A “relay of life” spanning more than 1,200 kilometers!

On April 8, a “relay of life” unfolded between Shijiazhuang, Hangzhou and Shanghai. A kidney waiting to be transplanted spanned more than 1,200 kilometers within 7 hours. , bringing new hope to patients.


At 9 am on the same day, Tang Jie, chief leader of the “Xin Shang” service studio in Shanghai Railway Station I received a call from Zhongshan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University, saying that a kidney transplant organ will be transported from Shijiazhuang to Hangzhou by civil aviation, and then transferred to Shanghai via the G7376 high-speed rail. I hope the railway department will provide support.

Kidney transplantation, especially translocation, has always been a race against time. Poor preservation or long time will affect the final effect of transplant treatment.

At 11:56, the news of the kidney leaving for the airport came, and the preparations for the Shanghai Railway Station were started simultaneously. Zhou Xuan, the monitor of Hongqiao’s “Xin Shang” service worker, connected with the pick-up staff of Zhongshan Hospital in a specially opened WeChat group, and planned the fastest exit channel in Hongqiao Station according to the organ transfer itinerary.

Considering that it is still during the epidemic, the railway department also sanitized the travel route in advance. At the same time, Tang Jie contacted Hangzhou Railway Station to prepare for the high-speed rail transfer, so as to buy time for this “relay race” as much as possible.

At 16:26 in the afternoon, the G7376 train entered platform 21 of Shanghai Hongqiao Station. Sun Yutao, a railway service employee of “Xin Shang” who had been waiting on the platform, hurried forward to hand over to the conductor. At 16:27, Xiaosun started rushing towards the 1F West Plaza along the predetermined route. The escalators, straight stairs, security gates and passages that he passed were all open.

Because he was afraid that the instrument would be damaged by running and bumping, Sun Yutao only dared to walk all the way, but when he ran to the west square, he was wearing a full set of protective equipment. Still exhausted and out of breath. At 16:32, the transplanted kidney was successfully handed over to the staff of Zhongshan Hospital, and Xiao Sun was finally able to take a long breath.


It is reported that the kidney was safely sent to the operating room at 17:07. Dr. Wang Xin from the Department of Transplant Affairs Management of Zhongshan Hospital left a message in the WeChat group: “Everything went well! This time is tight and the task is heavy. Thank you again for your help today.”