1 per day to help “discharge” the private parts? Doctor: Don’t believe the words of these liars

When Zhimei was frantically brushing a certain treasure, a kind of “gel” appeared on the recommendation page.

(Image source: a shopping website)

The transparent gel in the syringe is decorated with pink petals, which is artistic and fresh.

Ads claim that once a day, “tofu dregs” can be discharged and gynecological diseases can be cured.

Curiosity made Zhimei couldn’t help but click in…

(Image source: a shopping website)

If true, this vaginal gel is almost a panacea for gynecology.

Monthly sales in the thousands, with a flood of “reviews”…

Buyers said that after using it, they excreted a lot of bean curd-like dirt, and then the leucorrhea was clear and had no peculiar smell, which cured their gynecological inflammation for many years.

Send text so carefully, I guess you are most likely to be child care.

It’s already 2022, Zhimei really can’t believe that the majority of women have changed from “doing a mother to see a doctor” to “some treasure for a medical treatment”.

The defecation scam has been going on for so long, is it necessary to discharge tofu from the vagina today?

So what exactly are these hot-selling gynecological gels? Can it really cure gynecological inflammation? Today, Zhimei will reveal the secret to everyone!

The product below claims to use “nano-active silver technology” and adds Chinese herbal extracts. It is high-tech, and it is pure natural, high-end effective and not exciting!

(Image source: Internet)

However, let’s turn to its manual.

(Image source: Internet)

Main active ingredients and content: Chlorhexidine acetate! (Chlorhexidine acetate is a cationic surfactant with a broad antibacterial spectrum and can kill most Gram-positive and negative bacteria. It is mostly used for disinfection of hands, skin and instruments before surgery.)

Slap in the face.

Dare to use disinfectant ingredients to treat vaginitis, is a ruthless person.

Chlorhexidine acetate does have antibacterial properties, but is not a formal treatment for vaginitis at all.

Look again at the Sanitation Permit, “Suppressed Fonts”. However, on the product description page…

(Image source: Internet)

Papapapa, my face hurts.

Businesses say they are useless, but consumers just find it useful. Zhimei couldn’t help but “like” the marketing effect of this business!

Since the lies of “detoxification” and “detoxification” were exposed, the merchants have not been idle, and they have nothing to do if they don’t come up with new things.

Vaginal “slagging” is one of the new scams.

In the evaluation of a certain treasure buyer, he said that after using the gel, he can excrete a lot of “tofu-like” things, which is considered to be a successful vaginal detoxification. Zhimei analyzed that in one case, the gel could not be absorbed, and the water was reduced to form a residue. It may also be that the vagina was stimulated by these drugs, and a large amount of leucorrhea was secreted, and the mixture was discharged with the drug.

In fact, it is impossible to kill all the bacteria in the vagina, and women’s panties will never be clean.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

The vagina of women of normal childbearing age is a “jianghu” with more than 200 kinds of microorganisms. Among them, the most abundant Lactobacillus is the “good bacteria” inside, and the lactic acid it produces can help the vagina maintain a weak acid environment, thereby inhibiting the reproduction of other pathogenic microorganisms.

These flora are usually peaceful and peaceful, and they are well-balanced, forming a micro-ecological balance of the vagina. Therefore, vaginal bacteria are not terrible.

Under the condition of vaginal microecological balance, the vagina will secrete some mucus to keep the vagina moist and healthy. Therefore, it is normal to have secretions.

Normal vaginas are “self-cleaning”. Therefore, neither toxins nor tofu residue will remain in the vagina, and there is no need to use drugs to “detoxify and remove residues”.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

Indiscriminate use of drugs in the private parts has only one consequence, and that is to upset the balance and make your vagina more susceptible to illness!

Normal leucorrhea is a colorless or milky white, transparent, viscous liquid. With the change of menstrual cycle, the amount and character of leucorrhea will also change. In other words, it is normal to have secretions.

(normal color of vaginal discharge: whitish yellowish

Image source: healthline)

If it is observed that the color of the leucorrhea has changed, becoming yellow-green, dark brown…or the character of the leucorrhea has changed, becoming foamy, cheesy or bean curd…may indicate With the occurrence of gynecological diseases, it is necessary to go to the hospital.

In recent years, in addition to the “gynecological gel” on a shopping site above, Zhimei has also heard of many remedies for treating vaginitis:

Vinegar Bath

Vaginal yogurt

Coconut Essential Oil

Tea tree oil


Vaginal Cream

Huh? ? ? Are you cooking?

The above methods are not formal treatments! Not only can it not achieve the therapeutic effect, it can also be harmful! Please don’t try it at will!

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

There are many types of vaginitis, including: bacterial vaginosis, fungal vaginitis (vulvovaginal candidiasis), aerobic vaginitis, trichomoniasis vaginitis , Atrophic vaginitis, allergic vaginitis.

People often hear that it is only the first two, and many women mistakenly think that metronidazole is the magic medicine for vaginitis, and as long as it is itchy, take two tablets. This method is also not advisable!

The treatment of vaginitis varies greatly according to the type of disease, and some require the husband and wife to be treated together.

Guidelines for the management of vaginitis[1]

Finally, my sister-in-law advises sisters not to diagnose vaginitis by themselves, not to use drugs without authorization, and not to believe the false propaganda of “A Treasure” and “A Sound”. Once symptoms appear, seek medical treatment immediately.

Reviewer: Wang Wei| Deputy Chief Physician, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Second Hospital of Shanxi Medical University


[1]Wang Chen, Wang Huihui, Li Huanrong, Li Xingshuo, Ma Xiaotong, Li Huiyang, Wang Baochen, Fan Aiping, Xue Fengxia. “2018 European International STD Control Alliance/WHO Guidelines on (Vaginal Inflammation) Management “Interpretation[J].Chinese Journal of Practical Gynecology and Obstetrics,2018,34(12):1360-1365.

*The content of this article is for the popularization of health knowledge and cannot be used as a specific diagnosis and treatment suggestion, nor can it replace the face-to-face consultation of a licensed physician, and is for reference only.

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