What should diabetics do when they feel hungry during diet control?

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What should diabetics do when they feel hungry during diet control?

Diet control is easy to say, but there are still many difficulties in doing it. Eating is a desire, what is called an appetite, and controlling desire requires determination and perseverance.

Eating is also a habit. The development of a habit is not done in one day, and the change of habit should also be done gradually.

after finding out that they have diabetes It is not a good way to reduce the intake of food by a lot, or even reduce it by more than half, which will produce a strong sense of hunger and affect daily life.

The correct strategy is to gradually reduce the food intake. For example, in the first month, it can be reduced by 10% on the basis of the original food intake, and then reduce after 1-2 months of adaptation. 10%, and so on, it takes half a year to a year to reduce to an appropriate amount of food and it has been very successful.

The step-by-step strategy makes both doctors and patients feel less frustrated.

Even if the food intake is gradually reduced, many people with diabetes will still feel hungry. Vegetables with relatively low sugar content such as tomatoes, Chinese cabbage, and bean sprouts can reduce hunger and help to achieve the ultimate control goal step by step; coarse grains can also be used to replace some refined grains, because coarse grains are more likely to produce satiety than refined grains. , stay in the stomach for a long time, not easy to produce hunger.

In this way, it can not only solve the hunger of diabetic patients in the diet treatment, but also does not have too much influence on blood sugar.

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