Zhejiang announces the second batch of famous mountain park construction list

China Youth Daily client, Zhejiang Pan’an, July 30th (China Youth Daily, China Youth Daily reporter Li Jianping) Today, Zhejiang Provincial Forestry Bureau held the province’s “Famous Mountain Park Enters Dapan Mountain” in Pan’an County, Jinhua City At the launching ceremony, 10 major forest parks, including Qingliang Peak in Lin’an, Wencheng Baizhangjie, Tianmu Mountain in Xinchang, Jinhua Jinhua Mountain, Jiangshan Jianglang Mountain, Longyou Liuchun Lake and Lishui Baiyun Mountain, were announced as the second batch of famous mountain parks in Zhejiang Province. .

In June 2018, the Zhejiang Provincial Government held a mobilization and deployment meeting for the construction of the province’s “Great Garden” and made a decision to speed up the construction of the “Top Ten Parks” in famous mountains in Zhejiang. Tianmu Mountain, Siming Mountain, Yandang Mountain, Mogan Mountain, Kuaiji Mountain, Dapan Mountain, Qianjiangyuan, Tiantai Mountain, Shenxianju, Fengyang Mountain-Baishanzu, etc. are listed as the first batch of ten famous mountain parks in Zhejiang.

Lu Xianfeng, deputy director of the Zhejiang Provincial Forestry Bureau, said that Mingshan Park, as a place with the best resource endowment in the province’s natural reserve system, is building a rational resource utilization system on the basis of resource protection. Not only protect the clear waters and green mountains, but also make the mountains of gold and silver.

At the meeting, Jin Yan, secretary of the Pan’an County Party Committee, introduced relevant experience and said that since Dapan Mountain was selected as the first batch of the province’s top ten famous mountain parks in 2018, Pan’an has insisted on taking the construction of the natural reserve system as the highest priority. To improve the ecosystem, continue to invest 455 million yuan in key projects such as Dapanshan forest protection and quality improvement, provincial historical and cultural village protection and utilization, Huaxi Scenic Spot upgrading and reconstruction, and the improvement and reconstruction of the landscape project surrounding Dapanshan Shelter Village. Camping Festival” creates 7 “micro-camping destinations” including Qingmeijian, explores new development models such as “Famous Mountain Park + Research”, “Famous Mountain Park + Cultural Tourism”, “Famous Mountain Park + Intangible Cultural Heritage”, and constantly expands the connotation and Epitaxy.

There are 1092 wild medicinal plants recorded in Dapan Mountain, accounting for 61% of the total medicinal plant species in Zhejiang Province. In 2021, the output value of the whole county’s traditional Chinese medicine and health industry chain will reach more than 7 billion yuan, driving 68,000 Chinese herbal medicine practitioners to increase their income and become rich, accounting for 1/3 of the county’s total population.

Picture 1: The beautiful scenery of Dapan Mountain, Pan’an County, Zhejiang Province.

Picture 2: Pan’an Dapan Mountain, Zhejiang Province The intangible cultural heritage handed down by the people is the scene of “fire-making”.

Picture 3: Night tour scene of Huaxi in Dapan Mountain, Pan’an County, Zhejiang Province.

Pictures are provided by the Propaganda Department of Pan’an County Party Committee

Source: China Youth Daily Client