Fever after swimming, 21 children tested positive! Everyone must be careful..

In hot summer,

an activity that can both cool down and exercise – swimming ,

has become the first choice for parents and children.

However, recently,

in Sichuan, /p>

Some parents reported that several children developed fever and other symptoms after swimming in a local swimming pool


Sichuan Shifang City Joint Investigation and Disposal Working Group issued a notice saying that children’s disease is caused by glandular caused by the virus, the swimming pool involved has been ordered to suspend business for rectification, and the swimming pool will be investigated and dealt with in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

01What is an adenovirus? Another new virus?

Adenovirus is not a new virus, it has already existed in nature /strong>.

●It is one of the common pathogens of acute respiratory infectious diseases, which can cause respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract and conjunctiva, etc. Multiple tissue infections.

●The population is generally susceptible, more common in children.

●It can be prevalent all year round, and it mostly occurs in crowded places such as schools, kindergartens, and military camps.

02 glands What are the symptoms of viral infection?

(1) Fever

Sudden high fever for 7-10 days

0 (2) Sore throat

blood in the throat, throat, etc. /p>

Normal Dry cough, in severe cases, shortness of breath, nasal flaring, etc.

abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, decreased appetite

img class=”content_title” height=”300″ layout=”responsive” sizes=”(min-width: 320px) 320px, 100vw” src=”https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_png/JaFvPvvA2J1l9248vhzo8jicBPJaBT4ZEvEic8ZGCC4rzc6KJkKV2LtsUu8chcobkwkb1e76qc8JnndedY” =”600″>(5) Conjunctivitis<64ib7Increased eye irritation and secretions, and obvious eye congestion

Few of them may develop severe pneumonia and even lead to death. Especially in people with weakened immune systems, chronic respiratory diseases, and heart disease, the risk of severe illness is higher.

03people How did you get the adenovirus? Droplet transmission

is the main mode of transmission of adenovirus in respiratory tract infections, such as patients coughing or sneezing.

Contact Transmission

width > Such as hands touching adenovirus-contaminated objects or surfaces, or touching the mouth, nose or eyes without washing hands.

fecal-oral transmission

Can be infected with adenovirus by digestive tract fecal transmission, such as during diaper changes.

Transmission such as adenovirus-contaminated swimming pool water can cause pharyngeal conjunctival fever, also known as ‘pool fever’. p>

04How can I prevent adenovirus infection?< /span>

There is currently no adenovirus vaccine available for the general population. The following points should be done in daily life:

(1) Wash your hands frequently and avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unclean hands.(2) You should eat light meals, get enough sleep, drink plenty of water, and exercise regularly.(2) span>

(3) Try to avoid swimming in unsanitary pools in summer; if you have cold symptoms or other discomfort, avoid swimming in public pools.< /p>

(4) Strengthen indoor ventilation in winter and spring, try to avoid crowded public places, and wear masks when going out.(Source: Dongguan CDC)

< p>Do you understand? When going out to swim in summer, you should pay attention to developing good personal hygiene habits, choose a clean public swimming pool, and don’t let adenovirus take advantage of it!

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