A 24-year-old girl wakes up with a stroke and hemiplegia. 90% of the problems she ignores are committed every day!

To tell the truth about this matter today, as a young man, I feel a heavy heart after reading it. After all, many of my peers are staying up late…

The incident happened in Shenzhen People’s Hospital and was recorded in episode 10 of the doctor’s observation documentary program “My White Coat”.

The hostess is Xiaoqi (pseudonym), 24 years old, working in sales.

During the doctor’s examination, Xiao Qi lay rigidly on the hospital bed and could only turn her head slightly to the doctor.

According to Xiaoqi, when she woke up at 9 in the morning, she suddenly found that “the body was very heavy, and the left side of the body was numb.”

Chen Lihua, the attending physician of the emergency department, immediately guessed that Xiaoqi may have had a stroke!

Stroke is also called “cerebral stroke”, and many elderly people at home have experienced it. But you must seldom hear about young people getting this disease!

It is due to cerebral ischemia or cerebral hemorrhage, leading to hypoxia in part of the brain tissue, affecting the function of the nervous system.

The most typical symptoms are “crooked corners of the mouth, numbness in one limb, and slurred speech.”

Due to the rapid development of the disease, if the medical treatment is not timely, the probability of death or permanent disability is very high!

Have a stroke at the age of 24. How hard is it to be in sales?

Xiao Qi said that she doesn’t usually work overtime, but she often stays up late. On the eve of the onset, she stayed up until 1am before going to bed.

Although we often learn about the dangers of staying up late, we have heard many truths that people who are used to staying up late will still stay up late.

As everyone knows, staying up late, fatigued and lack of sleep are not only related to sudden cardiac death, but also keep the sympathetic nerves in a state of excitement for a long time, causing peripheral vasoconstriction, increased myocardial contractility, and increased blood pressure[1] . If things go on like this, elderly diseases such as high blood pressure and stroke may come to you in advance!

In order to further confirm the diagnosis, Xiaoqi will also have a head CT.

The CT results came out soon, and the situation was more serious than the doctor guessed: there may be an aneurysm hidden in Xiao Qi’s brain!

A cerebral aneurysm is not a “tumor” that grows in the brain, but a “small ball” that swells and bulges out of the arteries that supply blood to the brain under the impact of blood flow “.

If an artery is compared to a long balloon, the aneurysm is a small bulge in the middle:

(Source: Internet)

Why do people get aneurysms?

Its cause is unknown at this time, but in some people it is due to a congenital abnormality of blood vessel development; in others, high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, or smoking stimulates the formation of aneurysms.

As mentioned earlier, staying up late for a long time and stress may cause blood pressure to rise. In the absence of genetic factors, high blood pressure significantly increases the risk of cerebral aneurysm [2].

Therefore, although the aneurysm is not directly caused by staying up late, there is also a certain indirect relationship.

When an aneurysm is small, it is a “small”transparent”, people will not have any symptoms;

But over time, under the constant impact of blood, the “small ball” becomes thinner and thinner and becomes a “big ball”.

At this point, the aneurysm is like a bomb buried in the brain:

Severely, it compresses the peripheral nerve tissue, causing headache, hemiplegia, convulsions, nausea and vomiting and other neurological symptoms;

Severe cases can eventually rupture, causing massive brain hemorrhage, disability and even death!

And the reason why Xiao Qi had a stroke should also be related to the aneurysm:

When the aneurysm compresses the surrounding brain tissue, it will cause cerebral infarction and partial cerebral vascular ischemia; if it is more serious, the aneurysm ruptures and bleeds, which is cerebral hemorrhage, which is also a part of stroke. kind.

Some people will ask: I take part in the company’s physical examination every year, can I find it early?

Unfortunately, aneurysms are generally small and cannot be detected by ordinary physical examinations!

Only advanced means such as Magnetic Resonance Magnetic Resonance (MRI), Brain CT, Cerebral Angiography (DSA), or Angiography (CTA) can make it appear true.

In the general population, the incidence of intracranial aneurysm is 3.6% to 6% [3].

If you or your family members belong to the following 6 high-risk groups, it is best to pay more attention:

1. The elderly;

2, female;

3. Old smoker;

4. Hypertension, hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia;

5. History of polycystic kidney, aortic stenosis, subarachnoid hemorrhage;

6. Have a family history, such as a history of cerebral aneurysm or subarachnoid hemorrhage in first- or second-degree relatives.

Especially for items 5 and 6, it’s best to see a doctor for evaluation. If your doctor thinks you need an MRI or CT to screen for an aneurysm, do it early.

If you are not a high-risk group, refuse alcohol and tobacco, stay up late, eat less junk food, exercise more, and have regular physical examinations, these methods can keep you away from the three highs and aneurysms.

Of course, a lot of people are just like Chi, just because of some weird symptoms (like severe headache, neck pain, double vision or loss of one eye, numbness< /strong>), the aneurysm was detected.

Those who know how to be alert to the signals from the body and seek medical attention in time are also lucky people.

Seeing her diagnosis, Xiaoqi couldn’t help crying.

At the age of 24, it is the best years of a girl, but she met such a dangerous disease head-on, and it was really distressing to see.

Dr. Chen Lihua quickly contacted the neurologist for consultation.

After reading the CT results, they also highly suspected that there was an aneurysm in Xiaoqi’s right brain. Due to Xiaoqi’s complicated condition, Dr. Chen went to a brain surgeon again.

“If you’re admitted to the hospital and have another cerebral angiography (DSA), the diagnosis is an aneurysm and you may need minor surgery.”

The emergency department doctor Lin Pingna explained her condition simply and gently, and asked Xiaoqi to sign the serious illness notice.

There are two main methods for treating aneurysms:

Fill things inside to reduce the impact of blood flow; or clamp the root of the “ball” to prevent blood flow from entering. The core purpose is to prevent the “ball” from popping.

As a last resort, the aneurysm must be removed and the blood vessel repaired.

However, not every patient recommends surgery, and doctors need to provide a comprehensive treatment plan.

Finally, after consultation with brain surgery, Xiaoqi was diagnosed with right middle cerebral aneurysm and cerebral infarction.

Luckily, Xiao Qi recovered well after the operation and is now discharged from the hospital.

However, Xiao Qi is not alone.

If you don’t change your bad habits and don’t pay attention to your own health, every young person may become the next “Little Qi”.

Look around, there are already many people in their 20s and 30s who have high blood pressure, gout, fatty liver and don’t take it seriously.

As everyone knows, some diseases can’t get rid of once they become entangled, dragging down the body and the future.

You “exchange your life for money” when you are young, but you may not have the opportunity to exchange your life for money when you are old. Don’t wait for the day when you really lose your health to know the value of health!

*The content of this article is for the popularization of health knowledge and cannot be used as a specific diagnosis and treatment suggestion, nor can it replace the face-to-face consultation of a licensed physician, and is for reference only.

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