Troubling more than 800 million people, this disease may become the fifth largest “killer” in the world

March 10 is World Kidney Day with the theme “Everyone cares about kidney health – I love my kidney, knowledge strengthens the kidney”.

According to relevant statistics, the global prevalence of chronic kidney disease is 10.1%-13.3%, which exceeds the prevalence of diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, depression and other diseases. Illness will become the fifth leading cause of death globally. According to data released by the Nephrology Branch of the Chinese Medical Association, there are currently about 850 million chronic kidney disease patients worldwide, and the number of chronic kidney disease patients in my country has also exceeded 100 million.

Chronic kidney disease-related symptoms include increased nocturia, increased blood pressure, edema, and loss of appetite. Zhang Aihua, deputy chief physician of the Department of Nephrology at Beijing Friendship Hospital, said that people who are prone to chronic kidney disease mainly include: family history of kidney disease; recurrent acute tonsillitis or even chronic tonsillitis; poor blood pressure control; poor blood sugar control; Nephrotoxic drugs; gout patients, etc. In addition, some unhealthy lifestyles may also affect kidney health.

When it comes to chronic kidney disease, many people think of “foamy urine”. Zhang Aihua said that when proteinuria occurs in patients with chronic kidney disease, the increase in the substances that can generate surface tension in the urine leads to an increase in the foam in the urine, and most of them are small foam, which lasts for a long time.

However, foamy urine does not necessarily mean kidney disease. Zhang Aihua explained that the combination of factors such as urination impact force, collision with air, and surface tension generated by metabolic waste can lead to the appearance of physiological foamy urine, which usually disappears quickly. In addition, other problems of the urinary tract may also cause foamy urine, such as cystitis, bladder cancer, diabetes, etc.

Currently, drug therapy, nutritional support, and replacement therapy are the mainstays of chronic kidney disease. Zhang Aihua said: “The treatment process of chronic kidney disease is relatively long, and a considerable number of patients need 3 months, 6 months or even 9 months to see the effect. In addition, a considerable proportion of kidney disease cannot be completely relieved, and the urine test is not completely normal. However, as long as the treatment is diligent, the proteinuria is minimized and the burden on the kidneys is minimized, the disease progression can be slowed down.”

Uremia is a manifestation of end-stage renal failure, and many people think that uremia Equivalent to terminal illness. “But now, there are many alternative treatments for uremia, such as hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, and kidney transplantation, which can at least help patients restore part of their kidney function.” Zhang Aihua said.

It is worth noting that the incidence of kidney disease caused by diabetes is increasing year by year. Wu Haiting, an attending physician in the Department of Nephrology of Peking Union Medical College Hospital and a young member of the Nephrology Branch of Beijing Medical Association, said that currently 30%-50% of end-stage renal disease in the world is caused by diabetes. the primary reason. Wu Haiting said: “Patients with diabetes should regularly review serum creatinine to monitor renal function.”

Source: Science and Technology Daily

Review: Sun Shijian