Often eat bamboo sun tofu and fish balls to invigorate the qi and strengthen the body

Main effects: invigorating the middle and replenishing Qi, strengthening the body and invigorating deficiency

Recommended crowd: It can be eaten by the general population, especially suitable for people with loss of appetite, high blood pressure, high blood lipids, low immunity, tumors, etc.

Materials: 10g dried bamboo fungus, 500g southern tofu, 80g fish balls, appropriate amount of ginger (3 to 4 people).

Cooking method: soak the dried bamboo fungus in warm water after removing impurities, rinse the southern tofu slightly, cut into pieces, wash the fish balls and cut them in half for later use; add 1000ml of water to the pot, add the fish first Balls and ginger; wait for the fire to boil, then add the tofu and bamboo fungus; after the water boils, switch to medium-low heat and boil for another 20 minutes, and season the pan after all the ingredients are cooked.

Soup Comments: Bamboo Sun, also known as “Bamboo Sheng”, is a precious and healthy edible fungus. It is one of the “Eight Treasures of Grass” in my country. , The King of Vegetarian Vegetables”, it is delicious and nutritious. Like other fungi, it contains polysaccharides, which can enhance immunity, anti-tumor and other effects. At the same time, it contains a certain amount of dietary fiber, which can maintain and protect intestinal function. , to prevent the occurrence of colon cancer. Many people don’t know how to choose dried bamboo fungus. Here, the editor will tell you that a complete bamboo fungus has three parts: cap, stalk, and fungus. When purchasing, you can choose the larger stipe because its The taste is better; in addition, the dried bamboo fungus looks light yellow, don’t be greedy and choose the white one, the white bamboo fungus may have been smoked.

In addition, tofu is added to the soup, which is sweet and cool in nature and has the effects of nourishing qi and neutralizing, nourishing yin and moisturizing dryness. It is an ideal food for people with high blood pressure, high blood lipids and high blood sugar. The water content is more, the taste is tender and smooth, it is easy to digest and absorb, and it has a good therapeutic effect on children with inappetence and malnutrition. Combined with tonic fish balls, it can not only be used as a health care food for the general population, but also suitable for people with loss of appetite, high blood pressure, high blood lipids, low immunity, tumors and other people.