Applying eye cream is actually paying IQ tax? Both men and women should see it!

Sisters, Zhimei is here again!

Recently, my silly best friend spent a lot of money on skin care products. When I asked, I found out that she had stocked up a lot of eye creams after the e-commerce discount. You know, among many skin care products, eye cream is a very expensive one, and a small can is expensive.

Take a Kou as an example, the eye cream with a net content of 15ml is 520 pieces, while the 50ml face cream is only 575 pieces. The unit price of eye cream is more than 3 times that of face cream if the price is calculated by quantity.

(Image credit: soogif)

Is there a reason why eye creams are so expensive? Or is this another hidden IQ tax? Next, please follow the steps of Zhimei, and we will uncover the secrets of eye cream together.

Conclusion first, seven questions about eye cream

Q1: Does eye cream work?

A: Useful, the main function of eye cream is the same as face cream, it is moisturizing.

Q2: Can eye cream remove eye bags?

A: No, not even the most expensive ones, not even from the teens.

Q3: Is eye cream useful for tear troughs?

A: Not much use.

Q4: Can eye cream remove wrinkles?

A: Eye creams containing retinoids can relieve fine lines, not dynamic wrinkles, nor deep static wrinkles.

Q5: Can eye cream firm the skin?

A: Some eye creams contain caffeine to remove edema and look like they are firming, but they are not. Some contain tretinoin, which increases skin elasticity and requires long-term use.

Q6: Can eye cream be anti-aging?

A: Most eye creams contain antioxidants that can delay aging in the long run.

Q7: Can eye cream remove dark circles?

A: According to the type of dark circles, the dark circles caused by staying up late can play a role in diluting, but it is difficult to remove.

Seeing this, it is estimated that some smart sisters have discovered that many face creams have the functions of eye cream, so is it necessary to buy eye cream?

Next, Zhimei will give you a detailed analysis of the role of eye cream. As for whether to buy it or not, I believe you will have the answer after reading it.

(Image credit: soogif)

There are actually many kinds of eye creams, so let’s introduce them one by one.

The first is pure moisturizing. These eye creams are actually a bit “thinner” than face creams, with more solvent and emollients in order to take care of the thinner, more sensitive skin around the eyes, making it easier to spread on the face , resulting in a good absorption experience.

Conclusion: The moisturizing effect of this type of eye cream is actually not much different from that of face creams.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

These eye creams contain a lot of antioxidants, such as vitamin C, vitamin E, certain plant extracts, yeast extracts, etc., and long-term use can delay the aging of the skin around the eyes.

However, moisturizing is not the main function of this type of eye cream, and it can be used in conjunction with a face cream as needed.

Conclusion: This type of eye cream is suitable for all ages, and sisters with conditions can choose to use it for a long time. If you have no conditions, you can choose a cheap antioxidant essence product instead.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

There are three types of dark circles under the eyes, and there are only two types that can be effective with eye cream, pigmented type and vascular type, The other type of shadow is caused by eye bags If you want to get rid of the shadow, you have to do eye bag surgery.

For pigmented dark circles, use an eye cream that contains vitamins C, E, and niacinamide. Of course, it is more effective to go to bed early and wake up early than eye cream…

And another type of vascular dark circles (it can be understood that the skin is thin and the subcutaneous blood vessels are dense, so there are dark circles), You can use an eye cream containing vitamin K, This ingredient has the effect of promoting blood coagulation and is more symptomatic [1].

Conclusion: For those who want to wear the most expensive eye cream in the deepest night, I want to tell you, Actually, the effect of eye cream on dark circles is quite tasteless Yes, if you really can’t go to bed early and get up early, a laser in medical beauty is also very fragrant (applicable to pigmented vascular types).

(Image credit: soogif)

The most notable features of these eye creams are the addition of peptides and retinoic acid (may be called retinol in the ingredient list).

Polypeptides relax the muscles of the eye, theoretically reducing dynamic wrinkles. Retinoic acid can effectively dilute, improve fine lines and increase skin elasticity.

But sensitive skin may have intolerance. At the same time, it also has photosensitive properties. You must use sunscreen during the day, otherwise sunburn will not be worth the loss [2].

Conclusion:Although the effect is good, the side effects are not small, please detour if you have sensitive skin. Initial use can start with a small dose and gradually build up tolerance. Of course, although it can remove wrinkles, it is only for small static wrinkles, and it can only be established under the conditions of long-term persistent use. The effect is definitely not as good as a shot of hyaluronic acid. Dynamic wrinkles still need to be injected with botulinum toxin.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

My answer to this question is: NO.

The essential steps of skin care are: Makeup remover (if you have makeup), face cleanser, toner, milk (cream), sunscreen.

These steps each take on the most important roles in daily skin care, cleansing, moisturizing, and sun protection. As long as these steps are well done, the skin is less prone to aging or loose skin.

Other masks, serums, eye creams, etc. are the icing on the cake. You can have them if you think you need them, and don’t mind if you don’t have them. Either way will work.

Reviewer: Wang Tao| Attending Physician, Department of Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery, Fourth Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University


[1] Ahmadraji, Fatemeh, and Mohammad Ali Shatalebi. “Evaluation of the clinical efficacy and safety of an eye counter pad containing caffeine and vitamin K in emulsified Emu oil base..” Advanced Biomedical Research 4.1 (2015): 10-10.

[2] Draelos, Zoe Diana, ed. Cosmetic dermatology: products and procedures. John Wiley & Sons, 2010.

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