After being closed for more than two years, New Zealand’s door will be fully reopened from August 1! In July, it was announced that masks and new crown antigen tests would be provided to the public for free

Every editor Huang Sheng

CCTV financial news, according to a report by the New Zealand Herald Network on July 31, New Zealand has fully reopened after being closed for more than two years due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Starting at 11:59 p.m. local time on July 31, New Zealand’s international borders will reopen to all tourists and international students. Maritime borders also reopened at the same time, allowing foreign cruise ships and yachts to enter port.

Some economists have pointed out that reopening the country may be the best way for New Zealand to escape the recession. However, some tourism industry practitioners said that the recovery of the country’s tourism industry will be very slow. The chief executive of the New Zealand Cruise Lines Association said occupancy rates on larger ships were very high, at 70 to 80 per cent, while some smaller ships were full.

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However, what is worrying is that the supporting preparations on land are not well prepared, and the hotel accommodation and catering industries are facing difficulties in recruiting workers. Before the outbreak of the new crown epidemic, the value of the New Zealand cruise industry was more than NZ$500 million a year, of which NZ$356 million was generated on land ancillary services.

Some economists say tourism will drive a temporary and uneven economic activity in New Zealand’s summer (December this year to February next year). rebounded and predicted that would boost GDP growth. At the same time, the number of foreign tourists may also be affected by fluctuations in the global economy and fuel prices.

CCTV news, The New Zealand government announced on July 14 that it will provide free masks and new crown rapid antigen tests to the public, In order to alleviate the increasing pressure on the national medical system this winter under the double impact of the new crown and influenza.

According to the new regulations, the public can go to testing points, pharmacies and Maori halls to receive masks and rapid antigen test kits for the new coronavirus for free. Vulnerable people will receive N95 or P2 masks of similar protection level, and others will receive standard medical masks.

New Zealand has a population of approximately 5.1 million. According to the New Zealand Herald, there are currently about 100 million rapid antigen test kits in stock across the country.

In addition to distributing masks and test kits, the New Zealand government will launch a new campaign to encourage people to get booster shots of the new crown vaccine and expand antiviral drugs The range of people covered, allowing pharmacies to sell new crown treatment drugs to minimize hospitalization rates.

The British “Guardian” analysis shows that the number of new crown hospitalizations in New Zealand is increasing at this stage, partly due to the increase of people’s new crown vaccine over time The immunity acquired after acupuncture is gradually weakened. In addition, the more contagious variant of the new coronavirus is spreading, and there are more and more cases of infection in the elderly, and elderly patients are more likely to develop critical illness.

New Zealand’s public health experts said that New Zealand is located in the southern hemisphere, and it is currently winter, and the incidence of respiratory diseases such as influenza is high. Tight, the impact of a new wave of the new crown epidemic has made the medical system even more overwhelmed.

New Zealand’s health department officials said that the country reported more than 11,000 new confirmed cases of new crowns in a single day on the 14th of this month, and the actual number may double some time. This is the third day in a row that New Zealand’s newly confirmed cases have exceeded 11,000 in a single day since April 21. At the same time, New Zealand’s seven-day daily average of new confirmed cases, deaths and hospitalizations all showed an upward trend. Authorities expect the latest wave of outbreaks, caused by a variant of the new coronavirus, Omicron, could be more severe than the March wave.

Earlier this week, nearly 1,000 doctors sent an open letter to the government warning that New Zealand faces “the risk of a catastrophic collapse of the healthcare workforce”.

Daily economic news from CCTV finance, CCTV news

Source of cover image: Photo Network-500878841

[Source: Daily Economic News]


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