Pu’er: Sending Health, Sending Warmth, Pu’er Songmao Traditional Chinese Medicine Center Volunteer Service Team in Action

News from this website Recently, the Volunteer Service Team of Pu’er Songmao Traditional Chinese Medicine Center went to the volunteer service point of the Hongqi Hall in Simao District to carry out a series of free Chinese medicine clinic activities.
At the event site, medical volunteers from Songmao Chinese Medicine Center For the people who come to see a doctor to measure blood pressure, blood sugar, free TCM diagnosis and treatment, and experience the external treatment of TCM, provide health care consulting services, and popularize common knowledge and health knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine.
The volunteers of Songmao Chinese Medicine Center Volunteer Service Team expressed that they will continue to convey warmth with love, gather strength with dedication, and strive to be the inheritors of Lei Feng’s spirit in the new era.