A family of 10, 7 people diagnosed! Beware of this family clustered cancer!

National Cancer Center 2022


Colorectal cancer has surpassed gastric cancer

become the second most common cancer in China

Intestinal cancer frequently occurs

familial clusters

Beijing has 1 family of 10

7 people diagnosed with colon cancer

Why does bowel cancer show familial aggregation


reason one:

Family members mostly live in similar living environments or have similar living habits, such as high-fat and high-protein diets, like tobacco and alcohol, etc.

The second reason:

Genetic factors play an important role in colorectal cancer. In the family members of colorectal cancer patients, the incidence of colorectal cancer is 3-4 times higher than that of the general population. The risk of colorectal cancer in close relatives with colorectal cancer is about 2 times. More relatives with the cancer are at greater risk.

What are the symptoms

To be alert to colorectal cancer?

1. Changes in bowel habits, alternating constipation, increased frequency ;

2. Changes in stool properties, blood in the stool, mucus stool, thin and flat shape;

3. Difficulty defecation, feeling of defecation, but no bowel movement;

4. Abdominal pain or abdominal mass

strong>, indeterminate persistent pain, abdominal pain radiating to the perianus, abdominal distension;

5. Systemic symptoms, anemia, weight loss, fatigue, low heat.

At-risk subjects and screening recommendations

>How to prevent?

strong1. Exercise can effectively reduce tumor incidence , adhere to physical exercise to avoid obesity;

2. Healthy diet, increase the intake of crude fiber and fresh fruit, and avoid high-fat and high-protein diet;

3. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory analgesics may be effective in preventing bowel cancer. The elderly can try low-dose aspirin. Consult a doctor;

4. Quit smoking and limit alcohol to avoid long-term inflammatory stimulation of the digestive tract.

Source : Fudan University Affiliated Cancer Hospital, Jiangsu CDC and Shanghai Tongren Hospital WeChat public account

Editor: Hong Ruyan