A 48-year-old man has frequent headaches and is diagnosed with diabetes. Doctor: 2 “pains” on his body, don’t ignore it

Diabetes is a chronic disease with a relatively high incidence, so prevention must be done every day, especially for the elderly.

When diabetes occurs, there are often many adverse symptoms. Patients must detect the abnormality in time and treat it as soon as possible to reduce the damage to the body.


Mr. Liu, 48 years old, was fired by the company due to the epidemic. When I walked out of the company, I saw a taxi on the side of the road, so I came up with the idea of ​​being a driver.

In the beginning, Mr. Liu felt that this job was not only free, but also made more money, and was very satisfied. But a few months later, Mr. Liu had frequent headaches. He thought it was because he was too tired to do so much work recently, so he didn’t think much about it. However, not only did the discomfort not improve, but it worsened.

So, Mr. Liu took the time to go to the hospital to see a doctor, only to be told that he was suffering from diabetes, and the blood sugar level had reached 12.9mmol/L. Mr. Liu also didn’t understand, how could he still have diabetes while driving by himself?

After careful inquiries, the doctor found that Mr. Liu had been found to have high blood sugar during his physical examination three years ago, but because he stabilized his blood sugar quickly, he didn’t pay much attention to it, which led to his condition. recurrence and aggravation. At the same time, the doctor also told him that his body had already reminded him that he was too careless.

48-year-old man has frequent headaches and was diagnosed with diabetes. Doctor: 2 “pains” on his body, don’t ignore it p>

1. Headache

Headache is a very common phenomenon in daily life. Many types of diseases develop headaches, and diabetes is no exception.

Persistent high blood sugar will accelerate vascular disease, the brain cannot provide blood in time, and the head will feel pain at this time. In addition, the nerve function of the brain is abnormal, and nervous system lesions appear under the stimulation of high blood sugar, which will also cause headaches for patients.

2. Joint pain

Some diabetic patients will have symptoms of osteoporosis, which will result in loss of calcium and brittle bones. When it is too long or too strong, the pain will increase.

If reasonable treatment can be carried out to keep blood sugar stable, and at the same time improve the body’s ability to absorb calcium, the phenomenon of joint pain will be alleviated.

Doctor reminds: 4 bad habits can lead to diabetes, if you change it as soon as possible

< strong>1. Smoking and drinking——will cause insulin resistance and increase the risk of type 2 diabetes;

2. Irregular diet——lead to endocrine Abnormal, insufficient insulin, leading to diabetes;

3. Eat more and move less – a large amount of fat accumulates, causing obesity, leading to diabetes;

< strong>4. Often staying up late – leading to metabolic disorders, abnormal sugar excretion, and abnormal insulin secretion.

If you want to stabilize the condition and protect the health of the pancreas, there are 2 things that patients may wish to adhere to

1. Supplement with hypoglycemic nutrients

2. Change it The bad habit of staying up late

If you want to maintain a stable blood sugar, you must have enough sleep time. If you stay up late for a long time, it may cause metabolic disorders, thereby reducing the speed at which the body breaks down sugars.

As a result, there will be more and more sugar in the blood, the blood sugar level will gradually rise, and in severe cases, blood circulation will be affected, causing more complications.

Reference: “Analysis of Risk Factors for Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy” Wu Jun, 2022