A good way to solve menopause problems, but Chinese women dare not use it

Have you been scolded After “menopause”?

It could mean – hysterical, rambunctious, erratic, grumpy, rude, even body odor, vixen.. ….

In the stigmatized environment of menopause, the real pain is hard to tell.

When a mother enters menopause and faces rapid hormonal changes, she will have sudden hot flashes, just like a furnace suddenly detonated inside her body, and she cannot Control the time of visits; she will have trouble sleeping, 2.5 times higher risk of depression, unspeakable vaginal dryness, painful intercourse, leaking urine, cardiovascular symptoms, bone loss, metabolic syndrome…  The symptoms of menopause are not physical pain that must be endured. Since it is a hormonal change, hormonal methods can be used to deal with it , such as menopausal hormone therapy (MHT), hormone replacement therapy (HRT).

The latest version of China’s “Guidelines for Menopause Transition and Postmenopausal Management and Hormone Replenishment Therapy (2018 Edition)” proposes that hormone replacement therapy is currently recognized as a remedy for menopause-related symptoms. most effective treatment.

In some developed countries abroad, hormone therapy has been widely understood and accepted by the public, and the usage rate has reached 18% to 50%. A paper on perimenopausal women in Gansu Province pointed out that the awareness rate of knowledge about menopausal hormone therapy among perimenopausal women in Gansu Province was 18.25%, and the utilization rate was only 0.6%.

The stigma of menopause makes it hard for mothers to talk about it, and this type of treatment is even more poorly understood and used by the average woman.

We have compiled and edited some public questions asked by Dr. Lilac, hoping to help you understand a little more about “perimenopausal syndrome” .

A good solution to menopause

hormone replacement therapy  

Image source: Dr. Lilac Design Team

< p>Menopause is a necessary stage of life


Image source: Dr. Lilac Design Team

< strong>Can choose gynecology or secretion clinic

Image source: Dr. Lilac Design Team


“menopause” is also known as “perimenopause”

Photo source: Dr. Lilac Design Team

< /p>

Menopause is not crazy, much less a disease


Extremely low estrogen levels

Long term effects on the body

Image source: Dr. Lilac Design Team

We also prepared a video version

Click below to view it

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Q: menopause sweating Hot flashes, is it serious?

Q: What should I do if I have menstrual disorder, irritability and depression?

Q: What medicine should I take to relieve insomnia, discomfort and rapid heartbeat?

Have menopausal symptoms, consult a gynecologist online, 1 yuan free clinic for newcomers