“New Coronavirus Pneumonia Prevention and Control Plan (Ninth Edition)” should know and answer 100 questions

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Recently, local clusters of epidemics have been reported in many places across the country, and there are multiple chains of transmission. Epidemic prevention and control The situation is serious and complicated. The following “New Coronavirus Pneumonia Prevention and Control Plan (Ninth Edition)” should be known and should be asked 100 times, and everyone should understand.

1. What are the general strategies, general policies and principles of my country’s epidemic prevention and control?

Answer: Fully implement the general strategy of “external defense input, internal defense rebound” and the general policy of “dynamic clearing” adhere to “prevention first, prevention combined, According to the principle of scientific, grading and classification”, adhere to the combination of normalized precise prevention and control and local emergency response.

2. What are the work requirements for epidemic prevention and control in my country?

Answer: In accordance with the work requirements of “timely detection, rapid disposal, precise control, and effective treatment”, resolutely prevent the import of overseas epidemics and the rebound of domestic epidemics.

3. What is the “five mornings” for epidemic prevention and control?

Answer: Early prevention, early detection, early reporting, early isolation, and early treatment.

4. How to insist on scientific and precise prevention and control?

Answer: Implement the measures of “early prevention, early detection, early reporting, early isolation, and early treatment”, further strengthen source control, and adhere to people, things, and the environment Co-prevention, strengthen epidemic prevention and control in key periods, key areas, and key groups, improve the sensitivity of monitoring and early warning, detect sporadic cases and clustered epidemics in a timely manner, and deal with epidemics in a forceful, orderly and effective manner, so that they can be extinguished together in the shortest time. , The lowest cost to control the epidemic to the smallest scope, effectively protect the lives and health of the people, and maximize the overall planning of epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development.

5. Which methods can inactivate the novel coronavirus?

Answer: Sensitive to ultraviolet light and heat, ether, 75% ethanol, chlorine-containing disinfectants, peracetic acid and chloroform and other lipid solvents can be effectively inactivated Virus.

6. What is the source of infection of the new coronavirus?

Answer: The source of infection is mainly confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia and asymptomatic infections, and the population is generally susceptible.

7. What are the transmission routes of the new coronavirus?

Answer: The main route of transmission is through respiratory droplets and close contact, through aerosol in a relatively closed environment, and contact with virus-contaminated items Infection may also occur later.

8. What are the characteristics of the Omicron variant?

Answer: The average incubation period of the Omicron variant is shortened, mostly 2-4 days, the transmission ability is stronger, the transmission speed is faster, and the infection dose is higher. Low, the pathogenicity is weakened, and it has a stronger immune escape ability.

9. What is the scope of the new coronavirus vaccination population?

Answer:The scope of the new coronavirus vaccination population is expanded to 3 years old and above, and the principles of informed, consent and voluntary are adhered to. Encourage people over 3 years old who have no contraindications to vaccination to do so.

10. How to boost immunization for the target group over 18 years old?

Answer:1-dose homologous or sequential booster immunization for eligible target population over 18 years of age Vaccination, can not receive homologous booster immunization and sequential booster immunization at the same time.

11. How to carry out patriotic health campaigns?

Answer:Insist on prevention, carry out in-depth patriotic health campaigns, highlight rural areas, urban-rural borders, and public gatherings Places and other key areas and weak links, innovate methods and methods, continue to promote urban and rural environmental improvement, and continuously improve public health facilities. Advocate a civilized, healthy, green and environmentally friendly lifestyle, popularize health knowledge, establish good eating habits, and promote civilized and healthy living habits.

12. How to mobilize the masses to participate in the patriotic health campaign?

Answer: Establish a public health committee in the village (neighborhood) committee to promote the patriotic health movement into communities, villages and towns, families, schools, enterprises, and institutions, promote the integration of health into all policies, and mobilize the masses to participate in the patriotic health movement.

13. What are the “12 Basic Codes of Conduct” for citizens’ epidemic prevention?

Answer:One is to wash your hands frequently, the other is to wear masks scientifically, the third is to pay attention to cough etiquette, and the fourth is to avoid Gather, the fifth is to eat in a civilized manner, the sixth is to observe 1-meter noodles, the seventh is to keep ventilation, the eighth is to clean and disinfect, the ninth is to maintain toilet hygiene, the tenth is to develop a healthy lifestyle, the eleventh is nucleic acid testing, and the twelfth is vaccination .

14. What channels should be used to carry out publicity and education on COVID-19 prevention and control?

Answer:Make full use of the Internet, Weibo, WeChat, client and other new media and radio, television, newspapers , publicity materials and other traditional media to carry out all-round and multi-channel publicity and education on the prevention and control of new coronary pneumonia.

15. What is the focus of COVID-19 vaccination?

Answer:The focus should be on improving the whole-course vaccination rate and boosting immunization for the elderly population aged 60 and above and other high-risk groups of severe disease vaccination rate.

16. What is the purpose of COVID-19 surveillance?

Answer:1) Timely detection and reporting of new coronavirus infections and clustered outbreaks, and early prevention and control measures , to prevent the spread of the epidemic.

2) Dynamically monitor the virus mutation to understand the impact of virus mutation on the protective effect of nucleic acid detection reagents and vaccines.

17. How should cases be reported?

Answer:Medical institutions at all levels and various types of patients should conduct laboratory tests in a timely manner once suspicious patients are found, and the initial screening is positive Personnel must follow the principle of “reporting every yang, and immediately reporting every yang”, and report the positive test results within 2 hours after the test results are issued. They will be transferred to designated medical institutions or makeshift hospitals for treatment, and the clinical severity will be corrected in a timely manner according to the progress of the disease.

Community health service stations, village clinics and individual clinics should report suspicious patients within 2 hours to the community health service The center or township health center implements the nucleic acid detection strategy of “village reporting, township sampling, and county testing”, and can also conduct simultaneous antigen testing to detect the epidemic as soon as possible.

18. How to carry out drug retail monitoring?

Answer:After the local epidemic, the pharmacies in the jurisdiction will not purchase antipyretic and cough medicines. , anti-virus, antibiotics, colds and other drugs for real-name registration and push the information to the sub-district (community) management in the jurisdiction, timely urge the drug users to carry out nucleic acid testing, and if necessary, an antigen test can be carried out first.

19. What is a clustered epidemic?

Answer:A cluster outbreak refers to the same school, residential area, Two or more cases and asymptomatic infections were found in factories, natural villages, and medical institutions.

20. What are the ways to discover and report clustered outbreaks?

Answer: Clustered outbreaks are mainly through routine diagnosis and treatment activities, infectious disease network direct Report data review and analysis, epidemiological investigation of cases or asymptomatic infections, health monitoring and nucleic acid testing of personnel in key institutions and places, and key groups of people.

Clustered outbreaks should be reported within 2 hours through the public health emergency reporting management information system network.

21. How do medical institutions monitor patients?

Answer: Medical institutions provide all febrile patients and other suspected patients without fever, unexplained pneumonia and hospitalized patients Cases of moderate to severe acute respiratory tract infection, all newly admitted patients and their accompanying staff carry out new coronavirus nucleic acid testing.

22. How to monitor the items and environment of medical institutions?

Answer:Nucleic acid testing is carried out regularly in the environment of medical institutions with fever clinics. Focus on sampling and testing the doorknobs, reception desks, inspection equipment and other parts that have more contact in high-risk environments such as fever clinics.

23. What are the requirements for the frequency of nucleic acid monitoring for risk occupational groups?

Answer:1) For those who have direct contact with inbound personnel, objects and the environment (such as cross-border transportation Drivers and passengers, cleaning, maintenance and other personnel, personnel handling imported goods at ports, front-line personnel from customs and immigration management departments who directly contact inbound personnel and goods, etc.), staff in centralized isolation places, medical personnel in designated medical institutions and fever clinics in general medical institutions, etc. Carry out nucleic acid testing once a day.

2) For practitioners with dense working environment, frequent contacts and high mobility (such as express delivery, takeaway, hotel services, decoration loading and unloading services, transportation services).

3) staff in shopping malls, supermarkets and agricultural (market) trade markets, etc.), port management service personnel, and general medical institutions (except fever clinics) Nucleic acid tests are carried out twice a week by staff in other departments.

24. How do key institutions and jurisdictions carry out epidemic monitoring?

Answer: Key MachinesAfter one or more local epidemic cases occur within the jurisdiction of the institution and site, a nucleic acid test for all staff should be organized in a timely manner, and subsequent nucleic acid tests can be carried out according to the test results and the risk of epidemic spread according to the sampling ratio of at least 20% per day or the test requirements of the jurisdiction.

25. What is monitored during centralized isolation?

A: During the period when the centralized isolation site is in use, environmental nucleic acid testing will be carried out regularly. Focus on sampling and testing of living areas, staff passages and isolated personnel passage door handles, garbage, countertops, cleaning tools and other parts.

26. What are the items and environmental monitoring content before the centralized isolation is released?

Answer:Persons in centralized isolation should collect the items and environment in the isolation room (including Nucleic acid testing is carried out on samples of mobile phone surfaces, luggage items, pillow surfaces, bathroom door handles, etc.

27. How should the community monitor the management of outboard personnel?

Answer: discharged (cabin) infected persons with COVID-19 included in community management and their co-residents Personnel will carry out nucleic acid tests on the 3rd and 7th days after discharge from the hospital (cabin).

28. What are the requirements for environmental monitoring of imported items and sites?

Answer: 1) For imported cold chain food and its processing, transportation, Carry out sampling nucleic acid testing in places such as storage environments; conduct sampling nucleic acid testing on imported goods from high-risk countries and low-temperature transportation environments at ports, as well as their cargo holds, containers, carriages, containers, and cargo storage sites. The frequency of testing can be increased under low temperature conditions in winter and sample size.

2) Regularly carry out nucleic acid testing in the environment of large farmers (markets) markets where cold chain food wholesales and sells in cities . Sewage monitoring can be carried out on a regular basis for large-scale seaborne imported frozen goods processing and treatment sites.

29. How does the command system work after the outbreak?

Answer:The command system should be activated immediately after the outbreak , quickly complete the transformation of normal and emergency mechanisms, set up front-line command centers with prefectures (cities) as units, coordinate and link the joint prevention and control mechanisms of provinces, cities, and counties, run flat, coordinate and dispatch resources, and take decisive measures to deal with them.

30. What sources of infection should be controlled for the new crown epidemic?

Answer:1) Confirmed case 2) Suspected case 3) Asymptomatic infection 4) Persons with positive nucleic acid test after discharge (cabin)

31. Those with asymptomatic infection are released from centralized isolation What are the conditions?

Answer: Asymptomatic infections should be managed with reference to mild cases, The hospital conducts 7-day centralized isolation medical observation, during which nasopharyngeal swabs are collected on the 6th and 7th day for nucleic acid testing (sampling time is at least 24 hours apart). 35 (fluorescence quantitative PCR detection method, the threshold value is 40, the same below), or the test is negative (fluorescence quantitative PCR detection method, the threshold value is lower than 35), the centralized isolation medical observation in the Fangcang shelter hospital can be released.

32. How should the close contacts of Fuyang personnel be investigated and controlled?

Answer: After being discharged from hospital (cabin), the respiratory specimen is positive for nucleic acid test, if no symptoms appear Signs and nucleic acid detection Ct value ≥35, no longer manage and determine close contacts; if nucleic acid detection Ct value <35, quickly assess the risk of transmission in combination with the course of disease, dynamic changes in Ct value, etc. To determine and control close contacts who have frequent contact with them, such as living together, working together, etc., it is not necessary to determine the close contact; if there is no risk of transmission, management and determination of close contacts are no longer carried out.

If clinical manifestations such as fever and cough occur, or CT imaging shows aggravation of pulmonary lesions, they should be transferred to designated medical care immediately. Institutions, classify and manage treatment according to the condition. If the nucleic acid detection Ct value is greater than or equal to 35, there is no need to trace and control their close contacts; if the nucleic acid detection Ct value is less than 35, the close contacts who have frequent contact with them, such as living and working together, should be determined and controlled, and there is no need to determine the close contact .

33. What departments does the field flow adjustment team consist of?

How are epidemiological investigations conducted?

Answer:An on-site transfer team composed of health, disease control, public security and other departments Carry out work according to the division of labor, and carry out epidemiological investigations by combining on-site and telephone interviews.

34. Time limit and requirements for conducting epidemiological investigations?

Answer: The person with positive nucleic acid test should arrive at the scene within 2 hours after the review and confirmation. Complete the case core information investigation within 4 hours, complete the preliminary epidemiological investigation report within 24 hours, and dynamically update the epidemiological report according to the progress of the epidemic.

35. For the early spread of the epidemic, what should be included in the rapid and accurate flow survey?

Answer:For early detection, small number of cases, In the event of an epidemic that continues to spread in the community, it is necessary to quickly carry out accurate epidemiological investigation, conduct a detailed investigation of the past contact history and activity trajectory of the case, clarify the source of infection of the case, and determine the risks of close contacts, close contacts, and exposed persons in epidemic-related places.personnel, delineate risk areas, etc.

36. Who are the priority persons for epidemiological investigation?

Answer: Prioritize the identification and management of infection risks such as frequent contact with cases and long duration high close contacts. For places with relatively dense and complex case activities (such as restaurants, entertainment venues, supermarkets and other confined spaces), the scope of close contact determination can be appropriately expanded.

37. How to carry out personnel mapping in high-risk areas?

Answer: By going to door-to-door, setting up WeChat groups, checking water meter information, etc. , as soon as possible to find out the basic number of all people in the high-risk area, and timely grasp the situation of the elderly living alone, minors, pregnant women, disabled people, people with limited mobility, hemodialysis patients, mental patients, chronic disease patients, etc. Timely grasp the situation of those who should be transferred and quarantined who have not yet been transferred, and implement special personnel and strict management and control, and strictly implement prevention and control measures such as staying at home, door-to-door sampling, and health monitoring before transfer.

38. What are the criteria for dividing high-risk areas?

Answer: The places where the cases and asymptomatic people live, as well as workplaces and activities with high activity and high risk of disease transmission Areas such as land are classified as high-risk areas. In principle, the residential area (village) is used as the unit to delineate, and the risk area can be adjusted according to the results of the flow survey and judgment, and the closure and control measures such as “staying at home, door-to-door service” can be adopted.

39. What is the release standard for high-risk areas? What control measures are taken?

Answer: There are no new infections for 7 consecutive days, and all personnel in the risk area have completed a round of nucleic acid screening on the 7th day All investigations were negative, and it was reduced to a medium-risk area; no new infections for 3 consecutive days were reduced to a low-risk area.

40. Requirements for nucleic acid testing in high-risk areas? p>

Answer:In the first 3 days after the lockdown was implemented, 3 tests were carried out in a row, and two tests were completed on the 1st and 3rd days. For nucleic acid testing, an antigen test will be carried out on the second day, and the frequency of subsequent tests can be determined according to the test results; within 24 hours before the release of control and control, a nucleic acid test of all employees in the area should be completed.

41. What are the criteria for dividing the medium risk zone? What control measures are taken?

Answer: cases and asymptomatic infections stay and move for a certain period of time, and Areas such as workplaces and activity areas that may have the risk of epidemic transmission are classified as medium-risk areas, and the scope of risk areas is demarcated according to the results of flow research and judgment. The medium-risk areas take control measures such as “people do not leave the area, and pick things at different peaks”.

42. What is the release standard for the medium risk zone?

Answer: no new infections for 7 consecutive days, and the 7th day All personnel in the risk area completed one round of nucleic acid screening were negative, and it was reduced to a low-risk area.

43. What control measures should be adopted for close contacts?

Answer: close contacts should take “7 centralized isolation medical observation + 3 days” “Home health monitoring” management measures (hereinafter referred to as “7+3” management measures), do not go out during home health monitoring, conduct nucleic acid testing on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, and 7th days of centralized isolation medical observation, and conduct home health monitoring. Carry out a nucleic acid test on the third day.

44. When a large-scale epidemic occurs, how should the control measures for close contacts be adjusted?

Answer:When a large-scale epidemic occurs, in order to alleviate the resources of centralized isolation points If there is a serious shortage, the measures of “5-day centralized isolation medical observation + 5-day home isolation medical observation” can be adopted for close contacts. Nucleic acid testing will be carried out on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 5th days of centralized isolation medical observation, and home isolation medical observation will be carried out. Nucleic acid testing will be carried out on the 2nd and 5th day.

45. What control measures should be taken for the close connection?

Answer: for close contact, a 7-day home isolation medical observation is required, daily Body temperature and symptom monitoring should be done well, and nucleic acid testing should be carried out on the 1st, 4th, and 7th days. If the nucleic acid test is negative during the close contact home isolation medical observation period, and the corresponding close contacts are negative for the first two nucleic acid tests during the isolation medical observation period, the home isolation medical observation can be released on the 7th day; The first two nucleic acid tests have positive results, and the close contact is adjusted to close contacts and managed as close contacts.

46. Management and control of exposed persons in epidemic-related places that do not meet the close contact and close contact determination principles Require?

Answer: Involvements that do not meet the close contact and close contact determination principles For those exposed in the epidemic site, nucleic acid testing measures shall be taken for those with higher risk of infection after risk assessment.

47. What are the control measures and nucleic acid testing requirements for personnel with a 7-day history of living in high-risk areas?

Answer: Take 7 days of centralized isolation for medical observation, in the first centralized isolation , 2, 3, 5, and 7 days to carry out nucleic acid testing; the management period starts from leaving the risk area.

48. Control measures for persons with a 7-day travel history in medium-risk areasWhat are the requirements for giving and nucleic acid testing?

Answer: Take a 7-day home isolation medical observation, Nucleic acid testing will be carried out on the 1st, 4th and 7th days of home isolation medical observation; if the conditions for home isolation medical observation are not met, centralized isolation medical observation will be adopted; the management period will be calculated from the time of leaving the risk area.

49. What are the control measures and nucleic acid testing requirements for people with a 7-day travel history in low-risk areas?

Answer: two nucleic acid tests should be completed within 3 days, And do a good job of health monitoring.

50. What are the steps for implementing regional nucleic acid detection?

Answer:Determine the range, frequency and sequence of the population to be tested order; formulate an operable nucleic acid testing plan; quickly organize and dispatch nucleic acid testing forces (including third-party testing agencies) and materials; reasonably set sampling points; dynamically adjust the scope and frequency of nucleic acid testing based on risk assessment results; When insufficient, antigen detection can be used as a supplement.

51. After a local epidemic, how long should close contacts be transferred to a centralized quarantine facility?

Answer:Close contacts should arrange special vehicles to It should be transferred to a centralized isolation place within hours, so that it should be separated as much as possible, and it should be separated quickly.

52. What precautions should be taken before the close contacts are transferred to the centralized isolation site?

Answer:Organization and management of personnel should be done well before transfer , In accordance with the principle of proximity, rationally allocate centralized isolation points and dispatch vehicles, keep track of the progress of transfer in a timely manner, and resolutely prevent the co-transfer of infected persons and close contacts.

53. How to avoid cross-infection during the transportation of close contacts?

Answer:Seat in an orderly manner during transit , Control the number of people in the same vehicle, try to maintain distances, and strictly implement personal protection and vehicle disinfection measures to avoid cross-infection.

54. What are the “three zones and two channels” in the centralized medical observation site?

Answer:“Three zones and two channels” means centralized The interior of the medical observation site shall be reasonably partitioned and channels shall be set up according to the needs. The “three areas” are the isolation area, the work preparation area (living area and the material security area), and the buffer area, and the “two channels” are the staff channel and the isolation personnel channel.

55. What are the requirements for home isolation medical observation and home health monitoring?

Answer:Home isolation medical observation should be conducted by community medical staff Under the guidance, live alone or in a single room, try to use a separate bathroom, do personal protection, and minimize contact with other family members. During the home isolation medical observation, the person and the co-resident are not allowed to go out.

Do not go out during the home health monitoring period. For special circumstances such as medical treatment, it is necessary to take personal protection when going out, and try to avoid taking public transportation.

56. How to release the isolation in the isolation place, and what should be paid attention to?

Answer:release quarantine At the same time, “people, objects, and environment” should be sampled for nucleic acid testing. If the results are all negative, the centralized isolation can be lifted; if the nucleic acid test of the items or the environment is positive, the centralized isolation can be lifted only after the possibility of infection of the quarantined person has been ruled out. In principle, the medical staff at the isolation point is responsible for the sampling of the isolation personnel.

57. For cases with unknown sources of infection, how to quickly carry out source tracing investigation?

Answer:for infection For cases of unknown origin, quickly carry out source tracing investigations, insist on the same investigation of people, objects, and environment, and give priority to the source of “human transmission”. Through epidemiological investigation, virus whole genome sequencing, nucleic acid screening, dynamic detection of serum antibodies and big data and other technical means, analyze and demonstrate one by one from the aspects of people, objects and environment, comprehensively study and judge the source of the virus, the route of transmission and the relationship between the transmission chain, And pay close attention to the genetic mutation of the virus.

58. If there is evidence to suggest that items and the environment are the source of infection, what method should be taken to avoid the evidence lost?

Answer:Yes Evidence suggests that items and the environment are the source of infection, and should be sealed and controlled first, then sampled, and then disinfected to avoid loss of evidence.

59. Which disinfection methods can be selected according to environmental risks, pollution levels and characteristics of items?

Answer:According to the environment Risk, contamination degree and item characteristics, you can choose chemical disinfection methods such as disinfectant spraying, spraying, wiping, soaking, or physical disinfection methods such as ultraviolet rays and circulating air sterilizers, or airtight storage, long-term standing, or medical waste. Harmless treatment by disposal, etc.

60, During the transfer of cases or asymptomatic infected persons, after transfer, cured and discharged (cabin) How to disinfect?

Answer:During the transit of cases or asymptomatic infected persons, the environment and items that may be contaminated should be checked Disinfect at any time; after transfer, terminal disinfection should be carried out at the place of residence, activity and other places that may be contaminated; when discharged from the hospital (cabin), their personal belongings should be disinfected before they can be taken out of the hospital (cabin).

61, medium and high risk areas and other areas where lockdown control measures are implemented, where to focus on prevention Sexual disinfection?

Answer:moderate to high risk In areas where lockdown and control measures have been implemented, such as districts, the focus is on preventive disinfection of residential buildings, anti-epidemic material security sites (points), garbage storage points, express distribution points and other regional environments.

62. What are the protection requirements for mental health services during the COVID-19 outbreak?

Answer:Strengthen the organization leadership; establish a work coordination mechanism; set up a psychological intervention network; set up a professional work team.

63. Who are the clients of the COVID-19 mental health service?

Answer:COVID-19 Patients and their families, quarantined persons and their families, family members of the deceased, medical staff and other front-line workers, the elderly with special difficulties, and children in need.

64. What are the principles for the formation of professional teams for mental health services during the COVID-19 outbreak?

Answer: The health administrative departments at or above the prefecture and city level should be composed of psychiatrists, psychiatric nurses, and psychiatrists. A team of therapists, etc. In principle, at least one psychiatrist, one nurse, two psychotherapists or social workers should be assigned to every 200 intervention objects.

65. What does the COVID-19 mental health service intervention include?

Answer:Ensure a livable environment, advocate a reasonable arrangement of work and rest time; distribute psychological self-help propaganda materials for epidemic prevention and control; Establish a psychological service resource base for epidemic prevention and control; organize mental health assessments; provide online and offline psychological services; provide targeted psychological services for key groups; standardize drug treatment and referral and hospitalization procedures; strengthen management services for patients with severe mental disorders.

66. What are the requirements for releasing epidemic information?

Answer:After the outbreak of the epidemic, the local joint prevention and control mechanism should announce the epidemic situation, risk areas, etc. within 5 hours For relevant information, the epidemic information should be based on the data reported directly on the Internet, a press conference shall be held no later than the next day, and a daily routine press conference mechanism shall be established.

67. Who should undergo “apheresis test”?

Answer: Confirmed cases, asymptomatic infections, immigrants, close contacts and close contacts are in hospital , during isolation medical observation or health monitoring should be “apheresis”.

68. What is the time limit for reporting laboratory test results?

Answer:Medical and health institutions, third-party testing institutions, etc. should report laboratory test results within 12 hours.

69. Which specimens are preferentially selected for viral genome sequence determination?

Answer:The first or early cases in the local epidemic with nucleic acid detection Ct value ≤32, and those with early cases Epidemiologically related key cases, local cases with unknown source of infection, imported cases, imported goods and relevant environmental nucleic acid test positive specimens, and specimens of persons with positive nucleic acid test after vaccination, etc.

70. What is the object of virus isolation and culture?

Answer:The specimens of all imported cases with nucleic acid detection Ct value ≤30, the first or Early cases, key cases with epidemiological links to early cases, indigenous cases of unknown source of infection, and specimens from people with positive nucleic acid tests after vaccination.

71. What is the object of antigen detection?

Answer:Primary medical and health institutions, quarantine observers and antigen self-tests that do not have the conditions for nucleic acid testing Residents of the community in need can carry out antigen testing.

72. What is the significance of antigen detection?

Answer:Antigen test is not used as the basis for the diagnosis of confirmed cases or asymptomatic infections, but only for nucleic acid detection The method is supplemented to realize “quick screening and quick detection”, and improve the timeliness of the detection of infected persons.

73. What are the work requirements for laboratory review?

Answer: In large-scale population screening, once a positive result occurs, another one to two samples should be used for the positive specimen. A more sensitive nucleic acid detection reagent to replicate the original sampleThe nuclear test can only be reported if the review is positive.

74. How to manage immigration personnel?

Answer:The management measures of “7-day centralized isolation medical observation + 3-day home health monitoring” are implemented for inbound passengers , carry out a nucleic acid test on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th and 7th days of centralized isolation medical observation, and carry out a nucleic acid test on the 3rd day of home health monitoring. Do not go out during the home health monitoring period. For example, in special circumstances such as medical treatment, you must take personal protection when going out, and try to avoid taking public transportation.

75. Practice in contact with imported positive articles and the same batch of articles How are people managed?

Answer: Two consecutive nucleic acid tests ( The sampling time should be at least 24 hours apart), and the practitioners with high contact frequency take 7 days of home health monitoring, and carry out a nucleic acid test on the 1st, 4th, and 7th days.

76, direct contact with inbound personnel, imported cold chain and other goods and the environment How to manage employees in high-risk positions during work?

Answer: requires centralized accommodation, closed-loop management, point-to-point transfer, nucleic acid testing every other day, and daily Zero reports of health monitoring and avoid contact with family members and community groups.

77, direct contact with inbound personnel, imported cold chain goods and the environment How to manage employees in high-risk positions who have been in contact with them after they leave their jobs?

Answer:After leaving work, you need to focus on medical observation or home isolation for 7 days. , 7 days to carry out a nucleic acid test.

78. What materials do I need to provide when leaving a land border port city?

Answer:Leaving a land border port city requires a 48-hour negative nucleic acid test certificate.

79. Under the normalized epidemic situation, how to control the crowded situation in key places?

Answer:Strictly control the density of people flow according to the epidemic risk level of the region and the actual situation of the place, and set the “” 1 meter line”, reminding personnel to maintain a safe distance in real time.

80. Under the normalized epidemic situation, how to effectively ventilate key places and institutions ventilation?

Answer:Increase ventilation in offices, canteens and restrooms to maintain air circulation. When the temperature is suitable, try to choose natural ventilation. Open windows for ventilation 2-3 times a day, 20-30 minutes each time. When the air-conditioning and ventilation system is used, its hygienic quality, operation management, hygienic evaluation and cleaning and disinfection shall meet the requirements of the current national standards.

81. Requirements for staff in key places and institutions to be vaccinated against the new coronavirus ?

Answer:Promote non-contraindicated and eligible staff members to be vaccinated against the new coronavirus. One dose of homologous booster immunization or sequential booster immunization for the eligible target population over 18 years old cannot receive homologous booster immunization and sequential booster immunization at the same time.

82. What are the requirements for key groups to be vaccinated against the new coronavirus?

Answer:Encouraging key populations over 3 years of age, who have no contraindications to vaccination, and who meet the requirements for vaccination, to be vaccinated against the new coronavirus vaccine.

83. Under the normalized epidemic, precautions for key groups to go out

Answer:Keep a safe distance from others when going out, do not go to crowded and poorly ventilated places, and minimize participation in parties, Gathering events such as dinner parties. Avoid going out as much as possible while suffering from respiratory illness.

84. After a local epidemic occurs, the staff of key places and institutions should What measures are taken?

Answer:Strictly monitor the health of regular staff and temporary employees, and implement “daily reports” and “zero reports” System, if there are suspicious symptoms, you must seek medical treatment in time, and you are not allowed to go to work with illness. Strictly check the body temperature, health code and nucleic acid test results of staff and customers entering the venue, and only those with no abnormality can enter.

85. After the local epidemic occurs, how should key places control the density of people?

Answer:Strictly control the number of people entering the venue, and the density of people flow can be controlled according to the standard of 50% of normal passenger flow. The office space should arrange for staff to sit in separate places and to sit in a dispersed manner, and measures such as home office and decentralized office should be adopted if conditions permit.

86. After the local epidemic occurs, what measures should be taken in crowded and confined spaces?

Answer:Places with densely populated and confined spaces, such as chess and card rooms, play rooms, offices without external windows or natural ventilation and guest rooms, shopping malls, supermarkets, canteens, gymnasiums in the basement, closed cruise ships, bathing venues, religious activities venues, and commodity exhibition venues should be suspended or held.

87. After the local epidemic occurs, what prevention and control measures should be taken for key groupsmeasure?

Answer:1) Do a good job of self-health monitoring, such as fever, dry cough, fatigue, sore throat and other symptoms You must seek medical attention in time, and go to work and class without illness.

2) Do a good job in personal protection, strengthen hand hygiene, standardize the wearing of masks, and avoid attending parties, dinners, weddings and funerals other gathering activities.

3) People with poor resistance and underlying diseases should go out less and avoid crowded places, especially poorly ventilated places.

88. After a local epidemic occurs, what epidemic prevention and control measures can schools take?

Answer:Colleges and universities should adopt closed management, strengthen the approval management of various gathering activities, and do not organize large gatherings unless necessary Sexual activities, limit dining, strengthen ventilation in classrooms and dormitories, and reasonably set up express delivery points. Primary and secondary schools and kindergartens can stop offline teaching.

89. Under the situation of epidemic prevention and control, how to improve the epidemic command system?

Answer:The local party committees and governments at all levels should implement their territorial responsibilities, improve the command system for epidemic prevention and control, and strengthen the construction of a joint prevention and control mechanism , clarify the responsibilities and division of labor. The command system must be kept in continuous operation for 24 hours, and the emergency state will be immediately transferred to the emergency state after the discovery of the epidemic situation. The main responsible comrades of the local party and government shall give unified command, raise the command, and command the front. All working groups cooperate and share information to deal with the epidemic in a fast and orderly manner. .

90. How to store specimens for virus isolation and nucleic acid detection?

Answer: Specimens for virus isolation and nucleic acid testing should be tested as soon as possible, and those that can be tested within 24 hours should be placed Store at 4°C (2°C ~ 8°C); specimens that cannot be detected within 24 hours should be stored at -70°C or below (if there is no -70°C storage condition, temporarily store in -20°C refrigerator).

91. What mechanisms and systems should be improved to improve the command system?

Answer:Establish a command system activation mechanism, information reporting system, work regular meeting system, work ledger system, and external communication and liaison mechanism , supervision and inspection system, emergency drill system, urban support system and other working mechanisms and systems.

92. When will the period of centralized management of close contacts be calculated? What are the requirements for returning to the place of residence after removal?

Answer:The quarantine management period starts from the last exposure, and should return to a “point-to-point” closed loop after the centralized isolation is lifted to the place of residence.

93. How should the information for assistance be sent out after spillover occurs in the place where the epidemic occurred?

Answer:Infected persons, close contacts, close contacts, and exposed persons in epidemic-related places are found at the outbreak site . After the people from the medium and high risk areas leave the local area, the local joint prevention and control mechanism shall issue an auxiliary inspection form (including identification information, contact number, contact method, last exposure time, etc.) to the inflow area through the national epidemic prevention and control management platform or letter within 2 hours. Information required for management and control), and cross-regional assistance information can also be sent in a timely manner through the established “point-to-point” cross-regional assistance investigation mechanism between prefectures and cities.

94. What are the key sites of the COVID-19 outbreak?

Answer:Places where people are densely populated and space is confined, and where clustered outbreaks are likely to occur, such as stations, ports, and airports , docks, public transportation (cars, trains, planes and subways), logistics parks, nucleic acid testing points, farmers (markets) markets, hotels, shopping malls, supermarkets, fitness and entertainment venues, hairdressing and bathing venues, theaters, stadiums, libraries , museums, art galleries, chess and card rooms, closed cruise ships, script killings, confinement centers, commodity exhibition and after-sales service places, conference centers, places of religious activities, etc.

95. What are the key institutions during the COVID-19 outbreak?

Answer:Organizations that maintain the normal operation of society or are prone to cluster epidemics, including party and government agencies, enterprises and Institutions, medical institutions, service institutions in the field of child welfare, nursing homes, nursing homes, supervision sites, institutions of higher learning, primary and secondary schools, kindergartens, training institutions, labor-intensive enterprises and construction sites, etc.

96. What is the current prevalent new coronavirus strain in my country?

Answer:At present, the Omicron variant has become the dominant epidemic strain imported from abroad and local epidemics in my country .

97. What is the proportion of the centralized isolation site reserve?

Answer: in the unit of prefecture and city, with no less than 60 rooms/10,000 population scale Reserve a sufficient number of centralized isolation points, and increase the number of isolation rooms as appropriate in port areas with high risk of imported epidemics, super-large cities with large population movements, national central cities, and provincial capital cities.

98. What aspects does multi-channel monitoring and early warning include?

Answer: (1) Monitoring of the visiting personnel in medical institutions.

(2) Monitoring of risk occupational groups.

(3) Personnel monitoring in key institutions and sites.

(4) Community management crowd monitoring.

(5) Monitoring in centralized isolation places and medical institutions.

(6) Imported goods and environmental monitoring.

(7) Drug monitoring.

(8) Virus gene variation monitoring.

99. What groups of people are included in the monitoring of community managers?

Answer:At-risk persons such as inbound personnel and close contacts who have been released from centralized isolation medical observation, Regional co-investigators, exposed personnel in epidemic-related sites, and employees in high-risk positions who have been released from closed-loop management, etc.

100. What are the key institutions and sites for epidemic monitoring?

Answer:Schools and kindergartens, elderly care institutions, service institutions in the field of child welfare, spiritual Specialized hospitals, training institutions and other key institutions, supervision sites, production workshops, construction sites and other densely populated places.

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