Why are there more and more people suffering from gout?! These 6 living habits are “illness reminders”!

Gout, a disease comparable to “Ling Chi”.

In the past, gout was a disease of the wealthy court, but now it has entered the homes of ordinary people.

Data from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention shows that the total number of gout patients in my country has exceeded 80 million. At present, high uric acid has become the “fourth highest” after the “three highs”!

Why do ordinary people get gout too?

In addition to genetic factors, life factors should not be underestimated——

01too much meat

Our ancestors’ diets were mainly cereals, but modern people’s diets are mostly meat-based.

The purine in a large amount of meat food will be converted into uric acid. If this dose greatly exceeds the physiological metabolism and excretion capacity, it will lead to high Uricemia also increases the incidence of gout rapidly.

02Too many sweet drinks

Most sweet drinks contain “fructose syrup”, while gout attacks and high fructose syrup There is a proportional relationship with the intake.

03Likes smoking and drinking

All alcohol can trigger gout, especially beer.

04Too much obesity

Obese people are more likely to have high uric acid levels. Because most of these people usually have a rich diet, excessive intake of large fish and meat, excessive intake of sweet drinks, and insufficient exercise are all factors that induce gout.

0Exercise too little

A moderate amount of exercise can speed up metabolism and facilitate the excretion of metabolic waste from the body , including uric acid.


Analysis in recent years has found that excessive stress is a predisposing One of the main causes of gout in young people.

Gout, these are still not edible

If you want to prevent gout attacks, you still need to avoid:

01No offal and less red meat

For gout patients, all kinds of animal offal, thick gravy, thick broth, fish soup, seafood soup, etc. should not be eaten.

All kinds of red meat should not be eaten during acute gout attack; during remission or hyperuricemia, the intake of red meat should be controlled within 50 grams a day.

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02Less seafood

The foods that must not be eaten in the acute stage of gout (high purine): shellfish, oysters, crabs and other shellfish; some fish, such as carp, crucian carp, yellow croaker, etc.

You can eat a small amount (medium purine): tuna, sea bass and other fish; crayfish, river shrimp, Hairy crabs (except crab roe) etc.

03Reduce fat intake and lose weight

Fat itself can hinder the excretion of uric acid by the kidneys, and a high-fat diet can also lead to obesity and metabolism disorder.

So when eating “meat”, choose meat with low fat content; use less oil for cooking, and keep vegetable oil at 20~ 30 grams / day; nuts should also be eaten less.

It is recommended to keep your weight in the normal range.

04No refined carbohydrates

Encourage whole-grain foods to make up more than 30% of your daily staple food intake, and your daily dietary fiber intake Reach 25~30 grams.

05Strictly abstain from alcohol and do not drink sweet drinks

Drinking alcohol increases the risk of gout attacks, especially beer, and the specific order is aging Rice wine > beer > ordinary rice wine > white wine > red wine.

Patients with acute gout attack, poor medication control or chronic tophi arthritis should strictly abstain from alcohol.

In addition, drinks containing “fructose syrup”, “white sugar” and “honey” should also be avoided.

06Do not eat dry beans, but eat tofu and soy milk appropriately

Soy products are high-quality protein sources, which can partially replace the daily meat intake.

In the acute phase of gout, the recommended total daily intake of purines needs to be less than 150 mg, so only recommended Eggs and milk, two foods with almost 0 purines, are high-quality protein sources, and soy products are not recommended.

In the remission period of gout, the recommended total daily intake of purines is 300-600 mg, and the recommendation that blood uric acid does not drop to normal levels Perform at 300 mg/day.

Therefore, it is recommended to consume less than 100 grams of water tofu and dry tofu in the low purine group; Yuba, it is recommended to consume less than 50 grams per meal.

Preventing gout attacks is easy

Lifestyle adjustments It is the core of preventing the increase of uric acid, and the prevention of gout should start with improving living habits.

01Drink enough 1500ml of water every day

The first task to prevent the rise of uric acid is to drink more water, and the daily water intake should ensure the amount of urine Above 1500 ml, it is almost equivalent to 3 bottles of mineral water.

02150 minutes of aerobic exercise per week

Patients with gout should do more than 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise every day to keep their weight under control Within the normal range, swimming, walking, jumping aerobics, practicing qigong, cycling, etc. are all acceptable.

09Eat less high-sugar foods

Eat less sweets, and ensure that the daily intake of added sugar per person does not exceed 50 grams, and the maximum It is best to limit it to 25 grams.

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