A rapid drop in platelets in a short period of time often predicts a poor prognosis

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Platelets are blood cells directly involved in the regulation of clot formation and inflammation, and thrombocytopenia is a common complication in critically ill patients

strong>. According to statistics, the incidence of thrombocytopenia in adult critically ill patients when admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) can reach 8.3%-67.6%, and the incidence of thrombocytopenia during ICU treatment can reach 14%-44%.

Severely ill patients with thrombocytopenia also had significantly increased bleeding events and blood transfusions, and even increased risk of death.

Therefore, The coagulation group and the Laboratory Medicine Branch of the Chinese Medical Association jointly formulated this consensus to provide corresponding guidance for clinical work.

Platelet count is a measure of the number of platelets in a unit volume of blood. cytometry.

The blood analyzer method is fast, reproducible and accurate, and is currently the most widely used method for screening platelet counts. Main method. The accuracy of platelet count will be affected by specimen collection, transportation, storage, testing, etc..

Poor blood flow can easily cause platelet destruction. Blood samples stored for too long or at low temperature can activate platelets, resulting in pseudo-thrombocytopenia.

The normal diameter of platelets is about 1.5~3um, the diameter of giant platelets is >7um, common in giant platelet syndrome , thrombocytopenia, myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), etc. The hematology analyzer method usually counts according to the size of the cells, so the identification of giant platelets is also prone to errors, resulting in false thrombocytopenia.

Recommendationsplatelet count in a short time A sharp or persistent decrease often indicates a poor prognosis.

Severely ill patientsthrombocytopenia differs in the occurrence time, rate and duration of thrombocytopenia, and its clinical significance is also different. The rapid or continuous decrease of platelet count in a short period of time often indicates that patients may have acute platelet dysfunction and poor prognosis, and it is necessary to actively search for the cause and intervene early.

Previous studies have shown that if the recovery time of platelet count in critically ill patients exceeds 4 days, the mortality and complication rates will be significantly increased /strong>.

For example, if the platelet count in critically ill patients continues to decrease for 14 days after being admitted to the ICU, the mortality rate can be as high as 66%. The mortality rate of platelet counts returned to normal or increased was only 16%. In addition, platelet recovery speed also helps to determine prognosis.Statistics , after the occurrence of thrombocytopenia in critically ill patients, the average daily increase of platelet count in survivors is about 30×10°/L, while the daily increase in deceased patients does not exceed 6×10°/L.‍

Beijing-Shanghai-Luzhou Hematology Association Clinic

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