[Guangming.com] Zhang Wei, deputy to the National People’s Congress: Establish a dynamic adjustment mechanism for medical service prices

  • The price of medical services is directly related to patients’ sense of gain, happiness, and security in seeing a doctor. Zhang Wei, deputy to the National People’s Congress and president of the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University, suggested that a dynamic adjustment mechanism for medical service prices should be established to further rationalize the prices of medical services.

    Establishing and improving the long-term management mechanism of medical service prices is to promote the reform of medical service prices to go through the deep water area< span>” key. Zhang Wei suggested that a sustainable total amount control mechanism should be established, the overall level of medical service prices should be adapted to the level of social and economic development (new technology), the time node for dynamic adjustment of medical service prices should be clarified, and a standardized and orderly dynamic adjustment process should be gradually formed. and management mechanisms. Zhang Wei believes that the establishment of a sustainable total control mechanism is to promote the rational allocation of medical resources without increasing the burden on patients.

    Zhang Wei proposed that the formation mechanism of price classification should be established. There are certain differences in the technical risk, cost composition, and supply and demand relationship of different medical service projects. For ordinary projects with less technical difficulty, government-guided prices can be implemented, and a catalogue list can be formulated and continuously improved. For complex projects with relatively high technical difficulty, the government should fully absorb the professional opinions of experts and public hospitals, make overall plans to grasp the number and extent of price adjustment projects, and guide medical institutions to set reasonable prices. In this way, the demands of medical personnel to reflect the value of technical labor services can be met in a differentiated manner.

    In terms of clarifying the boundaries of price project management, Zhang Wei believes that the medical service price project system should have clear boundaries, be suitable for clinical use, and be easy to supervise. Standardize the boundaries of clinical technical operations and price item breakthroughs, gradually separate the cost of medical consumables from price items, and establish close links between price items and technical details such as operation steps and diagnosis and treatment parts, and enhance the current price items to improve and innovate medical technology and medical activities. Compatibility, reasonably reduce the number of items. (Tang Jie)

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    Editor Editor: Cao Huizhen

    Editor in charge: Liu Qingping