What fruits are safe for diabetics to eat?

When diabetics choose fruits, look for fruits with low sugar content and low glycemic index.

Fruits with a sugar content of less than 12% are classified as low-sugar fruits. A glycemic index GI>70 is a high GI fruit, a GI between 55-70 is a medium GI fruit, and a GI<55 is a low GI fruit.

Recommended to eat: fruits with low GI and low sugar content

Including cherries, grapes, apples, pears, peaches, apricots, plums, mandarin oranges, grapefruit, oranges, etc. Diabetic patients can choose arbitrarily under the premise of good blood sugar control, and eat 200 grams a day, which has little effect on blood sugar.

Eat less: Fruits with high GI and low sugar content

Watermelon, mango, kiwi, pineapple, low sugar content, but high GI Under the premise of good control, it can be eaten in a reduced amount, about 100 grams per day.

It is best not to eat: fruits with high GI and high sugar content

Jujube (fresh), bananas, plantains, raisins, dried red dates, dried longan, etc., with high sugar content , it is best not to eat.

3 tips for eating fruit

1. Check blood sugar frequently Every diabetic patient’s condition is different, and blood sugar levels are also very different. With blood glucose monitoring (blood glucose meter), diabetic patients can explore the appropriate variety and quantity of fruit to eat by themselves.

2. Variety of varieties The colors and varieties of fruits should be diversified. It can be exchanged and eaten on different days, or it can be combined with a variety of fruits as a fruit plate, so that different nutrients can be ingested. For example, blue-purple fruits: blueberries, mulberries, and cherries contain more anthocyanins with antioxidant and anti-aging effects, while green fruits: green grapes and green apples contain more chlorophyll and lutein that are beneficial to the eyes. .

3. Timing of eating fruit It is best to eat it in the middle of two meals, and avoid eating it immediately after a meal. Generally, you can choose 9:00-9:30 in the morning, 15:00-16:00 in the afternoon, and around 21:00 before going to bed at night. Eat fruit as a snack to help stabilize blood sugar.