A good nap is better than a tonic, but these three types of people don’t sleep no matter how sleepy they are! Be careful that “health sleep” becomes “physical sleep” in seconds, and the more you sleep, the worse your health becomes

No sleep at noon, crash in the afternoon. I believe that everyone who goes to work has tasted this taste, right? Academician Zhong Nanshan once said that the afternoon nap is a very important gas station. The benefits of naps are simply too many-Naps are a restorative agent for the body, reducing fatigue and preventing coronary heart disease, Myocardial infarction is good for the heart, can relax the brain, relieve eye fatigue and stress. Nap is so good, it is natural to encourage everyone to take a nap at noon to refresh the mind and let the brain get a short rest and relaxation. Photo source: Yitu.comHowever, there are two types of people who do not recommend lunch break Which two kinds of people? Let’s take a look – 3 types of people, don’t sleepsleep /strong>1. Usually low blood pressure People, especially those with very low blood pressureWhy do people with low blood pressure should not take a nap? Scientific studies show that naps can lower blood pressure. When people sleep , people’s blood pressure does decrease. Source: Yitu.comIf the bedroom is hot when you sleep and your normal blood pressure is not controlled smoothly, then it is recommended that you do not take a nap, or you must be careful about taking a nap. Of course, the safest way is for people with low blood pressure to control their blood pressure. After all, naps still have many benefits for people. At the same time, pay attention to that the temperature must not be adjusted to a lower temperature when sleeping, because people’s perception of cold becomes weaker after falling asleep. Easy to get sick.

Reminder:people with low blood pressure, after a short nap,You must not get up suddenly, but should take a while to get up slowly to prevent hypoorthostatic hypotension. 2. People with poor sleep quality at night

If you can’t sleep at night, or don’t sleep well, you will be groggy the next day and always want to doze off.

If your will is not firm at this time, and you fall asleep as soon as you fall, it will really enter a vicious circle~

Sleep hard during the day, but can’t sleep at night, the day and night are reversed, which is extremely distressing. This situation will make your sleep situation worse and worse.

Source: OneMap

Therefore, it is not recommended for this type of people to take a nap. No matter how sleepy they are during the day, they should hold on. Generally, it will improve after a week. Try to put your sleep time at night.

When the sleep pattern is reversed, it depends on the situation whether you want to take a nap.If you can’t stand it, take a nap. Just five minutes~

3. Obese people< /span>

< strong>Usually we take naps after meals, and many people also fall into the category of “falling after meals”, sleeping right after eating, which can easily lead to fat accumulation.

Source: OneMap

< strong>For obese people, taking a nap is indeed a bit of a burden. Therefore, don’t sleep for a while after having lunch, you can wait for the food to digest for a few minutes, or take a walk for a while, even standing and moving.

Then, take another nap~

< strong>The best time for a nap, many people don’t know yetMany people, after taking a nap, wake up feeling more uncomfortable than not sleeping. Actually, the problem was the nap duration. Many office workers, if they are caught sleeping on a weekend, will sleep in a dark place. If they are less, they can sleep for 2 hours. But on the contrary, I didn’t feel in good spirits after I fell asleep. On the contrary, I was tired and confused. I felt that I had a “fake” lunch break, and even my behavior became a little bit. eccentric. Actually, this is a kind of sleep inertia, because if you sleep for too long, people will enter a state of inability to wake up, and even accompanied by behavioral disorder, cognitive retardation, etc., and even a feeling of bereavement .

That’s because you’re taking too long naps. Nap is actually a period of time for the body to repair and relax during the day. It should not sleep for too long and affect the mental state after waking up, let alone affect the sleep at night. . Source: Yitu.com

What is the best length of time, generally sleeping for 20 to 30 minutes is almost the same, and it is best not to exceed 1 hour at the longest.

Speaking of this, there must be many people who say, Xiaobian, you look at me too highly, I don’t have time to take a nap at all! Actually, if you hurry up and finish your meal, you can still squint for ten minutes. But there is a situation where there are many people who don’t have the habit of taking naps, which is a problem-Is it bad for the body if I don’t take a nap for a long time?

The 2020 “China Sleep Index Report” released data, only 29% of young people and 27.7% of middle-aged people in the country have the habit of taking a nap.

Source: Yitu.com

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If you don’t take a nap, it is definitely not conducive to the repair and relaxation of the body, but many people are really unable to take a nap due to limitations or habits. How to do it?

First of all, if you don’t have the habit of taking naps, but you sleep well at night, you can also ensure that you are more adequate There is no need to force yourself, but you must pay attention to the premise.

For those who are unable to take a nap due to objective conditions and are in a state of stress, it is recommended to take a nap.< /p>

Close your eyes and rest for a while, it can be regarded as a kind of rest, this can always be done, right?

-Original production by the New Media Center of “Chinese Family Doctor” magazine-

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