Winter Paralympic Games Guarantee|Yanqing Winter Paralympic Village General Clinic Transformation

From nothing to excellence, this is probably the most appropriate summary of the Yanqing Winter Paralympic Village Polyclinic. After the successful completion of the guarantee task of the Winter Olympics, the clinic has undergone a comprehensive barrier-free renovation, from the best to the best, to better serve the Winter Paralympic Games.

Before the Winter Olympics, from material handling, cleaning, to equipment installation and commissioning… With the joint efforts of more than 200 staff, the “rough room” has gradually become a fully owned There are more than 400 pieces of professional medical equipment including Fangcang MRI, Fangcang DR and mobile CT vehicles, and there are 18 clinical departments, 3 medical technology departments and a pharmacy comprehensive clinic. During the barrier-free renovation, the medical team checked the facilities and procedures one by one to see if they were suitable for the Winter Paralympic athletes at the fastest speed.

During the event, the meticulous and thoughtful service of the medical staff was widely praised.

Through repeated use of wheelchairs for practical drills, the medical team found that the wiring of the CT car in the mobile shelter at the intersection of the clinic would cause the wheelchair to be bumpy when passing by. After emergency communication, the construction quickly solved the difficulty in getting started.

On the first competition day of the Beijing 2022 Winter Paralympic Games, the first batch of patients was welcomed into the polyclinic. Among them, a foreign athlete could not board the CT car independently. The medical staff lowered the barrier-free backboard and opened the back door of the CT car in advance, pushed the athlete to the backboard, and fixed it to prevent the wheelchair from slipping. According to Zhao Yuqing, the head of the radiology department of the polyclinic, when the backboard was raised smoothly, the relieved look on the athletes’ faces was unforgettable to this day.

After many previous experiments and comprehensive barrier-free renovations, the athlete’s wheelchair can pass through the control room smoothly and enter the examination room through the door of the examination room. The medical staff also carried out a series of activities for the athletes. Professional and meticulous inspection. Before leaving the clinic, the athlete expressed his gratitude to the medical staff and repeatedly praised the setting of the lift backboard for making him feel very at ease.

Medical staff helped foreign athletes board the CT car.

In addition, athletes are particularly vulnerable to oral trauma when participating in ice and snow sports. During the competition, once a contestant’s face is impacted by external force, or violent impact between the upper and lower teeth, these instantaneous impact forces can easily cause damage to the soft and hard tissues of the maxillofacial region, or even break and dislocate the teeth. Therefore, oral protection is very important for ice and snow. This is especially important for athletes.

According to Chang Panhui, the head of the department of stomatology in the polyclinic, sports mouthguards are soft mouth guards with a certain thickness, which can separate the upper and lower teeth of athletes, and at the same time play an anti-vibration function and cushion the jaw. Impact on the face and teeth. However, the sports mouthguard needs to be specially customized according to the individual oral cavity, and its thickness depends on the gender and weight of the athlete, the degree of confrontation of the sports, etc., and it needs to go through multiple production steps such as color printing, filling model, laminating and so on. In order to ensure the safety of athletes on the field, so that everyone can play with peace of mind and have a better performance, the oral medical security team of the polyclinic has developed an exclusive sports mouthguard for the athletes in need in the shortest time.

The clinic has transformed from a “model room” to a “hardcover room”, and this well-trained medical team has always been on guard for the safety and health of all athletes. During the event, each medical staff involved was in different positions, and used their own expertise to ensure the smooth progress of the Winter Paralympic Games. Their meticulous and thoughtful service was also unanimously praised by the athletes in the Yanqing Winter Paralympic Village.

For more content, please pay attention to the Winter Paralympic Catalogue

Source: Beijing Daily Client | Reporter Xiao Wei Zhang Lan

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