A 23-year-old boy has this disease after playing with his mobile phone for a long time

Li, a 23-year-old boy from Shiyan, Hubei, is a mobile phone control

He plays games with his mobile phone every day

Recently, he Suffering from a “weird disease”

As long as I play with my phone for a long time

A change of head position or body position

I feel like the world is spinning

Nausea, vomiting, etc.

Recently, Xiao Li was diagnosed with otolithiasis after visiting a local hospital. The doctor performed otolith repositioning treatment for Xiao Li, and Xiao Li’s symptoms were significantly relieved.

According to Dr. Yang Wenqiong, director of the neurology department of the hospital where Xiao Li is in the clinic, more and more patients like Xiao Li suffer from the disease due to playing mobile phones for a long time and staying up late to watch dramas. This is because they bow their heads for a long time. It affects the blood circulation of the inner ear, causing abnormal metabolism of otoliths and easy degeneration and falling off.

Under normal circumstances, the otoliths are attached to the otolithic membrane. Once detached, the otoliths will swim in the fluid of the inner ear lymph. When the human head changes, these otoliths will Movement with fluid flow, which stimulates semicircular canal hair cells, causing vertigo.

The old man always gets dizzy when he wakes up

It turned out to be the fault

Recently, after getting up in the morning, Mr. Liu from Shiyan always felt dizzy and felt like he was on the ceiling The lights are spinning in circles. At first, he thought it was due to cervical spondylosis. He went to the hospital for a CT examination and found that there was no problem with the cervical spine.

The doctor considered benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, commonly known as “otolithiasis”, based on the occurrence of paroxysmal vertigo, horizontal nystagmus, and the disappearance of vertigo when lying on the right when Uncle Liu turned over to the left. . After 3 times of otolith manipulation, Uncle Liu’s dizziness disappeared.


The incidence rate is gradually increasing

Young people are also a high-risk group

The doctor told reporters that most of the causes of otolithiasis It is unknown, most of the patients are middle-aged and elderly people over 50 years old and have a history of “three highs” (hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and hyperglycemia).

In general, the peak age of onset of otolithiasis is 40-60 years old. In recent years, with the change of people’s lifestyle, the incidence of otolithiasis has gradually increased, and young people have also become one of the high-risk groups.

“The incidence of otolithiasis is extremely high. Among the vertigo patients in daily outpatient clinics, about one-third of the patients can finally be identified as otolithiasis.” Yang Wenqiong said that if the manipulation is acceptable Reposition treatment, and it will get better soon.

Source Shiyan Evening News

Editor Shen Ling

Editor Qian Jiangdong Luo Wei