Severe punishment! A pharmacy in Jiangwan City sells prescription drugs like this, fined 1,000 yuan!

Dazhou full record! Irregular delivery benefits!

Prescription drugs are required

Prescription by a licensed physician or licensed physician assistant

Only drugs that can be prepared, purchased and used

pharmacies strictly confirm the prescription


is an important part

but some pharmacies ignore it

Own Responsibility

A few days ago, North Tongchuan District When inspecting a pharmacy in Jiangwan City, the law enforcement officers of the Foreign Market Supervision Office sampled two prescription drugs “cefuroxime axetil capsule” and “amoxicillin capsule” from the drugs being sold in the sales shelf area of ​​the store. strong>.

Sales records show that the store sold the above two items on January 12, 2022. Prescription drugs, but no prescription hospital, prescribing doctor, reviewer, dispenser, etc., and at the same time can not provide the prescription or prescription copy of the aforementioned drug sales.

On December 19, 2021, the store was ordered by the Tongchuan District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau to immediately rectification.

On the day of the inspection, the pharmacy still did not make corrections when the law enforcement officers checked again, and continued to sell prescription drugs without prescription.

After investigation and evidence collection, the parties’ behavior of selling prescription drugs without prescription violated Article 18, paragraph 1 of the “Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Drug Circulation”. In view of the shop’s failure to make corrections after the warning, the Tongchuan District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau recently imposed an administrative penalty of 1,000 yuan in accordance with the law.

Do not sell prescription drugs illegally in pharmacies!

Some medicines are sold without a prescription

May have unbearable consequences

Don’t take chances!

Reporter: Yang Jie Correspondent: Mu Yuanyuan

Editor: Tang Qing

Editor: Pan Dan

Review: Xie Jianrong

【Source: Dazhou Evening News】

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