A 26-year-old man in Changsha stayed up late playing mahjong, his blood vessels burst

The blood volume of a normal adult is about 4000-5000ml. When the blood loss reaches 20%, shock will occur; if it reaches 30%, if it is not treated in time, it will die in a short time!

In the early morning of July 14th, 26-year-old Xiao Zhao from Changsha suffered abdominal pain when he stayed up late playing mahjong. Because the game was in full swing, and he thought it was just an ordinary digestive problem, he insisted that “slight injuries will not be on the line.” Unexpectedly, the abdominal pain became more severe and had to go to a nearby hospital. During the B-ultrasound examination, he actually fainted in the clinic! The doctor suspected that it was a “ruptured iliac aneurysm” and urgently transferred him to Tianxinge District, Hunan Provincial People’s Hospital.

When he entered the emergency room of Tianxin Pavilion Hospital, Xiao Zhao had rolled his eyes and was unconscious. His heart rate was as high as 140 beats per minute, his blood pressure was as low as shock, and his blood loss reached 70% of his body’s blood volume. At this time, in his body, the ruptured iliac artery was like an open faucet, blood was gurgling out, and it was close to the limit of human blood loss!

A “speed of life and death” about life will be staged immediately: first, open the blood transfusion channel, contact the interventional vascular surgery for emergency consultation, and complete the CT examination at the same time. Thanks to the efficient operation of the bleeding green channel, Xiao Zhao was lying on the interventional operating table half an hour later. The CT angiography of the aorta showed that the left iliac aneurysm ruptured and bleeds; it only took one hour for the embolization to stop the bleeding successfully. , blood pressure rose, Xiao Zhao was rescued!

After careful treatment and care by the medical staff in the Second Ward of Interventional Vascular Surgery, Xiao Zhao recovered smoothly after surgery and was discharged from the hospital on July 26.

Wang Qing, Director of Interventional Vascular Surgery, Hunan Provincial People’s Hospital, said that iliac aneurysms are the “brother” of abdominal aortic aneurysms. They generally do not exist alone, but are often associated with abdominal aortic aneurysms, which are more common in the elderly and young. The human prevalence rate is extremely low, and a situation like Xiao Zhao is really rare.

Source: Political and Legal Channel