Occupational Heat Stroke and Work Injury Recognition

The hot summer is the season of high incidence of heat stroke. Why does the human body suffer from heat stroke? Under normal physiological conditions, the body’s heat production and heat dissipation maintain a dynamic balance, so that the body temperature is at a relatively stable level. In a high temperature environment, when the body’s heat production and heat gain are significantly greater than the heat dissipation, the heat storage will continue to increase. Once the body’s self-regulation ability is exceeded, it will be caused by heat balance disorders and water-salt metabolism disorders. Cardiovascular system dysfunction is the main manifestation of heat stroke disease.

For thermal environment, there are different classification methods at the professional level. The general principle is to classify the thermal environment according to the increase in temperature, the intensity of thermal radiation, and the characteristics of its effect on the human body. According to the characteristics of the meteorological conditions in the workplace, high-temperature operations are generally divided into three types: high-temperature and strong radiation operations (dry heat environment), high-temperature and high-humidity operations (humid heat environment), and summer open-air operations (composite thermal environment).

Heatstroke illness is an acute illness caused by the action of “heat” under high temperature conditions. Also known as acute heat-induced illness, it includes heat stroke, heat cramps, and heat exhaustion at the diagnostic level. Since heat stroke is the result of the accumulation of heat in the body and the heat gain is significantly greater than the heat dissipation process, before severe heat stroke occurs, patients will often experience the process of aura of heat stroke. At this time, the symptoms of leaving the high temperature environment may gradually ease. Therefore, it is very important for high-temperature workers to maintain awareness and vigilance of the onset of heat stroke. Seeking medical attention in a timely manner at the sign of heat stroke can effectively prevent the further development of heat stroke and save the patient’s life.

Occupational heatstroke is a national statutory occupational disease. Occupational heatstroke must first be identified as a work-related injury. After the treatment is stable, if there are any sequelae that affect the ability to work, the applicant should apply for a labor ability appraisal again. According to Article 4 of the Regulations on Work-related Injury Insurance: When an employee suffers a work-related injury, the employer shall take measures to enable the injured employee to receive timely treatment. Article 14 stipulates that an employee who has one of the following circumstances shall be identified as a work-related injury, and an occupational disease is within the scope of work-related injury identification. Article 17 stipulates that if an employee suffers an accident injury or is diagnosed or identified as an occupational disease in accordance with the Occupational Disease Prevention and Control Law, the unit where the employee belongs shall, within 30 days from the date of the accident injury or the date of diagnosis or identification as an occupational disease, report to the social insurance of the overall planning area. The administrative department submits an application for work-related injury identification. Article 21 stipulates that if an employee suffers a work-related injury, and the injury is relatively stable after treatment, he becomes disabled and affects the ability to work, and an appraisal of the ability to work shall be carried out.

Occupational heatstroke prevention is important

Employers need to continuously improve the production environment, and take measures of heat insulation and cooling at the production site.

Reasonably arrange work time and provide healthy drinks.

Workers need to strengthen personal protection and wear heat-proof clothing.

Workers are required to undergo pre-job and regular occupational health examinations before employment to prevent those with occupational contraindications from engaging in high-temperature operations.

(Contributed by Occupational Health Institute, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention)