Winter Paralympics Highlights|Using sound to spread the Winter Paralympics is a rare experience

“Hello, listeners, this is the ‘Listen to the Bulletin’ column of the Winter Paralympic Bulletin.” In the purple “hut”, Wang Xue sat on a bench, put on headphones, pointed into the microphone, tapped keyboard, a short press release came out of her mouth. Recently, the “Listen to the Journal Together” column invited several special audio anchors to participate in the information broadcast of the Winter Paralympic Games, and Wang Xue is one of them.

Wang Xue’s first impression is Wang Xue’s first impression when she smiles, her brows and eyes are sweet and sweet. Due to congenital glaucoma, Wang Xue has been receiving treatment since she was 5 months old, but unfortunately, her eyesight is still getting worse and worse. Although he could only see the largest grid on the eye chart, Wang Xue did not give up and became a student of music performance at the School of Special Education of Beijing Union University through hard work. After graduation, Wang Xue became a piano teacher who read staff with a magnifying glass, but her eyesight continued to decline, and the world she saw slowly changed from blur to complete darkness. “I also forgot from which day I couldn’t see it at all. The psychological gap is quite big.”

But the strong Wang Xue still smiles at life, runs alone, and has worked in customer service and other work. A year ago, Wang Xue began to get in touch with the audio anchor industry. Working from home and not having to travel, Wang Xue is very satisfied with this new job. “As for the audio anchor, I’m really a novice. I’ve asked around, and I’ve also participated in training. Now I’m just getting proficient.” Wang Xue told reporters that he started recording books in November last year, and has completed three or four books so far. Audiobook recording.

The reporter walked into Wang Xue’s home in Tuqiao, Tongzhou, and sat at the table, typing on the keyboard. She was preparing for the recording of “Listen to the Journal together”. In the living room, there is a purple “hut” built with soundproof panels. Within one square meter of space, computers, microphones, keyboards, external sound cards, purifiers and a bench are arranged in an orderly manner. This is Wang Xue’s “” studio”.

Since becoming a voice anchor, Wang Xue’s daily work has been dealing with words and sounds. Manuscripts are received in the work group, and the manuscripts are processed in branches through the screen reading software, which is convenient for recording. After the recording starts, the screen-reading software will play the manuscript at four or five times the speed. This speed is almost impossible for a healthy person to hear the complete sentence, but for Wang Xue, the long-term training allows her to easily distinguish and listen Repeat sentence by sentence. In this way, she can get more reaction time and achieve synchronous recording.

This kind of work is also very hard. It takes more than two hours to record a manuscript of about 10,000 words. The space in the soundproof room is small, and there is often a feeling of lack of oxygen. Wang Xue records every half hour. Go out for a walk and take a break. Outside of work, Wang Xue’s daily life is also full of arrangements. Walking on the treadmill, cooking with friends, chatting, listening to books and dramas, and occasionally playing the piano.

Wang Xue, like many visually impaired people, is very concerned about the Beijing 2022 Winter Paralympics being held, but due to visual reasons, they have certain difficulties in obtaining the latest event information.

As an important part of the Paralympic Winter Games, the Paralympic Winter Games Bulletin is authorized by the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics and the Organizing Committee of the Winter Paralympic Games, from March 1 to March 14, 2022 It is published daily, with 8 editions on a daily basis, with a total of 14 issues. It is distributed through the China Post and the Winter Olympics Bulletin, and is collected by the Capital Museum.

In order to facilitate the visually impaired to listen to the exciting event information of the Winter Paralympic Games, the Winter Paralympic Games Journal has specially created a “Listen to the Journal Together” column, which invites college student volunteers and journal staff to broadcast public welfare broadcasts. At the same time, several visually impaired persons, including Wang Xue, were invited to broadcast through the China Association of the Blind.

Wang Xue said that she is an ordinary visually impaired person, and it is a rare experience in her life to have the opportunity to personally participate in the Winter Paralympics through the “Listen to the Bulletin” column.

For the future, Wang Xue has his own expectations: “I hope that the major audio platforms will give the visually impaired more fair employment opportunities, and I also hope that my visually impaired friends can try more. New employment opportunities and diversified work, so that we can look forward to the future together.”

For more information, please pay attention to the Winter Paralympic Bulletin

Source: Journal of the Winter Paralympics | Reporter Zhao Xuan Li Han

Process Editor: U022