Male ligation or female ligation, which one is better? The doctor has the answer!

Welcome to watch “Mrs. Ke’s Happy Life” Issue 2

Modern life is very stressful, and raising a child is exhausting, so many people think of sterilization, but whether it should be done by a man or a woman, there are great differences.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

No, the couple with three children upstairs started arguing again:

Let’s go first: The woman gets ligated!

“Male ligation has complications. After all, it is an operation, and if there is an operation, there is a risk of infection and hematoma, such as acute spermatic corditis, epididymitis, orchitis, seminal vesiculitis and prostatitis. Every day Who can bear the pain[1].

“After the ligation, the sperm is blocked in the body, but it must not be suffocated; if it affects my erection again, the happiness of this life will be lost. Besides, the whole world There are not many gentlemen who have sterilized, but I want to save face.”

Mrs: Male sterilization is not that big of a problem!

“First of all, sperm that can’t be excreted will ‘leave leaves and return to their roots’ and will be decomposed and utilized by other cells, and will not be held in the body.

“Secondly, ligation is not ‘castration’, it just cuts off the vas deferens to prevent sperm transmission, and does not affect sexual function and physical strength at all.”

What do you think of Dr. Ke, who is gay?

Indeed, male ligation is actually for the vas deferens, it does not remove the balls, nor does it cut the penis or nerves, Men will still have orgasm and subsequent ejaculation, just There is no sperm in the semen.

The whole ligation process is actually like this: After anesthesia, the doctor will touch the vas deferens on both sides through the skin of the egg, take a small incision of about 0.5cm, pick out the vas deferens and cut off a Small sections and bundled, the vas deferens were closed, and the wound was sutured.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

Due to the small incision and simple operation, the whole process only takes 15 to 20 minutes[2], and there is no need to be hospitalized after the operation, and the patient can go home after observation within 1 hour, and the risk of postoperative complications is also very small. .

On the other hand, for women to do tubal ligation, they need transvaginal or open abdominal cavity, There are also organs such as bladder and rectum in the abdominal cavity. The degree of difficulty and complexity is much higher, and the risk of postoperative complications such as bleeding, infection, organ damage, pelvic inflammatory disease, etc. is greater.

Because there are many interactions between the blood circulation between the fallopian tube and the ovary, surgical injury to related blood vessels, postoperative adhesions, and local scars can affect the blood supply of the ovary, and in severe cases can even lead to the function of the ovary being affected. damage, causing premature aging [3].

So if you have to choose one,male ligation is better than female ligation.

That being said, ligation really requires careful consideration!

Because in case of regret, it is more difficult for both men and women to reconnect, and the success rate of surgery is not 100%. If you have this plan, it is recommended that the two of you discuss more and think about it clearly.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

As for my choice, it is very simple, contraception has always been a matter of two people, but often the consequences of contraceptive failure are borne by women. My wife has already endured the pain of menstruation, pregnancy, and childbirth. Why should I share the responsibility of contraception? Besides, men are safer and less affected by sterilization, so why not do it?

So I would say, “Wife, I’ll do it!”

Reviewer: Wang Wei| Deputy Chief Physician, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Second Hospital of Shanxi Medical University


[1] Zhao Xingze, Zhang Xiuwei, Lin Mei. Health education on the prevention of complications of vasectomy[J]. Prospects of Science and Technology, 2016, 26(30): 297.

[2] Liu Fangwei, Xiong Shimin, Zhou Yuanzhong, Shen Xubo. Male vasectomy and postoperative safety[J]. Guangdong Medicine, 2017,38(20):3210-3212+ 3218.

[3] Yang Xiaokui, Duan Hua. Tubal surgery and ovarian reserve impairment[J]. Journal of Practical Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2012, 28(06): 420-421.

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