National Circular praise! Two primary medical institutions in Jianyang are on the list

“Cloud Clinic” Remote Consultation Center. Photo courtesy of Jianyang District Rong Media Center

Southeast Network March 10 (Correspondent, Jiangsu Min Zhang Guizhen) Recently, the National Health Commission and the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine The bureau announced the 2021 “Quality Service Grassroots Tour” Circular Commendation List, and the Tongyou Street Community Health Service Center in Jianyang District and the Masha Town Center Health Center were on the list.

It is reported that carrying out the activity of “Quality Service for Grassroots” is a major measure taken by the National Health Commission to strengthen the construction of the grassroots medical and health service system and accelerate the construction of a hierarchical diagnosis and treatment system. In 2021, the Nanping Municipal Health and Health Commission, in accordance with the deployment of activities, requires local grass-roots health institutions to make up for shortcomings, strengths and weaknesses according to the standards, improve infrastructure construction, improve management systems, strengthen talent teams, improve department settings, and strengthen investment in medical equipment, etc. Measures to comprehensively improve the management level and service capacity of primary medical and health institutions.

Tongyou Street Community Health Service Center in Jianyang District focuses on the characteristic diagnosis and treatment of key populations, and has established grass-roots specialty specialty constructions such as waist and leg pain department, rehabilitation physiotherapy department, gynecology, surgery, etc. Provide the masses with personalized health management and standardized community rehabilitation services, effectively promote the overall level of medical services, drive the rapid development of medical business, and form a medical advantage with its own characteristics. Since 2021, the health service center has carried out 165 specialized operations and 2,995 person-times of rehabilitation physiotherapy, revitalizing medical resources and promoting the differentiated development of primary medical institutions.

The Central Health Center of Masha Town, Jianyang District, is guided by the construction of traditional Chinese medicine culture, solidly carries out traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment, and promotes the appropriate technology of traditional Chinese medicine. The health center has set up a comprehensive service area of ​​traditional Chinese medicine, the traditional Chinese medicine hall, which highlights the cultural characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine, gives full play to the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine, and continuously improves the clinical diagnosis and treatment level and professional skills of medical staff of traditional Chinese medicine. At present, the hospital has opened the department of traditional Chinese medicine, the department of ophthalmology of traditional Chinese medicine, the department of rehabilitation with traditional Chinese medicine, the prevention and treatment of snakebite in traditional Chinese and western medicine, and carried out 15 kinds of suitable techniques of traditional Chinese medicine, such as cupping, scraping, fumigation and washing, to provide the masses with high-quality traditional Chinese medicine characteristic health protection services .