A lot of warnings! Don’t eat this, don’t buy it

Summer supper fried dish snails

is the favorite of many friends

But be careful

Never eat scallops!

Wafer snails are creatures that are prohibited from sale and consumption by the state. The toxins contained in it cannot be destroyed and decomposed by heating, salting, exposure and other processing methods. A small textured screw can kill someone. There is no specific antidote for poisoning caused by eating snails. It is a poisonous seafood that is prohibited by the state. However, some traders and restaurant owners are still selling snails secretly driven by their interests.

What is a textured thread? How to identify?

How toxic is it?

The textured snails are commonly known as conch snails, sea snails, wheat snails or white snails. They are mainly distributed in coastal areas such as Zhejiang, Fujian and Guangdong. Its shape features a pointed tail, slender, about 1 cm in length and 0.5 cm in width, about the size of a fingernail. The shell surface often has 1 to 3 purple-brown or red-yellow snails, the surface pattern looks like weaving, the snail mouth is white, and the flesh is light yellow. It generally lives near offshore reefs and on the bottom of sand.

The snail is a poisonous creature, a hundred times more poisonous than arsenic. The more toxic snails, the toxicity of each gram of snail meat can reach hundreds of rat units, that is to say, if an adult eats about 10g of such snail meat, general poisoning symptoms will appear, and about 50g to 100g will be eaten. Can cause death.

Symptoms of poisoning

Patients who are poisoned by accidental ingestion of snails have early symptoms of tingling of the lips, tongue and fingertips, and drooping eyelids.

Gastrointestinal symptoms can appear soon, mainly including stomach discomfort, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea, thirst, blood in the stool, and then neurological symptoms such as numbness of limbs, weakness of limbs or muscle paralysis.

Severe cases develop paralysis, slurred speech, hoarseness, cyanosis, dyspnea, confusion, shock, and finally death due to respiratory and circulatory failure.

Police Alert:

1. Any food production and business unit shall not purchase, process and sell textured snails.

2. The general public should raise their awareness of self-protection and do not buy, harvest or eat snails in any season. Once swallowed snails by mistake, such as lips numbness and other similar symptoms of nervous system poisoning, you should go to the hospital immediately.

3. If consumers find that food production and business units purchase, process and sell textured snails, they should promptly call 12345 to report to the local market supervision department.

You must pay attention

When dining out

Don’t eat the textured thread

Avoid accidents

Hurry up and forward this popular science

Remind family and friends

Healthy eating starts now

(Shiyan Evening News)