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(People’s Daily Health Client Zhao Mengmeng Qiu Yue) On March 28, the Shanghai Municipal Health Commission announced that from 0 to 24:00 on March 27, 2022, 50 new local confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia and There were 3450 asymptomatic infections.

The People’s Daily health client reviewed the national epidemic data and found that Shanghai reported 12,589 new local infections within a week. Among them, there were 201 newly confirmed cases and 12,388 asymptomatic infections, and the number of asymptomatic infections far exceeded the number of confirmed cases. Jilin also reported more than 10,000 new local infections within a week, reaching 14,498. However, there were 9,335 new confirmed cases and 5,163 asymptomatic infections. Why are the two places different?

The infected people are mainly young and middle-aged

Fu Chen, director of the Shanghai Center for Disease Control and Prevention, introduced at the Shanghai New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Conference held on March 22, Shanghai The average age of the infected people in this round of the epidemic is 40.6 years old, the median age is 40 years old, and the proportion of people under 60 years old accounts for 84.5%. The corresponding asymptomatic proportion was also higher.

Li Tong, chief physician of the Department of Respiratory and Infectious Diseases, Beijing You’an Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University, once said in an interview with the People’s Daily health client, “The infected people in Shanghai are mainly young and middle-aged. Young and middle-aged people have better health status and stronger resistance, coupled with a higher vaccination rate, which is one of the reasons why there are more asymptomatic infections in Shanghai.”

More than 22 million people in Shanghai completed The whole process of vaccination

According to the press conference of the State Council’s joint prevention and control mechanism held on March 25, as of March 24, there are currently more than 264 million elderly people aged 60 and over in the country, of which more than 2.12 Millions of elderly people have been vaccinated against the new coronavirus. But there are still more than 50 million elderly people who have not been fully vaccinated.

Fu Chen pointed out that at present, the total number of doses of the new crown vaccine in Shanghai has exceeded 55 million, more than 22 million people have completed the whole course of vaccination, and more than 11 million people have completed the booster vaccination. The vast majority of people infected in this round of epidemic have been vaccinated against the new crown throughout the whole process, the population immunity is strengthening, and the proportion of asymptomatic infections will also increase.

“Although vaccination cannot cut off the possibility of an individual being infected with the virus, it can minimize the risk of severe illness. When the antibodies in the body inhibit the virulence of the virus, it will appear asymptomatic or mild.” Li Dong explained.

The virulence of the virus variant is weakened, but the transmission is stronger

Li Tong once emphasized, “The increase in asymptomatic people in Shanghai is also related to the weakening of the virulence of the new variant strain itself. As the new coronavirus continues to mutate, although its transmissibility has increased, its pathogenicity has declined.”

“Internationally speaking, the number of asymptomatic patients with the new coronavirus has gradually increased recently, especially in Austria. After Mikron is the main epidemic strain, asymptomatic infections can reach 80% to 90%, and the current proportion of asymptomatic infections in Shanghai is similar to that of other countries and regions.” Wu Jinglei, director of the Shanghai Municipal Health Commission, told a press conference introduced above.