The “numbness” caused by the mouse hand can be cured by a needle

Text/Yangcheng Evening News all-media reporter Xue Renzheng correspondent Jian Wenyang Dai Xi’an

Photo/Provided by the hospital

Doing housework, lifting heavy objects, moving up and down… Elderly friends may experience this situation: numbness and weakness in the hands, waking up with pain at night, and although relief after shaking hands and massaging the hands, it is repeated repeatedly and cannot be eradicated. If you have the above symptoms, you need to be vigilant – this may be “carpal tunnel syndrome”, and in severe cases, hand muscle atrophy may occur.

Recently, the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine of the Sixth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University (hereinafter referred to as “Sixth Hospital of Zhongshan”) successfully cured a patient who was trapped in “carpal tunnel syndrome” by using “nerve hydrolysis”. Symptoms of hand numbness are fundamentally relieved.

My fingers are “numb”, which can be serious enough to affect my life

“Six months ago, my right thumb, index finger and front of the middle finger often felt numb I thought it would be good to have a massage, but I didn’t expect it to get worse and I would wake up in the middle of the night with numbness.” A 50-year-old Guangzhou citizen, Li Auntie, often does housework. In the past week, she felt more numbness and pain in her hands, which seriously affected her daily life, so she came to the outpatient clinic of Jiang Li, deputy director of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine of Zhongshan Sixth Hospital. After listening to Aunt Li’s description, Jiang Li arranged a complete EMG and ultrasound examination for Aunt Li. According to the test results, she was diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome, commonly known as “mouse hand”.

After fully considering Aunt Li’s specific condition, Jiang Li suggested using “Ultrasound Image-Guided Neurohydrolysis” for treatment. After full communication with Aunt Li, according to the treatment guidelines, Aunt Li was given glucocorticoid injection for the first time. “Obviously it feels different, it’s not numb, and my hands feel a lot easier.” Aunt Li was very happy when she saw the immediate effect.

At the follow-up visit 1 month later, Auntie Li said that the symptoms of hand numbness were significantly improved, and the quality of sleep was also improved. After further treatment, Aunt Li’s symptoms have not affected her normal life at all.

Jiang Li performed the injection operation for the patient

Jiang Li introduced: “The nerve water separation technique is The new treatment method of injecting medicinal liquid between the compressed nerve and its surrounding tissue increases the distance between the compressed nerve and the surrounding tissue and fascia, and allows the compressed nerve to ‘relieve’.”

< strong>“mouse hand” can basically cure

“Carpal tunnel syndrome, also known as ‘mouse hand’, most of the causes are due to long-term overuse of the hand and wrist, which leads to chronic inflammatory damage , resulting in the ‘carpal tunnel’, the ‘tunnel’ through which nerves, tendons and other tissues pass through relatively narrow, the road is crowded, the nerves are stuck and inflamed, and naturally you will feel pain in the wrist and numbness in the fingers.” Jiang Li introduced, carpal tunnel. Syndrome is a type of nerve entrapment syndrome. Common clinical nerve entrapment syndromes include wrist ulnar tunnel syndrome and cubital tunnel syndrome.

Jiang Li reminds that if you have repeated hand pain, paresthesia, or even muscle weakness, atrophy and other symptoms, you should seek medical attention, treat and intervene in time to prevent irreversible neuropathy.

It is understood that there are two traditional treatment methods for carpal tunnel syndrome: non-surgical treatment, immobilization with braces, oral pain relief, and nutritional nerve drugs, which are suitable for mild patients, and those with chronic and severe effects. Poor; surgical treatment, incision of the bone-fiber channel, relieves nerve compression, but there is surgical scar or incision tissue adhesion, the symptoms are not completely relieved or there is a possibility of recurrence.

This time, Zhongshan No. 6 Hospital adopted a new therapy for Aunt Li—nerve hydrolysis. This therapy is minimally invasive, safe, and painless, and can basically cure carpal tunnel syndrome.

How do I initially test for carpal tunnel syndrome? Jiang Li said that the judgment can be made through the following steps:

1. It is common for the thumb, index finger and middle finger to be numb, soreness, tingling, clumsy movement, etc. The fingertips have acupuncture or pain, which is often felt in the middle of the night. Ma wake up, symptoms often repeated.

2. The numbness is aggravated when the wrist is flexed for a long time (holding a mobile phone, using a mouse, doing housework cleaning).

3. After a long period of illness, the thenar muscle atrophy and collapse of the hand can be seen.