A positive case of the new coronavirus was found in Huzhou, Zhejiang


According to the “Huzhou Release” on March 8th, at 11:30 pm on March 7th, the People’s Hospital of Wuxing District, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province found that a daily health monitor had a positive nucleic acid test.

At 11:30 p.m. on March 7, Huzhou Wuxing District People’s Hospital found that a daily health monitoring personnel tested positive for nucleic acid. At 4:30 am on March 8, the re-examination result of the Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention was positive, and was immediately transferred to a designated hospital in Huzhou for isolation and medical observation. The infected person (male, 40 years old) is a self-employed person, and his current address is Wanjing Garden, Zhili Town, Wuxing District.

After receiving the report, the emergency response mechanism for epidemic prevention and control at the city and district levels was activated immediately, and a comprehensive epidemiological investigation, sampling and testing, and isolation control were carried out. And strictly implement relevant site control and environmental disinfection and other epidemic prevention measures.

The first nucleic acid test of 4 relatives living with the infected person was negative.

The activity of the infected person is as follows:

From 2:00 p.m. on March 2 to 7:00 p.m. on March 5, in other provinces Activity.

At about 7 pm on March 5th, I drove back to Zhili Town from other provinces. I first went back to my store (not in operation) at No. 28 Fumin South Road, Zhili Town, and drove back to Zhili Town after half an hour. Sleeping at home, not going out.

At about 8 am on March 6, one person drove to the store at No. 28, Fumin South Road (there was no one in the store at that time). At 9 am, drive home and sleep. At about 2 pm, I drove to the store at No. 28 Fumin South Road to pick up my colleagues. The two of them went to the Renmin Road vegetable market in Zhili Town to buy vegetables. After 1 hour, drive back to the store at No. 28, Fumin South Road. At about 5 pm, he drove to the Renmin Road vegetable market by himself again to buy vegetables, and then returned to the restaurant at No. 28 Fumin South Road for dinner. There were 5 people dining together. After dinner, I drove home to sleep and didn’t go out.

On the morning of March 7th, I slept at home. After receiving a phone call from the epidemic prevention staff, at 2 pm, I drove to the People’s Hospital of Wuxing District for nucleic acid testing, and then drove back to the store at No. 28, Fumin South Road. After staying in the store for about 10 minutes, I drove to the Luji sesame cake shop on Shangcheng Road to buy sesame cakes, and then went home to sleep without going out.

Those who overlap with the above activity trajectories in time and space, please report to the community (village) where they live immediately and cooperate with the implementation of corresponding epidemic control measures.

Please do not panic, take the initiative to cooperate with the epidemic prevention and control work, consciously abide by laws and regulations, do not spread rumors, believe or spread rumors, implement personal health protection measures, practice wearing masks, wash hands frequently, Ventilation, maintaining a safe social distance and other hygiene habits, and actively vaccinating. Xiaoxiang Morning News reporter Wang Chacha comprehensive report

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