Qingdao added 56 local confirmed cases and 91 asymptomatic infections


This article is reproduced from [Qingdao Health];

From 0 to 24:00 on March 9, 2022, there were no new suspected cases of new coronavirus pneumonia in our city, and no new cured and discharged cases; new There are 56 confirmed local cases (3 of which were converted from asymptomatic infections to confirmed cases) and 91 asymptomatic infections. The relevant information has been released to the public.

Since 2020, our city has reported a total of 365 local confirmed cases of novel coronavirus pneumonia, of which 79 were cured and discharged, 1 died, and 285 are currently being treated in isolation in designated hospitals; 251 imported confirmed cases Among them, 214 were cured and discharged, and 37 cases (25 imported from South Korea, 3 imported from Germany, 7 imported from Russia, 1 imported from Uzbekistan, and 1 imported from Japan) are being treated in isolation in designated hospitals; 526 asymptomatic infections Among them, 96 were discharged from hospital, and 12 were confirmed cases from asymptomatic infections. Currently, 418 are under quarantine and observation in designated hospitals. A total of 7075 close contacts are still under medical observation.

Qingdao Municipal Health Commission

March 10, 2022

What are the consequences of not participating in nucleic acid testing without reason?

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From 0-24:00 on March 9, Liaoning Province added 4 local confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia and 2 local asymptomatic infections

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Anhui added 2 new cases of asymptomatic infection yesterday, In Suzhou City

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Beijing added 4 local cases yesterday “4+1” ”

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Spreading fast and difficult to identify experts to interpret the Omicron variant

The expert's interpretation of the Omicron variant is difficult to identify

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What are the manifestations of early gastric cancer? When these 6 signals appear, hurry up and go to the hospital! These 5 stomach-protecting foods should be eaten regularly

What are the symptoms of early gastric cancer? When these 6 signals appear, hurry up and go to the hospital! These 5 stomach-protecting foods should be eaten regularly

Recently, the hit drama “The World” ushered in its ending. At the end of the play, “Zhou Bingyi”, who was busy with work and did not eat three meals a day, was finally diagnosed with gastric cancer. Source: The experience of the characters in the TV series “The World” made People sighed with embarrassment. But in fact, stomach cancer is not uncommon in our country. Not long ago, “a 23-year-old girl has stomach pains…

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I often hear people say that there is a “great god” in Tang Yangyuan National Medical Center who treats spleen and stomach diseases. But every time I see the 88-year-old Dr. Jiang Hancai, I am still in awe. Chinese medicine says “the foundation of the spleen and stomach”, Dr. Jiang is really the best model. Every Thursday, Friday and Saturday morning, he is in Tang Yangyuan Clinic, full of energy and ruddy…

Nanjing medical staff relay to rescue the cardiac arrest patient and turn the crisis to safety

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Shenzhen Luohu District People's Hospital lifts closed operation

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Beijing added 4 local confirmed cases yesterday Cases and 1 native asymptomatic infection

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The spareribs with “double white” can nourish the lungs and kidneys, nourish the liver and blood, and strengthen the righteousness and exorcise evil spirits! This soup is going to be eaten often recently~

Pork ribs with

We usually say that we need to improve immunity. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, it is actually “supporting the righteousness and exorcising evil spirits”. So, what can you eat in spring to replenish qi and remove evil qi? Today, the editor recommends two kinds of white ingredients – lotus root and yam, one for the lungs and one for the kidneys. However, these two are really a bit plain…

Thailand plans to make COVID-19 endemic from July this year Disease

Thailand plans to list COVID-19 as an endemic disease from July this year

On the 9th local time, Thai Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Health Anutin said that the National Infectious Diseases Commission has agreed in principle to consider the new crown pneumonia as an endemic disease. Anutin said that the Ministry of Health plans to use four months to achieve this goal.

If the liver is not good, there will be 2 changes in the hands! 3 kinds of food, the more you eat, the worse your liver function, you must eat less

The liver is the largest digestive gland in our body, responsible for important tasks such as digestion, metabolism, and detoxification. The health of the liver plays an essential role in the maintenance of normal physiological functions of the human body. However, it does not have the powerful self-rescue ability to match it. If you are not careful, it will be damaged and cause lesions! In daily life, keep…

China Pharmaceutical won the mainland operation right of Pfizer’s new crown oral drug

China Pharmaceutical won the mainland operation right of Pfizer's new crown oral drug

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What is the status of the confirmed cases? What is the city’s access policy? The latest announcement from Puyang City is here

Henan Daily client reporter Zhao Zhenjie held a press conference on epidemic prevention and control in Puyang City on the evening of March 9 to report the latest situation of this round of epidemic. What is the specific situation of the confirmed cases? It is reported that there are currently 2 confirmed cases and 2 asymptomatic infections in Puyang City, all of which have been transferred to the provincial designated hospital; 10 close contacts are currently being investigated…

First visit is ESRD Ignore the early signs of a urine test!

Urban Express Theme: Prevention and Treatment of Chronic Kidney Disease Speaker: Han Fei, Chief Physician, Deputy Director, Nephrology Center, The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine Chronic kidney disease is a chronic kidney disease caused by various reasons. Dysfunction has become one of the major diseases that threaten the health of Chinese people. Due to chronic kidney…

Old and thin may be suffering from sarcopenia, it must be treated!

Old and thin may be suffering from sarcopenia, it needs to be treated!

As the saying goes: Money can’t buy you old and thin! But the elderly have a kind of thinness. Even if there is no “three highs”, the elderly will feel tired and unable to walk. This is sarcopenia! Today, take a look at what’s going on with an article. What is sarcopenia? Unsteady walking, slow movement, especially lack of hands…

Shandong Qingdao added 36 local confirmed cases and 49 new cases Asymptomatic infection

Shandong Qingdao added 36 local confirmed cases and 49 asymptomatic infections

From 12:00 to 19:00 on March 9, 2022, 36 new local confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia were reported in Qingdao, of which 34 were reported in Laixi (referred to as cases 234-267, 3 of which were related to From asymptomatic infections to confirmed cases; 32 mild cases, 2 common cases), Jiaozhou reported 2 cases (both…

From 0:00 to 24:00 on March 9th At that time, 21 new positive cases were added in Tianjin

This article is reproduced from [Jinyun]; from 0:00 to 24:00 on March 9, Tianjin CDC reported 21 local new coronavirus nucleic acid test positive infections, of which 19 were confirmed cases (17 mild cases). 2 cases, 2 cases of common type), 2 cases of asymptomatic infection. Among them, 16 cases were found in the centralized isolation point screening, and the key population was screened…