For people who often eat sweet potatoes in the morning, what do their bodies finally gain? Who is not suitable for them?

People who live in the countryside, and those who have lived in the countryside, are quite familiar with sweet potatoes. However, as life gets better and better, there are fewer families who grow sweet potatoes. Nowadays, most of the sweet potatoes are They are planted in large numbers, and few households will plant them. In the past, almost every household would plant them. Every time they harvested sweet potatoes, they would be very happy, and they could bake sweet potatoes.

Now that I want to eat sweet potatoes, most of them buy roasted sweet potatoes that are sold along the street. The taste is not bad, but I always feel that the taste is lacking in the past. However, many people still know a little about the benefits of sweet potatoes. Some people often eat sweet potatoes for breakfast, thinking that it can bring some benefits to the body.

So, what benefits can you get from eating sweet potatoes in the morning?

Get rid of constipation

Many people today are not eating well and living the wrong way, coupled with changing work patterns , Sitting for a long time every day will affect the blood circulation and gastrointestinal function of the human body. If the diet is not careful, it is easy to increase the burden on the stomach and intestines. On this basis, constipation is easy to harass.

I am always troubled by constipation, which is also a headache. The feeling of unsmooth bowel movements is really uneasy. In order to get rid of constipation, it is not only necessary to change some wrong habits, often in the morning Eating sweet potatoes can also help improve constipation, because sweet potatoes are rich in dietary fiber, which can promote intestinal peristalsis, which can also help improve the intestinal Function, let the stool pass out of the body smoothly, and the constipation problem will be relieved naturally.

Helps with potassium supplementation

People with high blood pressure can often eat sweet potatoes for breakfast, which can help supplement Potassium element, and can reduce the intake of sodium element, because sweet potato is a kind of food with high potassium and low sodium, it is very suitable for hypertensive patients who are taking antihypertensive drugs. The low potassium phenomenon, in severe cases, can cause other problems for people with high blood pressure, as well as unexpected situations.

In addition, it is not a high blood pressure group. If there are people with severe potassium deficiency, they can eat more sweet potatoes in breakfast, which is conducive to supplementing potassium. After all, potassium deficiency will also bring harm to the body. Some problems are prone to fatigue, and weakness of hands and feet. If it is serious, sudden fall occurs, and breakfast is still ok on weekdays Appropriately eat sweet potatoes.

Benefits for healthy baby development

It is found that the obesity rate of children is high, and children are In the developmental stage, excessive obesity will affect the normal development of the child, and it is not good for health, and it is easy to cause some diseases. Therefore, in the important stage of the child’s development, we must pay attention to the problem of obesity and control the child’s weight in time.

In order to control your child’s weight, you need to pay more attention to your diet, don’t eat too much greasy food in breakfast, and the intake of carbohydrates should also be controlled Good, you can eat some coarse grains appropriately, and sweet potato is one of the coarse grains. Long-term consumption helps to control weight reasonably, because sweet potatoes have high nutritional value , and the fat and carbohydrate content are relatively low, it will be beneficial to weight control, and it is also good for the baby’s development.

Some nutrients in sweet potatoes can enhance children’s immunity, and at the same time, they can also promote children’s growth and development. strong>Lysine is an important substance for protein synthesis, which also helps to enhance immunity and resistance.

Sweet potatoes have many benefits, but not everyone can enjoy them, so you need to know before eating

First of all, people with poor spleen and stomach are best not to eat it

Sweet potato supplementation in moderation will bring many benefits to the body, but with a large amount of consumption, it is easy to produce more The amount of carbon dioxide gas and gastric acid secretion will also increase. For normal people, there may only be abdominal bloating, or other gastrointestinal discomfort.

As for people with spleen and stomach problems, the burden on the spleen and stomach will be heavier, and it may also cause some unnecessary damage, and the discomfort will be more intense , in order to avoid some problems, it is better not to eat, no matter how many benefits there are, you can’t enjoy it.

Secondly, the elderly and children should eat less

The gastrointestinal function of the elderly and children is relatively weak. When eating sweet potatoes, they should strictly control their intake. In this way, it will be healthy and safe to eat, and it will not cause problems to the body. After all, eating too many sweet potatoes can easily produce satiety and increase the production of carbon dioxide. For the two groups of people with weak gastrointestinal function, it may cause some discomfort. Stomach trouble.

I don’t mean not to eat, but to eat as little as possible. I also need to remind that when eating sweet potatoes, pay attention to the way, it is best to cook them as Lord, do not recommend moreEat roasted sweet potatoes, and eat the original flavor. The sugar content is relatively high, so you don’t need to add extra sugar. Some people like to eat sweet potatoes, but it is okay to eat them occasionally, but it is not recommended to eat them often.

About sweet potatoes, often eaten for breakfast, there are indeed many benefits, but it does not mean that everyone can enjoy the benefits. , you need to understand clearly before eating.

In addition, some people will have a doubt, that is, whether the sprouted sweet potatoes can continue to be eaten, whether they can not be eaten like potatoes. No, don’t worry too much, sweet potatoes can still be eaten after sprouting, because the rhizomes and leaves of sweet potatoes are edible, so there is no problem.


1. “No one can refuse sweet roasted sweet potatoes, but it is healthy to eat like this”·Doctor Clove·2019.12.24

2. “Sweet potatoes are full of treasures, are you eating right? 》·Doctor Clove·2020.10.13

3. “What are the health benefits of eating sweet potatoes for children? Deciphering the benefits of eating sweet potatoes!”·Doctor Clove·2021.11.5

4. “How much do you know about the seven magical effects of sweet potatoes”·Medical Forum·2017.2.23