall to buy it! Basically, after using it for about a week, the pimples are shrunk, and the redness is not , the effect is very good!

body odor, underarm odor and body odor

No surgery necessary! A small coup to solve body odor and body odor can be used Mobao Deodorant Spray, extracted from natural herbs, which can solve body odor. It is a must in the bag, and spray it on a shopping date to avoid the embarrassment of odor! The price is very affordable and it is very easy to use. It is sold on Tmall. If you have a heavy body odor, remember not to think that it can be covered with perfume. The more you cover it, the more unpleasant the smell will be!

Itchy ears

The hospital dermatology diagnosis was external auditory canal eczema. Use “Pengyi Herbal Cream”, available on Tmall and pharmacies, beware of counterfeit products. Use a cotton swab and stick it into the ear to wipe it, a few times is good and it is not easy to recur.


norfloxacin or yellow hydrochloride Streptomycin tablets.

Cold, fever, and vomiting

Traditional Chinese medicine said it was a stomach flu, so I ate half of the 0.3 yuan per bag of Huoxiangzhengqi tablets (20 tablets). Effective after half an hour. If you have diarrhea without stomach pain, you can usually use Huoxiangzhengqi water.

Prevent colds

Astragalus is stewed with honey, a few drops at a time into a glass of water, a cup a day, to prevent colds for adults and children in winter.

Paracetamol for a cold and fever

The most expensive one is 5 cents a piece, usually half a piece at a time, 2 pieces can basically be done. If you want to The best thing to use is the cold capsules, 5 hairs per tablet, 2 tablets at a time, usually one tablet.

Children’s cold

Children with cough and no fever, take vitamin C and B1 one capsule at a time, and children’s cough syrup; children with fever can take Pediatric APC, the effect is very good. Viral Ling is 3 to 5 yuan for viral colds. Traditional Chinese medicine has antiviral oral liquid for 6.8 yuan, which can be cured when the disease is reached.

Long-term cough

If the cough is not good for two or three months from autumn and winter to spring, drink ginger slices and soak them in boiled water, and it will take effect in a few days; licorice slices are good for Cough is fine.

I ate sea cucumber, beef and other hair products

The gums were very swollen, Tongrentang’s Bezoar Jiedu Tablets (2 yuan a small box), Just eat three tablets. It’s basically an effect. (Staying up late will also cause the lungs and stomach to accumulate heat, resulting in swelling and pain in the gums).

Prostatitis (chronic)

eat a few bottles of 10a few dollars a bottle Frontline Kang.

The number of patients with hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, thyroid nodules, etc. has exceeded 200 million. To a certain extent, thyroid diseases are actually It is a disease of the times, which is closely related to the long-term work intensity and depression of modern people. Most people with thyroid disease, eitherhis temper is very short-tempered, or long-term depression and depression. The more irritable people will have hyperthyroidism, and the more stagnant people will have nodules and cysts. In this case, it can be used externally

(Pengyi Thyroid Gel) uses multi-flavored authentic pure herbal Chinese medicine large-scale comprehensive medicine, effective It quickly penetrates the skin and enters the body directly to the lesions, softens and dissipates knots, removes blood stasis and dredging collaterals, improves circulation, clears throat and throat, quickly softens nodules, and finally dissipates on Tmall! Recommend to try this

drunk Drinking hot ginger water instead of tea can accelerate blood circulation and digest alcohol in the body. You can also add an appropriate amount of honey to the hot ginger water to relieve or eliminate drunkenness.


Loratadine tablets, urticaria caused by common allergies (cold, wrong food, etc.), use Chlorpheniramine. A few cents or a few cents a piece, the effect is very fast, but it is not necessarily sold in pharmacies that are too cheap, only Xismin with similar ingredients can be sold (oral products should follow the doctor’s advice).

Premature ejaculation, sensitive glans

Rapid ejaculation is divided into 3 cases, 2 points or less is severe, 2-4 points is moderate, 4-10 points Ejaculation is normal, the time of intercourse is short, and it is easy to affect physical and mental health. It is embarrassing to say that Xiaobian is faster for the first time! Within 2 minutes, the second time was a little longer. Later, I realized that the glans was too sensitive, and my girlfriend often complained. Later, she took me to see a Chinese medicine doctor, and the Chinese medicine doctor said not to use drugs indiscriminately! Introduced the Pengyi Delay Spray, which is said to contain plant herbs and traditional Chinese medicine. I bought it back and used it with the mentality of trying it. The effect is good. Now it is usually more than 10 minutes for the first time. Tmall Jingdong or some pharmacies can sell what you need. Go search!

A must-see when taking medicine! Double the effect of drinking on water

A must-see when taking medicine! Drinking double the effect of water on water

The most common word people hear when they are sick may be “Take medicine and drink more water”. In fact, medicines are different. The method of drinking water is different. Drinking the right water can double the efficacy of the medicine.

Taking capsules

When taking capsules, some people like to put the capsules in their mouths first, and then take them with hot water. It is easy to stick in the mouth and difficult to swallow; and taking the capsule with hot water will make it dissolve quickly, and the capsule skin is very easy to stick to the throat or esophagus. Therefore, it is best to drink a small amount of warm or cold water before taking the capsule. Choose from hot water or juice, etc. If you feel a foreign body in the throat after taking the capsule, it means that the water consumption is not enough when taking the medicine. Just add more water and drink water continuously to make the capsule take it smoothly.

Orally disintegrating tablet

Orally disintegrating tablet is a kind of tablet that can automatically disintegrate into numerous particles within 30 seconds of being placed on the tongue. New pharmaceutical preparations. It disintegrates quickly, absorbs quickly, etc., and is suitable for some special patients such as Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy patients, etc. and children. There is generally no need to drink water before and after taking orally disintegrating tablets, especially for emergency medicines that are absorbed through the oral mucosa or medicines that require rapid onset of action, such as nitroglycerin, nifedipine, salbutamol sulfate and other oral disintegrating tablets. Do not drink water immediately after taking it, otherwise the medicine in the mouth will be flushed into the stomach, which will affect the curative effect.

Syrups and lozenges

After taking cough syrups and lozenges, they will stick to the pharynx and directly act on the lesions, thereby reducing inflammation , cough effect. If you drink too much water, the active ingredients of the pharyngeal drug will be washed away, reducing the local drug concentration and affecting the efficacy of the drug. It is generally required not to drink water for at least 5 minutes after taking the cough syrup and lozenges, preferably half an hour after taking the medicine.

Stomach medicines

Stomach medicines such as aluminum magnesium carbonate, aluminum hydroxide suspension gel, etc., should not be taken too much Drink water, generally only 50 ml of water can be taken, and it is not advisable to drink water within half an hour after taking the medicine. Because such drugs enter the gastrointestinal tract, they will become countless insoluble fine particles, which cover the damaged gastrointestinal mucosa like powder. The drug particles on the damaged gastrointestinal mucosa are reduced, and the protective film is diluted and thinned, which affects the curative effect.

Antipyretic analgesics

Drink more water when taking antipyretic analgesics, which can not only dilute the toxicity of the drugs, but also avoid dehydration. Sulfonamide antibacterial drugs such as compound sulfamethoxazole tablets, etc., should drink plenty of water after taking them, otherwise, due to decreased urine output, the drug will form stones in the kidney or ureter, block the ureter, and even cause renal failure. But don’t worry too much, as long as you follow the doctor’s advice, take medicine and drink water in a dosed amount, you can minimize the risk.

Generally take medicine and drink water correctly

Take 200ml warm water, drink more water means 2 liters to 2.5 liters a day, drink less water means Take it with about 50ml of water, and it is not advisable to drink water within half an hour.

However, it should be noted that people with severe heart disease and kidney disease are not suitable for the above “water drinking” measurement, because drinking too much water will Increase the burden on the heart and kidneys. Such people should consult their doctor about how and how much water to drink, not make their own decisions.

Tell your family not to take these foods with medicine!

Use with caution!

Ningbo 60-year-old Uncle Wang took Huoxiangzhengqi water and cephalosporin at the same time, which caused acetaldehyde poisoning. Immediately remind people around you!