4 kinds of non-hypertensive drugs that can lower blood pressure, combined use in hypertensive patients, may enhance the blood pressure lowering effect

Hypertension is a major concern for many middle-aged and elderly people. Due to their unhealthy lifestyles, active or passive, many people will suffer from high blood pressure and its complications after entering middle age. In this environment, antihypertensive drugs have become a must-have “life-saving drug” in many people’s homes.

People who take regular medication must be very sensitive to these terms: dipines, prils, sartans, diuretics, and diuretics. These types of drugs are common antihypertensive drugs, and hypertensive patients have taken several of them.

However, in addition to these antihypertensive drugs, there are many other drugs that are not antihypertensive drugs, which can also have a therapeutic effect on the pain of hypertensive patients. Moreover, in addition to the conventional lowering of blood pressure, these drugs also have various effects such as treating coronary heart disease and diabetes. These 4 kinds of drugs, when used in combination with hypertension patients, can not only lower blood pressure, but also relieve many other diseases. You may wish to try them.

1. Nitrates

These drugs include nitroglycerin, Isosorbide nitrate, isosorbide mononitrate, etc., are often used in the treatment of coronary heart disease, angina pectoris and other heart diseases. Its mechanism of action is: after the nitrate enters the blood, it combines with the sulfhydryl group in the cell to generate nitric oxide through a series of chemical reactions. Nitric oxide can activate guanylate cyclase, which in turn increases the secretion of guanylate, which can help reduce calcium ions in vascular smooth muscle, thereby relaxing blood vessels and lowering blood pressure.

Therefore, in addition to the conventional symptomatic relief of heart disease, nitrates can also dilate veins and dilate peripheral resistance vessels, thereby lowering blood pressure.

2.ATP-sensitive potassium channel openers

This class of drugs includes diazoxide , minoxidil, nicorandil, etacalin and other types are generally used to treat cardiovascular diseases. Its mechanism of action is similar to that of nitrates, except that it targets potassium ions in vascular cells.

After entering the blood vessels, such drugs will promote the opening of potassium ion channels, thereby allowing the outflow of potassium ions in the cells, which in turn causes the superization of the vascular smooth muscle cell membrane and inhibits the inflow of calcium ions, thereby achieving vasodilation. effect. Therefore, these drugs can also help lower blood pressure.

3. Liejing drugs

Dapagliflozin is a common type of such drugs , empagliflozin, canagliflozin, etc., the full name should be sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitor. It is mainly used in the condition of hyperglycemia and has a good hypoglycemic effect.

However, such drugs can increase the osmotic diuretic effect of urine glucose, which in turn reduces blood volume. The academic community believes that this may be one of the principles of its lowering blood pressure, but the exact mechanism of action has not yet been concluded.


Friends with hyperlipidemia should be familiar with statins, including atorvastatin and rosuvastatin. A very common lipid-lowering drug. However, after entering the human body, statins can resist oxidation and inhibit the proliferation of vascular smooth muscle. When used together with antihypertensive drugs, they can play a complementary role and help reduce blood lipids and blood pressure.