The arrival of gynecological tumors is not silent, the 4 “signals” sent by the body should not be invisible

The incidence of gynecological tumors has been increasing in recent years, especially middle-aged and elderly female friends, who have become the high-risk group of gynecological tumors.

It is generally caused by women’s long-term bad mood, and it is also evolved from gynecological inflammation that has not been treated in time. Therefore, you must know the early symptoms of gynecological tumors in order to prevent them.

woman What are the physical manifestations of gynecological tumors?

1. Abnormal vaginal secretions

due to tumor The discharge caused by necrosis, ulceration and infection is completely different from normal vaginal discharge. The former is mostly watery, bloody or rice soup-like leucorrhea, and often has an abnormal stench.

Common tumors with these symptoms include cervical cancer, uterine body cancer, fallopian tube cancer, and certain submucosal fibroids.

2. Pain<600>actually , Pain is not a common symptom of gynecological tumors, some uterine fibroids can have menstrual abdominal pain.

Severe pain if the ovarian tumor twists or ruptures. Malignant tumors of the uterus or ovary are often painless in the early stage. If persistent low back pain or abdominal pain occurs, it is often the result of nerve compression, indicating that the tumor has reached an advanced stage.


Tumours of the uterus and some ovarian tumors can cause abnormal vaginal bleeding, manifested as menorrhagia, irregular periods, or Irregular bleeding, etc.

The bleeding caused by cervical cancer and uterine body cancer is mostly irregular, while the bleeding caused by benign uterine fibroids is regular and irregular. There are irregularities, usually increased menstrual flow.

If vaginal bleeding occurs after menopause (commonly known as inverted flowering), especially those with the same menstrual volume, you need to be alert to malignant tumors and seek medical attention immediately.

4. Lump <600> can grow on any part of the reproductive organs. Vulvar tumors, patients can touch or see by themselves; doctors can find tumors in the vagina, cervix, etc. through speculum examination; uterine or ovarian tumors can be found through pelvic examination, and patients with larger tumors may take a bath or other found in the event.

If the mass is on the side of the lower abdomen, mobile and soft, the possibility of ovarian cyst is high. For example, the mass is centered and not very mobile , the texture is hard, it may be uterine fibroids. Therefore, regular gynecological examinations are of great significance for early detection of tumors.

So how to prevent gynecological tumor diseases?

1, do not eat out-of-season fruits and vegetables

Now, out-of-season fruits and vegetables can be seen everywhere , in fact, these foods are grown using ripening agents or hormone-based chemicals, which will affect your health after eating them.

Nowadays, many women attach great importance to health care and like to eat a lot of various health care products, especially health care products with anti-aging and beauty effects. In fact, these health care products contain A large amount of estrogen is more likely to induce breast and ovarian cancer.

Nowadays cosmetics contain a lot of chemical additives. Although they can quickly play the role of beauty and whitening, the hormone ingredients they contain will actually make the skin worse, and long-term use can also induce gynecological cancers such as breast cancer. .

span> It is necessary to do regular gynecological examinations every year. Many gynecological tumors can be found in the process of examination. Regular examinations can effectively prevent the incidence of gynecological tumors. Early detection and early treatment can reduce the harm caused by the disease to the patient’s body. It is best for women to go to the hospital regularly Do a gynecological examination.