A girl who has done abortion before, will her husband find out after marriage? The doctor gave this answer

In the streets and alleys, we can always see such small advertisements: “Three minutes of relaxation, accidents will flow away” “Crowded in the morning, go to work in the afternoon” “20% off student vouchers” “Second Half price for the next crowd”…

They give young women the illusion that abortion is not risky, very simple. There is even such a thought that it doesn’t matter if you are pregnant, just get rid of it.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

The truth is that miscarriage can be accompanied by several complications and sequelae: Intrauterine adhesions, infertility, habitual miscarriage, gynecological inflammation

There are 40 to 60 million induced abortions in the world every year, and among the abortion groups, women under the age of 25 account for 47.5%, and unmarried women are as high as 49.7%[1].

Most of these young women have a past they don’t want to recall, but society treats them with condemnation. There is even a sentence circulating on the Internet: “I don’t mind second-hand houses, but ‘second-hand houses that have died’ are another matter.”

This has forced many girls with a history of miscarriage to hide the truth from their significant other and their family members, and also to hide their medical history from the doctor when they visited the hospital, but after doing so, some worries followed …

Abortion is already one of the safest procedures with the fewest complications, with lower risks and mortality than delivering a baby [2]. The premise is that the abortion is carried out in a formal medical institution.

However,any medical procedure carries certain risks.

The risks of miscarriage include:

Infection, leading to pelvic inflammatory disease;

Persistent or heavy bleeding;

Incomplete abortion requires secondary treatment;

Intrauterine adhesions.

If multiple curettages have a higher risk of abortion, in addition to the above risks, include:

Thin endometrium and less menstrual flow;

Embryos are prone to implantation failure and increased risk of miscarriage.

Women who miscarry not only suffer physically, but also experience greater psychological stress.

Some unmarried women are afraid to tell their families, even their boyfriends are not responsible. Guilt, sadness, loss…

These psychological injuries are more difficult to heal than physical.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

Safe and regular abortion generally does not affect subsequent reproductive function.

However, the risk to subsequent fertility also varies based on the type of miscarriage and the number of miscarriages.

Early use of medical abortion generally does not increase the risk of subsequent pregnancies;

Induced abortion has little effect on subsequent pregnancies, but may increase the risk of preterm birth and low birth weight [3].

Women with multiple abortions are at risk for scarring of the uterus, which may make it harder to conceive in the future [4], and an increased risk of miscarriage after pregnancy [5].

Whether a doctor can see a history of a miscarriage depends on how the miscarriage was performed.

as in early pregnancy

If pregnant

Both of these situations are difficult for doctors to see.

Cut and curettage is required if the pregnancy is more than 10 weeks. At this time, the embryo is larger and the bones are formed, which is prone to cervical laceration and bleeding. The cervix may not be fully recovered after surgery, leaving traces.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, abortion cannot be performed, which is called induction of labor. It is equivalent to giving birth to a less-than-month-old fetus, which is similar to normal childbirth. At this time, the cervix is ​​greatly dilated, the cervix is ​​deformed, and cervical laceration may also occur, and the cervix cannot be fully recovered after labor induction.

From then on, when a doctor conducts a gynecological examination, the shape of the cervix can be observed by opening the vaginal speculum on the examination table, and the shape of the cervix can be used to infer whether there is a history of miscarriage or induction of labor in the first month.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

Better not!

Abortion is divided into spontaneous and induced abortion. If there is a spontaneous abortion, the probability of another spontaneous abortion is very high, which should be paid attention to.

Induced abortion may cause intrauterine adhesions, endometritis, etc., which may increase the risk of mother and child during another pregnancy. If the medical history is concealed, it may make doctors and family members “lightly”. In the event of an emergency, it is easy to be caught off guard.

Real Cases

Doctors have reported such a case.

The whole family was very happy after Little R became pregnant. But Xiao R has always been reluctant to take a pregnancy check, worried that the doctor will find out the past that she has always been reluctant to recall – having performed a cesarean section due to bleeding in the second trimester.

She also kept lying to her husband about the wound on her stomach, saying it was an incision from an appendicitis operation when she was a child. In this pregnancy, the embryo just grows on the scar from the previous operation, and there is a risk of uterine rupture at any time. Isn’t it a joke with one’s own life when life and death are at stake[6]?

So be sure to tell the doctor frankly when you seek medical treatment. The doctor is not Sherlock Holmes. Betting on your own and your child’s life will only be worth the loss.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

A history of miscarriage is part of a routine gynecologist’s visit and is also recorded on the patient’s medical record. However, special medical terms are used in the record. Unless there are special circumstances, it is generally not written in obvious words such as “undergoing artificial abortion in XX, XX,” “with a history of medical abortion in XX, XX,” and other similar words.

Medical terms commonly used by doctors for taking birth history:


G and P

G stands for how many times you have conceived, which is the total number of natural births, cesarean sections, and miscarriages, and P represents how many times you have given birth, which is the total number of natural births and cesarean sections.

For example, G3P1 means that the woman gave birth to a full-term child, miscarried 2 times, and had 3 pregnancies in total.


There are also some doctors who are used to using the foot-early-flow-storage form.

The above example can also be represented by 1-0-2-1, which means 1 full-term birth, no premature birth, 2 miscarriages, and 1 existing child.

Doctors are not asking these questions to dig out the patient’s privacy, but these reproductive histories are often closely related to future pregnancy and even affect the decision-making of this diagnosis and treatment.

Birth history is a private medical history of the patient and will never be shared by the doctor without the patient’s permission.family.

However, doctors do not hide medical history from their patients, much less lie to their families.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo


Abortion is a remedy for contraceptive failure. Abortion will have a certain impact on women’s reproductive health and psychology. But in real life, not every boy will feel guilty for the hurt he has caused to his ex. Instead, every girl will struggle whether to tell the current one. “.

Abortion is not a person’s fault, but most of the people who can’t let go of it are girls, so Zhimei hopes that everyone will not self-doubt and feel guilty, so they look down on themselves and everyone All are worthy of love.

At the same time, I also call on all girls to do a good job of contraception, so as to better protect themselves and their future families; I also ask your boyfriends and husbands to be considerate to your other half and give They are more caring.

Reviewer: Wang Wei| Deputy Chief Physician, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Second Hospital of Shanxi Medical University


[1] Cheng Linan. The current situation and thinking of induced abortion in China[J]. Chinese Journal of Practical Gynecology and Obstetrics, 2012, 028(009):641-642.

[2] Raymond EG, et al. (2012). The comparative safety of legal induced abortion and childbirth in the United States.

[3] Saccone G, et al. Prior uterine evacuation of pregnancy as independent risk factor for preterm birth: A systematic review and metaanalysis. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2016; doi:10.1016 /j.ajog.2015.12.044.

[4] Mayo Clinic Staff (2019): Abortion.

[5] Virk J, et al. Medical abortion and the risk of subsequent adverse pregnancy outcomes. 2007;DOI:10.1056/NEJMoa070445

[6]Chen Chunling. Why can’t we hide the miscarriage history that we don’t want to mention [J]. China Reproductive Health, 2018,000 (006):P.13-13.

*The content of this article is for the popularization of health knowledge and cannot be used as a specific diagnosis and treatment suggestion, nor can it replace the face-to-face consultation of a licensed physician, and is for reference only.

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