Analysis of 510,000 people, new research from Peking University: Eating spicy food every day may reduce the risk of 3 types of cancer, is it reliable?

“Eating more spicy food can fight cancer?”

Xiao Zhou usually doesn’t eat spicy food very well, so he usually order hot pot with his friends. A few days ago, he saw an article on the Internet, saying that eating more spicy food can prevent cancer and has many benefits for the body, so when he eats, he adds chili sauce to eat. Unexpectedly, after taking it for a few days, a lot of pimples appeared on my face, and I became very angry.

Isn’t it good to eat more spicy food? Why did you get yourself on fire? Xiao Zhou was puzzled and found Xiao Ai on purpose. Not to mention, a new study recently revealed the anti-cancer potential of peppers again.

1. New research from Peking University: Eating spicy food often has three cancer risks or lower

A research team from Peking University School of Public Health, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Oxford University, published in the Chinese Journal of Epidemiology on February 10, a chronic disease prospective Studies have found that eating spicy food may be associated with a lower risk of cancer of the lips, mouth and pharynx.

The study included a total of 510,000 residents. By comparing people who did not eat or rarely eat spicy food, and those who ate spicy food every day, it was found that Eating spicy food every day could reduce 31% of lip Risk of oral and pharyngeal malignancies; among them, the risk was reduced by 33% for those who preferred medium spicy. Further analysis found that fresh chili, dried chili, chili oil, chili sauce and other spicy foods have strong protective effects.

Why spicy food can prevent cancer?

The researchers introduced that capsaicin in peppers can affect a variety of proteins, and their activation can induce apoptosis of cancer cells and inhibit cell cycle regulators, thereby preventing cancer cells from “reproducing”. the goal of.

Of course, this study can only prove the correlation between eating spicy food and cancer. It does not directly prove that eating spicy food will definitely reduce the risk of cancer. The essence of pepper is only a kind of Food needs to be viewed with caution.

Second, is spicy food harming health or prolonging life?

Chili is a “good medicine” in itself in traditional Chinese medicine. Nanjing Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital Treatment Center Xia Gongxu TCM Physician said that the spicy taste cures diseases It is a major feature of Chinese medicine. Chinese medicine believes that chili peppers are warm in nature, pungent in taste, enter the spleen and stomach meridians, and have the effects of strengthening the spleen and stomach, and dispelling rheumatism. It can be used to treat indigestion, rheumatism, cold stomach pain, lumbar myalgia and other diseases. In addition, pepper can also reduce fat and lose weight, promote fat metabolism, and prevent the accumulation of body fat.

American Heart Association a 2019 study also pointed to the benefits of eating chili in moderation, more than 4 times a week compared to those who did not eat chili People who eat chili peppers have a 23% reduction in all-cause mortality and a 34% reduction in deaths due to cardiovascular diseases

It should be reminded that when eating spicy food exceeds the limit of your body’s tolerance , What pepper brings is not “benefit”, but harm. But when our body has severe diarrhea and vomiting, it is a warning: the body’s capsaicin exceeds the standard and should stop consuming spicy food.

Third, since eating spicy food is good, why do you always get angry after eating it?

“I just finished eating Mala Tang yesterday, and today I have acne on my nose…” Many people who are addicted to spicy food will complain of getting angry and getting acne after a full meal. Why? Acne may not be bad for eating spicy food.

In this regard, Dr. Liu Jia, Department of Clinical Nutrition, Third Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University pointed out that there is currently insufficient evidence to show that eating spicy food can cause acne, and eating spicy food can lead to “popping acne” The reason may be related to the following:

1. Eating spicy food will aggravate the existing inflammation

Many people will accelerate the speed after eating spicy food. Local blood circulation increases skin temperature. If the original skin has inflammation, it may aggravate the skin condition.

2. Eating spicy food is often accompanied by high salt and high fat.

Spicy hot pot, malatang, skewers, crayfish, etc. Food itself contains high fat and salt, which will aggravate the secretion of oil from the sebaceous glands, causing clogged pores and easy acne.

Fourth, focus: no matter how many benefits of eating spicy food, don’t indulge these kinds of people

Although there are many benefits to eating spicy food, it also has a “devil” side. For these people, it is not suitable for eating spicy food.

1. Patients with hemorrhoids

Chili peppers are highly irritating. After eating chili peppers, patients with hemorrhoids are prone to hemorrhoid vein congestion and edema, which further aggravates hemorrhoids; , Chili can aggravate constipation and make hemorrhoids heavier.

2. People with cholecystitis, gallstones, and pancreatitis

Stimulated by capsaicin, gastric acid secretion increases, which can cause gallbladder contraction, biliary orifice The sphincter spasm, making it difficult to expel bile, which can make the condition worse.

3. Patients with pink eye disease

Hot foods such as chili will dilate blood vessels in the eye, resulting in decreased eye resistance and easy infection of pink eye disease.

4. Patients with hyperthyroidism

Patients with hyperthyroidism have a faster heart rate, and the heart rate will increase after eating, resulting in obvious symptoms.

For normal people, after eating spicy food properly, you should also pay attention to eating more sour fruits and drinking more water to help nourish yin and moisten dryness.


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[2] “”Yellow Soup and Spicy Water” Spicy Food Also Healthy”. Health News. 2018-02-03


[3] “Eating spicy food will cause acne? Not enough evidence! 》.Guangzhou Daily.2019-11-27