Australia’s New South Wales Department of Health: Omicron subspecies BA2 is a concern


On the 10th local time, Hazzard, Minister of Health of New South Wales, Australia, said that the epidemic in the state is currently mainly affected by the BA2 subspecies of Omikron virus, which is more severe than the previously prevalent BA1 subspecies. Infectious and likely to more than double the number of infections in the coming weeks. Hazzard expresses concern about the popularity of the new subspecies of Omicron.

According to the latest statistics from the State Department of Health on the 10th, In the past 24 hours, the state has recorded 16,288 new confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia and four deaths.

(Reporter Wang Cong)

Editor/Xiong Yingqi

Drink in spring A bowl of soup, lest I prescribe a prescription? Protect the liver and blood, regulate the spleen and stomach, and sleep is getting better and better~

Have a bowl of soup in spring to avoid prescriptions? Protect the liver and blood, regulate the spleen and stomach, and sleep better~

In spring, the weather is dry, with little rain and wind, and it is easy to lose water in the body. Coupled with the erratic weather changes, the balance and stability of human metabolism cannot be maintained, resulting in physiological dysfunction, and various minor problems such as anger, constipation, and sore throat are all found. In terms of diet, it is recommended that you drink more water and soup, and replenish…

Long-term supervision! Xingqing District carries out quality inspection of medical and beauty industry pharmaceutical equipment

Long-term supervision! Xingqing District carries out quality inspection of medical and beauty industry pharmaceutical equipment

On March 10, the reporter learned from the Xingqing Branch of the Yinchuan Market Supervision Bureau that the branch, through the long-term supervision of the quality of medicines and medical devices in the medical beauty industry, prevents the medical beauty institutions in its jurisdiction from The quality management of drugs and medical devices has declined, escorting the safety of medical devices in the jurisdiction. It is understood that the executive…

More than 91.57 million people in Shandong Province completed the whole course of the new crown vaccine

Reporter Wang Kai and correspondent Yan Pengfei reported that the province’s new crown vaccination monitoring data showed that as of 24:00 on March 8, the province had received a total of 243 million doses of the new crown vaccine, covering 93.2853 million people, 91.5737 million people Complete the whole course of vaccination; the vaccination rate of the whole population in our province and the whole course of vaccination…

Related to the citizens of Zibo! Yilu APP joins hands with professional nurses to hold new crown vaccination Q&A

Related to Zibo citizens! Yilu APP joins hands with professional nurses to hold Q&A on COVID-19 vaccination

Spring is a season of high incidence of various epidemic diseases. Many parents choose to vaccinate their children to avoid the nuisance of viruses. However, many parents are not aware of the precautions related to vaccination. In response to everyone’s concerns, Zibo Fengyuan Community and Zibo Maternity and Child Health Hospital will be in Ali Health Medical Deer…

Just now, Suzhou Taicang Bulletin

Just now, Suzhou Taicang News

On March 10, the Taicang City New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic Joint Prevention and Control Headquarters issued a “Notice on a Case of Asymptomatic Infection of New Coronary Pneumonia”. The content is as follows: On March 9, Taicang City reported a case Asymptomatic infection of new coronary pneumonia. On the afternoon of March 8, Taicang City routinely screened commuters from Taicang to and from Shanghai. …

Repetitive movements, developmental delays, special looks… These symptoms in children may be due to this particular disease!

Repetitive movements, developmental delays, special looks... children appearThese symptoms may be because of this particular disease!

Epilepsy is also known as epilepsy among folks. This is the most common form of neurological disease in children. Epilepsy is also the most common among the children treated in the Pediatric Neurology Clinic of Zhejiang No. 2 Pediatric Department. There are many types of epilepsy, and it is not easy to diagnose which type of epilepsy. Some of these epilepsy may also belong to a certain syndrome…

March 10 Yes, this year’s theme is “Protecting Kidney Health Across the Cognitive Gaps”…

March 10 is, this year's theme is

This article is reprinted from: Health Times March 10 is #WorldKidneyDay#, and this year’s theme is “Crossing the Cognitive Gap to Protect Kidney Health.” World Kidney Day is jointly proposed by the International Society of Nephrology and the International Federation of Kidney Funds to raise awareness of chronic kidney disease and its related…

Thailand adjusts methods and conditions for emergency medical treatment charges for new crown patients< /a>

China Overseas Chinese Network, March 10th. According to the WeChat public account “UDNTHAI” of Thailand’s “World Daily”, the Thai cabinet meeting approved the adjustment of the treatment fees for new crown patients. Green patients are included in the free treatment scope of individual medical rights and are no longer classified as emergency patients; yellow and…

Why is it so harmful to snoring when sleeping 263 times in one night?

Breathing paused 263 times in one night, why is snoring so harmful?

“I heard you snored last night, and you slept so soundly!” We always hear such conversations in our lives. Many people think that snoring is a good sleep, especially when the snoring is loud, they think that this person is sleeping very well. So, does snoring mean a good night’s sleep and a good night’s sleep? Actually, hit…

Henan added 9 new confirmed cases yesterday , two new medium-risk regions!

Henan added 9 new confirmed cases yesterday and two new medium-risk areas!

From 0-24:00 on March 9, there were 9 new confirmed cases in Henan Province (including 2 local confirmed cases, all in Puyang City; 5 imported confirmed cases and 5 imported asymptomatic infections) 2 cases were transferred to confirmed cases), and 21 new cases of asymptomatic infections (including 2 local cases, both in Puyang City; imported asymptomatic…

Technology blessing, 243 pharmacies prevent and control “smart value” “Pulling

Blessed by technology, 243 pharmacies are full of

On March 9, the smart traceability system for epidemic prevention and control in 243 pharmacies in Weicheng District was officially put into operation, and the registration of drug purchasers and the registration and reporting of four types of drugs in the store realized informatization and rapidity. This is the Weicheng District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, relying on the “Market Supervision Smart Management System”, to develop a pharmacy epidemic prevention and control traceability module, and to transfer information…

Henan added 9 new confirmed cases yesterday, and the traffic policy here has changed!

From 0 to 24:00 on March 9, there were 9 new confirmed cases in the province (including 2 local confirmed cases, all in Puyang City; 5 imported confirmed cases and asymptomatic infections imported from abroad) 2 cases were transferred to confirmed cases), and 21 new cases of asymptomatic infection (including 2 local cases, both in Puyang City; asymptomatic imported from abroad…

Korean media: New confirmed cases of new crown in South Korea exceeded 300,000 for two consecutive days Example

China News Service, March 10. According to Korean media reports, the South Korean Central Epidemic Prevention Countermeasures Headquarters stated that as of 0:00 on March 10, South Korea had added 327,549 new confirmed cases of new crowns compared with 0:00 the previous day. The number of newly diagnosed cases in a single day has exceeded 300,000 for two consecutive days, and the cumulative number of confirmed cases has reached 5,539,650. …

A man in Fujian A man had colonoscopy 4 times in 6 years, but was still found to have colon cancer, what happened?

A man in Fujian has had colonoscopy 4 times in 6 years, but he was still found to have bowel cancer, what happened?

Have had 3 colonoscopy examinations in 6 years, and each time only general polyps were found. The latest colonoscopy was reviewed, but colon cancer was found… This is a real case that happened recently. Colonoscopy is The “gold standard” for the discovery of intestinal diseases, but there is still a possibility of missed diagnosis, especially for high-risk patients…

“Expert Consensus on the Prevention and Treatment of New Coronary Pneumonia by Chinese Patent Medicine” was released, and three varieties of Lunan Pharmaceutical were recommended

On March 5, the “Expert Consensus on the Prevention and Treatment of Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia with Chinese Patent Medicine” was officially published on the Internet of “Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine”. Three Chinese patent medicines of Lunan Pharmaceutical Group, Qidali® Jingfang Granules, Qidaqing® Chaiyin Granules and Yijiushu® Shengmai Yin, were included in the recommendation. Consensus by the Chinese Medicine Association of Respiratory Drugs…

Why Sudden Death Targets Young People

Recently, the sudden death of a 28-year-old employee of a company has attracted much attention and heated discussions. This has also aroused the anxiety of many young people: when working overtime, staying up late, and being overworked have become the normal life of young people, how to prevent the tragedy from happening again? To this end, this newspaper interviewed Bai Chen, the attending physician of the Cardiac Surgery Department of Beijing Anzhen Hospital. …

2 new local confirmed cases in Yuncheng, Shanxi The asymptomatic infection was transferred to the diagnosis, Taiyuan, March 10 (Reporter Fan Lifang) On March 10, according to the Health and Health Commission of Yuncheng City, Shanxi Province, from 0 to 24:00 on March 9, Linyi County, Yuncheng City 2 asymptomatic infections turned into confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia (mild). There are 5 confirmed cases in Yuncheng City, and they are being quarantined in the Second Hospital of Yuncheng City…

As of 24:00 on March 9, a total of 8 local confirmed cases have been reported in Baiyin City, Gansu, details announced

As of 24:00 on March 9, a total of 8 local confirmed cases have been reported in Baiyin City, Gansu Province, and details are announced

This article is reprinted from [Gansu Daily Weibo]; [Fast News | As of 24:00 on March 9, #Baiyin City has reported a total of 8 local confirmed cases#] The reporter from Gansu Province held on March 10 It was learned at the press conference on the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic (27th) that since the first case was reported on March 7, the …

Health Knowledge|Backlash flashback Now, is it a bone or a tendon? 4 conditions that should seek medical treatment as soon as possible

Using too much force or too fast, improper posture, impact by external force, over-limit activities, etc. are prone to acute lumbar sprain, which is also known as flashback. At the moment of the flashback, I could clearly hear the sound, and there was no pain at that time, but I could feel back pain on the second day. Not dealing with it properly can lead to edema, muscle tension, and unsteady walking. …

(Medical) World Kidney Day : Do a good job in the prevention and treatment of kidney disease and share “kidney” heart health

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, March 10 (Reporter Peng Yunjia) March 10 is the 17th World Kidney Day. The theme of this year’s World Kidney Day is “Everyone Pays Attention to Kidney Health – I Love Me” Kidney, knowledge strengthens the kidney”. Experts suggest that the public should raise awareness of kidney disease and pay attention to the mutual influence of kidney disease and cardiovascular disease…