On her 100th birthday, grandma had hip replacement surgery

Recently, 4 days before her 100th birthday, Grandma Li Chunxiu slipped at home and suffered from pain in her left hip. The family immediately sent Grandma Li to Nanfang Hospital of Southern Medical University for treatment, and was diagnosed with a fracture of the left femoral neck in the emergency department.

Grandma Li was diagnosed with a left femoral neck fracture.

Southern Hospital started the fast diagnosis and treatment channel for elderly hip fractures in the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics for Grandma Li, and improved the preoperative examination after admission in the Emergency Department. Wang Lei quickly went to the emergency room to examine and treat the patient. Grandma Li had a history of atrial fibrillation combined with rapid ventricular rate and hypertension for many years. The nursing team of Zhang Ping, a multi-disciplinary and traumatic orthopedic department such as the Department of Cardiology, Anesthesiology, ICU and other departments of Nanfang Hospital, carefully prepared her for the perioperative period.

Grandma Li spent a special 100th birthday at Nanfang Hospital.

The medical team celebrated Grandma Li’s 100th birthday.

On the same day, under the guidance of Yu Bin, director of the Department of Traumatology, and Wang Gang, director of the subspecialty of geriatric hip injury, under the escort of the Department of Anesthesiology, Hu Jijie, Wang Lei, and Ma Yunfei successfully became a hundred-year-old. The old man underwent hip replacement surgery, which took 30 minutes.

Grandma Li recovered smoothly after the operation, and she went to the ground for functional rehabilitation training the next day. She and her family were full of praise for the specialist treatment level of the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics in Nanfang Hospital and the medical coordination ability of the whole hospital.

It is understood that the sub-specialty of the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics of Nanfang Hospital covers injuries and diseases around the hip, especially the treatment of hip fractures in the elderly. A multidisciplinary diagnosis and treatment (MDT) team has been established for the rapid diagnosis and treatment of elderly hip fractures, so that patients can seamlessly connect from hospital admission, surgery, and rehabilitation.

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Source: Guangdong Health Headlines (Reporter Zhong Zhe)

Edit : Huang Yixin

Editor in charge: Wang Hui