Liver damage, sleep prophet

“Hey, I’ve been working hard all the time, but I didn’t expect to earn enough money, and my body was exhausted. How could this cancer find me?” Looking at the diagnosis report, 34-year-old Liu Yu had mixed feelings.

In the increasingly convoluted environment, Liu Yu is also trying his best to keep himself from falling behind. When he arrives at the company during the day, he sits all day long, and he has to work overtime until late at night, and he can’t get it on weekends. Take a break and keep track of the progress of the project.

During the long-term state of high pressure and exertion, Liu Yu’s health became worse and worse, abdominal pain, dizziness, vomiting and other symptoms would appear from time to time. Especially at night, although I am very tired, I always toss and turn and can’t sleep. I always feel unwell and cannot sleep well.

At the beginning, Liu Yu held on, and when his body could no longer support him, he took a leave of absence to go to the hospital for an examination, and he was diagnosed with liver cancer after an examination.

Faced with such a young patient, the doctor shook his head and sighed, Liu Yu’s liver cancer was not caused suddenly, but because of long-term fatigue and the accumulation of the disease . When the liver was damaged in the early stage, Liu Yu did not stop the liver-damaging behavior in time. Instead, he allowed the bad habits to damage the body. The liver damage continued to deteriorate, which led to liver cancer.

1. The livers of these young people are “calling for help”

In recent years, liver disease has become more frequent and younger, which is actually related to our lives. Habits have a lot to do with alcohol culture. On weekdays, company dinners, co-workers, friends and friends, and family and friends gather together on New Years and holidays, and alcohol is indispensable. If drinking too much, Beyond the detoxification ability of the liver, the first unlucky one is the liver. Long-term accumulation will lead to liver fibrosis and become alcoholic liver disease, especially liver cancer.

In addition, our country itself is a big country of hepatitis B, coupled with improper diet, irregular sleep, mental stress, high life pressure, it is easy to lose control of temper, overwork, Risk factors such as taking drugs indiscriminately can easily lead to problems with the immune system, induce liver disease, and even lead to cancer.

Second, if there are 4 symptoms when sleeping, it may imply that the liver is not good

Among the risk factors for liver disease, sleep also accounts for a very important point. A mouse experimental study published by Baylor College of Medicine in Texas was successfully published in the journal Cancer Cell, showing: Long-term sleep disturbance can disrupt normal liver function, cause liver disease, and increase the risk of liver cancer.

On the other hand, when liver disease occurs, specific manifestations will also be reflected in sleep. Therefore, if the following 4 major manifestations appear during sleep for a long time, you should be alert to whether the liver is healthy. Damaged:

1. Insomnia is easy to wake up

The liver governs dredging, when the liver is “sick”, it is easy to cause unfavorable dredging, Liver qi stagnation can make people feel bored and anxious, which can lead to insomnia. Even if they fall asleep, they are easily awakened.

2. Grinding teeth and talking in sleep

When the liver lacks sufficient blood nourishment, it will make it difficult for people to enter deep sleep, and it is easy to grind teeth and talk in sleep. condition.

3. Calf cramps

The liver governs the tendons. When there is a problem with the liver, its detoxification ability will also decline significantly, resulting in the accumulation of toxins in the body, affecting the tendons and tendons , prone to calf cramps.

4. Frequent use of the toilet

The liver also secretes bile. When it goes wrong, it will naturally affect the secretion of bile, resulting in Digestive problems, such as diarrhea, bloating, etc., cause frequent trips to the toilet.

Therefore, if you find yourself with the above-mentioned symptoms, you should be alert to possible problems with your liver health, and go to the hospital for liver health care in time. Inspection of. For example, B-ultrasound can help to preliminarily determine whether there is space-occupying lesions in the liver; or check liver function to see if there is damage to liver cells; and alpha-fetoprotein, blood Routine, hepatitis B and C and other tests, the specific need to check, also needs to be different from person to person.

Third, the liver has four fears, try to avoid it

Liver disease is good at “camouflage”, so usually pay more attention to its abnormality, and at the same time try to avoid it as much as possible To avoid some behaviors that can easily lead to liver damage, so as to ensure the health of the liver.

1. Be afraid of anger

The old saying goes: “anger hurts the liver”. If you have been in a state of irritability and anxiety for a long time, it is easy to lead to the dysfunction of liver dredging and drainage, which will lead to pathological changes of liver qi stagnation or qi stagnation and blood stasis, which will damage the health of the liver.

2. Fear of alcohol

After alcohol enters the liver, more than 90% of it is basically metabolized by the liver, and the metabolite of alcohol, ethanol, affects the liver. The damage is very large, and it is easy to cause alcoholic liver. Long-term stimulation can lead to liver fibrosis, liver cirrhosis, and even liver cancer.

3. Poisonous

The metabolism and decomposition of drugs inevitably go through the liver, and many Drugs, even traditional Chinese medicines, have liver toxicity, such as Niuhuangjiedu tablets, Shiduqing, Xiaoyin tablets (pills), etc., as well as common Chinese herbal medicines such as Tripterygium wilfordii and Polygonum multiflorum. damage.

4. Fear of being tired

People need rest, and the same goes for the liver. If you are overworked and often don’t sleep in the middle of the night, it will increase the burden on the liver. Affect the excretion of toxins in the body, long-term, it may cause abnormal liver function.

To protect the liver and nourish the liver every day, in addition to avoiding the above behaviors that may damage the liver, you should also pay attention toSome other matters, such as: try to achieve a balanced diet, reasonable mix of meat and vegetables, and proper exercise, weight control, prevention of fatty liver; do not abuse health care products and drugs; quit smoking and limit alcohol; avoid eating moldy food; regular physical examination, Liver problems are discovered and treated promptly.

Summary: The importance of the liver to the human body is self-evident. People’s health will also be threatened to varying degrees, so usually pay attention to the maintenance of the liver, live a regular life, and live a healthy life.


[1] “Long-term sleep disturbance may be related to liver cancer? “.Open Science.2016-12-15

[2]”People with bad liver will have 4 kinds of “abnormalities” when they sleep. 》.Open Science.2021-03-11