A new batch of famous Chinese medicine doctors in Shandong Province was released, and 3 experts from Jining Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine were on the list

Recently, the Shandong Provincial Health Commission and the Shandong Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security jointly issued the “Notice on the Announcement of the 2021 List of Famous Chinese Medicine Doctors in Shandong Province”. Three experts, Luo Tong, Liu Sanyun and Liu Huazhen, from Jining Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine were awarded the title of “Famous Chinese Medicine Experts in Shandong Province”. So far, the hospital has 6 famous Chinese medicine experts in Shandong Province.

Famous Chinese medicine practitioners in Shandong Province are the highest honors in the field of Chinese medicine in the province. The three experts who won the award are long-term working in the front line of Chinese medicine, love the cause of Chinese medicine, and serve the People’s traditional Chinese medicine experts are models of medical ethics and medical style in the industry, elites of academic medical skills, and the backbone of accelerating the development of traditional Chinese medicine in the city and boosting the construction of healthy Jining.

Luo Tong is currently the vice president of Jining Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. He is the leader of the Department of Encephalopathy and Rehabilitation Science, a key specialty of traditional Chinese medicine in Shandong Province. He has accumulated rich experience in the diagnosis, treatment and teaching of encephalopathy in internal medicine of traditional Chinese medicine. ;Liu Sanyun has been working in the front line of clinical diagnosis and treatment for a long time, and has carried out a lot of innovative work and research in the treatment of coronary heart disease complicated with depression, hypertension prevention and technology promotion, etc., and has made outstanding contributions; Liu Huazhen is a provincial middle school. The leader of the endocrinology department of the key medical specialty, actively promotes the development of the discipline with his own development, participates in the work of Chinese medicine societies at all levels, and promotes the continuous improvement of the level of traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment of endocrine diseases in the province and city.

This selection has established a group of advanced models in the city’s traditional Chinese medicine system. Wang Xiangsheng, president of Jining Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, said that in the next step, the hospital will give full play to the leading role of famous traditional Chinese medicine experts in various disciplines and professional fields, actively carry out teachers and teach, strengthen the training of traditional Chinese medicine talents, and continuously improve Jining. To improve the technical level and service quality of traditional Chinese medicine in the city, strive to emerge more national, provincial and municipal famous Chinese medicine experts to better serve the people’s health.

Qilu Evening News Qilu One Point Correspondent Wang Bihui Reporter Guo Jixuan