Respiratory arrest twice! Son, this fairy operation reverses the ending, it is worth watching

The young man with a history of heart disease in the family practiced his first aid skills hard. His father had two heart attacks and had respiratory arrest. He immediately performed CPR until the ambulance arrived, saving his father’s life. Even the doctor lamented that this was a creation “The Miracle of Life”.

Persist in cardiopulmonary resuscitation to save my father’s life

Many male members of Mr. Ma’s family in Optics Valley have cardiovascular disease history. Mr. Ma’s father died of acute myocardial infarction at the age of 31; Mr. Ma also had coronary heart disease. He was only 56 years old this year. He had undergone coronary stenting twice in 2013 and 2019, and he also had a thoracotomy in 2017. Pulse bypass surgery; 30-year-old son, Xiaoma, was also diagnosed with coronary heart disease.

On February 20 this year, Mr. Ma felt chest tightness and suddenly had shortness of breath at 8 p.m., and then collapsed at home. While calling her mother to dial 120, the pony checked her father’s vital signs and found that he had apnea, and quickly began to do chest compressions.

10 minutes later, the ambulance arrived, but Mr. Ma still did not recover his spontaneous breathing and heartbeat. The emergency medical staff relayed CPR for him. At the same time, they contacted the emergency department of the Guanggu District of Wuhan Third Hospital to prepare for rescue, and then sent Mr. Ma to the hospital.

When he arrived at the hospital, Mr. Ma was cyanotic and dilated, and his life was hanging by a thread. Fortunately, the hospital is ready for first aid and immediately starts a higher level of resuscitation, controlling breathing through tracheal intubation, using cardiac drugs, and correcting internal environment disturbances. More than 20 minutes later, Mr. Ma’s heartbeat finally recovered, and he resumed his spontaneous breathing 1 hour later.

After more than half a month of treatment, Mr. Ma’s condition is relatively stable at present.

Promoting CPR to create more “miracles of life”

“During Mr. This is the second time he has used CPR skills to save his father’s life.” On March 12, in an interview with a reporter from Changjiang Daily, Fu Shouzhi, director of the emergency department of the Guanggu District of Wuhan Third Hospital, praised Xiaoma’s behavior .

It turned out that because of a family history of heart disease, Xiaoma learned CPR and related first aid skills very early, and also taught parents how to recognize acute myocardial infarction and respond to emergency situations. In 2017, Mr. Ma also suffered from apnea after a sudden onset of the disease. Xiao Ma gave him chest compressions as soon as possible, and persisted until the arrival of the ambulance. He won the opportunity for his father to be admitted to the hospital for coronary artery bypass surgery and saved his life.

Fu Shouzhi introduced that respiratory and cardiac arrest occurs outside the hospital, and the success rate of rescue is extremely low. The success rate in domestic statistics is less than 5%. Like Mr. Ma, who suffered from respiratory and cardiac arrest twice, the rescue was successful, which can be called a “miracle of life”.

“This also fully demonstrates the importance of ‘Golden 4 Minutes’ popularization of first aid skills. In case of an accident, perform correct first aid on the spot as soon as possible. It can win more life for patients.” Fu Shouzhi called for more citizens to master first aid skills such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

“Golden 4 Minutes” means that patients in cardiac arrest can start effective CPR immediately within 4 minutes of cardiac arrest, which helps patients Restoring breathing, heartbeat and consciousness. After more than 4 minutes, the later the time to start CPR, the less chance the patient will have CPR, and the more likely he will be in a brain-dead vegetative state.

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Changjiang Daily Produced and written: Reporter Wang Chunlan Correspondent Jiang Hongying Li Han Part of the source: People’s Daily Editor: Ye Feng proofreading: Xiong Linlin