A balanced diet must be studied to eat (6)

As the saying goes: Disease comes in through the mouth, and misfortune comes out through the mouth. If you want to be healthy and less sick, you must first focus on “eating” and check the “entry”. The basic requirement is a balanced diet. To achieve this, there are several guiding principles that must be mastered. Today, I will talk about the sixth one. Guiding principle: Eat a balanced diet and maintain a healthy weight.

“Health Manager National Vocational Qualification Level 3 Second Edition” pointed out that eating and moving are the two main factors affecting body weight. Eating too little and/or exercising too much, insufficient energy intake and/or too much energy expenditure lead to malnutrition, low body weight (low body weight, wasting), physical weakness, and increased risk of infectious diseases.

Eating too much and/or not exercising, and consuming too much energy and/or consuming too little can lead to overweight, obesity, and increased risk of chronic disease. Therefore, eating and moving should be balanced to maintain a healthy weight.

Through reasonable “eat” and scientific “movement”, not only can maintain a healthy weight, build a beautiful body, but also improve cardiopulmonary function, improve glucose, lipid metabolism and bone Health, adjust psychological balance, enhance immunity, reduce the risk of obesity, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer and other chronic diseases that threaten human health, improve quality of life, reduce premature death, and prolong life.

How to achieve a healthy weight by eating a dynamic balance? In principle, it is necessary to live within the amount, but if you are encouraged to move more, you will eat, but you will not advocate less movement and less food, and you should not eat without moving. , because life lies in exercise, eating is for better “movement”, and all life activities and life function activities are inseparable from “eating”.

For adults, the daily energy intake of light manual workers is 2250kcal for men and 1800kcal for women; moderate and heavy manual workers or those who are active, Daily energy intake should be appropriately increased by 300-500keal.

It is recommended to have a variety of foods, a balanced diet, and not to eat too much at each meal; three meals a day, regular and rationed, and emphasis on breakfast, without skipping meals.

Through the above explanation, the general direction and goal should be clearly stated, but how to digest and understand this principle well and implement it into daily “eating” To go, I still need to work hard in combination with my own reality. I hope that friends who read this article will stick to the practice together with me.

Finished sharing, I hope it will be useful to you!

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