Hubei police issued safety tips!

At present, during the summer vacation and the peak tourist season, students and employees on vacation have a strong willingness to travel, and the traffic flow such as tourist passenger group travel and short- and medium-distance self-driving tours has increased significantly. Relevant monitoring data show that in the past month, the national tourist passenger traffic increased by 42.4% month-on-month. At the same time, the precipitation increases in summer, and various travel risks are superimposed. In order to ensure a safe, stable and orderly road traffic order, the Hubei police listed seven major travel risks in light of the current traffic situation, reminding the majority of traffic participants to abide by traffic laws, avoid travel risks, and ensure road traffic safety.

Tourism travel risk

Risk 1: The tourist passenger vehicle operates for a long time, the driver is easily distracted, and some passengers Not getting into the habit of wearing seat belts. In order to maximize profits, individual vehicles are prone to traffic violations such as overcrowding and speeding.

Safety Tips: Enterprises should fully perform their management responsibilities, strengthen traffic safety education for drivers, and avoid traffic violations such as overcrowding, answering phone calls, smoking, etc. Remind passengers to fasten their seat belts at all times.

Risk 2: In summer, the temperature is high, and short- and medium-distance self-driving tours can easily lead to fatigue driving; drinking alcohol late at night or early in the morning is prone to illegal acts such as “overnight drunk driving”; From cities to suburbs and mountainous areas, drivers are unfamiliar with road conditions and rely too much on navigation and other devices, which can easily lead to distracted driving on continuous curves or complex road sections.

Safety Tips: During driving, when passing by water or cliff sections, pay attention, try to avoid unnecessary overtaking behavior, drive for 4 hours continuously, stop and rest a lot in 20 minutes. After drinking a lot of alcohol, take a break of at least 24 hours before continuing to drive.

Risk 3: Heavy rain and other weather frequently occur, and the road is slippery, which affects vehicle handling.

Safety Tips: Before traveling, know the weather conditions in advance, and plan the travel route scientifically and reasonably; in case of precipitation, reduce unnecessary travel. When driving, try to bypass low-lying, damaged and other road sections that are prone to water accumulation; observe road signs, avoid road sections that are prone to falling rocks and landslides, and try to avoid behaviors such as strong and super strong meetings.

Risk 4: National and provincial highways and expressways drive at fast speeds and keep the distance between vehicles close, which is prone to rear-end collisions and scratching traffic accidents. After an accident, improper handling can easily lead to secondary accidents, resulting in greater property losses.

Safety Tips: Keep a safe distance when driving, and don’t rush into the lane or occupy the emergency lane. Passing through national and provincial roads, county and township roads, be alert to trucks, vans, tractors and other vehicles, and pay attention to avoidance in advance. If there is an accident on the highway, remember the principle of “pull over the vehicle, evacuate the person, and call the police”.

Freight risk

Risk 5: When a large freight vehicle turns, there will be an inner wheel difference and a larger blind spot. On the way of operation, traffic violations such as overloading and running red lights are prone to occur.

Safety Tips: In case of large vehicles, try to keep a lateral distance of more than 3 meters and avoid parallel for a long time. When a motor vehicle passes through an intersection, slow down in advance and strengthen the lookout. If a truck is found to be overloaded, run a red light, or other traffic violations, you can report it to the public security traffic control department.

Student travel risk

Risk 6: Crossing the road without crossing the street facilities, playing and fighting on the road.

Safety Tips: When crossing the street, use zebra crossings, flyovers and other crossing facilities. Do not turn back in the middle of the road, suddenly accelerate, etc. When there are sidewalk signals, you must follow the lights.

Risk 7: Illegal riding of bicycles and electric vehicles on the road will cause traffic accidents.

Safety Tip: Children under the age of 12 are not allowed on the road by law, and teens under the age of 16 are not allowed on the road on electric bicycles. When riding a non-motorized vehicle, the vehicle should drive on the right and take the non-motorized vehicle lane. It is strictly forbidden to drive in the motorized vehicle lane or go the wrong way.

Recently, in conjunction with the ongoing “Hundred Days of Action” to crack down on public security in the summer, Hubei police have further strengthened the investigation of road traffic hazards, road surface control, early warning and reminders, and strictly investigated the “three excesses and one fatigue” (speeding, overcrowding, etc.) , overloading and fatigue driving) traffic violations, and make every effort to ensure the safety of summer tourism traffic. At the same time, the traffic police department will also work with relevant functional departments to further consolidate the main responsibility of passenger and freight enterprises, strengthen the supervision of key vehicles such as passenger cars, buses, school buses, hazardous chemical vehicles, and heavy-duty trucks, and comprehensively investigate hidden dangers of road traffic safety facilities. Improve the construction standards of safety protection facilities, and make every effort to escort the people’s summer travel.

(Source: Published by Hubei)

[Editor: Shang Pei]

[Source: Published by Hubei]