Once infected with HPV, it means that it is not far from cervical cancer? The truth is not as simple as you think

With the continuous popularization of medicine, more and more people are beginning to know that cervical cancer is mainly related to the HPV virus.

Clinical data confirms this, with more than 90% of cervical cancer patients being infected with HPV.

The so-called HPV refers to the human papilloma virus, which is a spherical DNA virus that, once infected, can rapidly proliferate the cell epithelium of the skin and mucous membranes.

Therefore, having HPV infection may also mean that you have a higher chance of developing cervical cancer than people who are not infected.

It is also because of this particularity that many girls find that there is an extra HPV test on their test list when they are undergoing physical examinations. Do they want to infect the cervix? cancer?

Actually, being HPV positive is not as scary as you might think.

Does HPV lead to cervical cancer?

As mentioned earlier, the most common cause of cervical cancer is infection with the HPV virus.

But there are many subtypes of HPV virus, including more than 100, and only 37 subtypes are transmitted through sex.

The 37 subtypes are divided into high-risk and low-risk types, among which high-risk HPV virus is the main culprit in inducing cervical cancer.

This also means that only persistent infection with high-risk types of HPV is the main cause of cervical cancer.

When infected with low-risk HPV virus, if the female’s own immune function is strong, these viruses can be cleared, and some diseases will not be induced. In 1- Within 2 years, 90%-95% of the HPV virus will be automatically cleared by the human immune system.

Most people have been infected with HPV in their lifetime, and a special survey in the United States shows that about 80% of Americans will be infected with HPV at least once in their lifetime.

To prevent cervical cancer, we still need to do these things

One, avoid premature sex

If women under the age of 18 have sex too early and have frequent sex, the probability of developing cervical cancer will be particularly high, and their own immune barriers have not been fully formed. , the probability of contracting the virus will be particularly high.

Two, avoid messy sex

Having promiscuous sexual behavior, such as having multiple sexual partners at the same time, or engaging in unhealthy sexual behaviors, is very susceptible to infection with high-risk types of HPV.

Three, actively treat gynecological diseases

Although infection with high-risk HPV virus is the main cause of cervical cancer, if women have long-term gynecological diseases that lead to imbalances in the vaginal flora, infection with this virus and the development of The probability of developing cervical cancer will naturally increase.

When women suffer from gynecological diseases, they must receive scientific and standardized treatment. They should not use any drugs indiscriminately, and they should not use some lotions to wash the inside of the vagina to avoid Bacterial imbalance.

4. Actively vaccinate against cervical cancer

Cervical cancer is one of the few less preventable cancers compared to other cancers.

Therefore, active HPV vaccination can not only reduce cervical cancer, but also prevent anal, vulvar, oral and larynx cancers. /strong>And so on, it also prevents genital warts.

According to the data released by the World Health Organization and the International Agency for Research on Cancer: In recent years, the incidence and mortality of cervical cancer in my country have shown an upward trend to varying degrees. 5.04/100,000 in 1988 rose to 16.56/100,000 in 2015.

Therefore, as primary prevention of cervical cancerMeasures, HPV vaccine is the most critical to reduce the incidence of cervical cancer.

Even high-risk HPV is not necessarily cervical cancer

Some people worry that if they are unfortunately infected with high-risk HPV, does it mean that they are not far from cervical cancer?

But in fact, only a persistent infection for more than 14 months has the chance to develop cervical precancer.

Precancerous lesions are not cancers, nor are they an early stage of cancer, but a stage in the transition from benign disease to malignant disease.

This stage still takes 10-15 years, so as long as we check and monitor in time and intervene in time, we can still effectively avoid the arrival of cervical cancer.

All in all, infection with HPV does not mean that you will develop cervical cancer. Only long-term and high-risk HPV infection will cause cervical cancer.

Therefore, infection with HPV virus is equivalent to cervical cancer. 56 languages ​​can be combined into one sentence—-

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[1] Zhu Tao, Current status and progress of diagnosis and treatment of cervical cancer (J). “Chinese Oncology” Vol. 22, No. 12, 2013, pp. 970-974. No.: 1004- 0242 (2013) 12-0970-05

【2】Merckx M, Transmission of carcinogenic human papillomavirus types from mother to child: a meta-analysis of published studies. Eur J Cancer Prev. 2013 May;22(3):277- 85.