Lung cancer is mostly “drag” out, these 4 types of people should pay more attention and must be checked regularly!

Lung cancer is the number one malignant tumor in the world, and the same is true in China. In China, lung cancer ranks first among all malignant tumors. China has become the country with the largest incidence of lung cancer in the world, and lung cancer is also the fastest growing malignant tumor in China.

The picture comes from the Internet

Lung cancer is the top of the group of cancers. Although the mortality rate ranks first among malignant tumors, early stage lung cancer can be cured.

These “trails” fall into two categories:

The first category is high-risk groups, and the second is the early symptoms of lung cancer.

Any one of the following can be classified as a “high-risk group” for lung cancer:

People with a long history of smoking;

People with chronic pulmonary diseases such as chronic bronchitis and tuberculosis;

People who have been exposed to asbestos, radon and other carcinogens for a long time at work;

People with a family history of lung cancer.

Long-term smoking (including second-hand smoke) is the number one cause of lung cancer, so it is recommended that everyone quit smoking and stay away from smokers!


These symptoms should be paid attention to in the early stage of lung cancer

If you do not belong to the high-risk group of lung cancer, but if you have early symptoms of lung cancer, you should go to the hospital for examination as soon as possible.

The symptoms of lung cancer are not typical in the early stage, so it is easy to be ignored by people, but once these symptoms appear on the body, be vigilant, it is likely to be lung cancer!

1. A long-lasting cough

Cough is a very common symptom, and because of this, it is usually not a cause for concern and attention.

The picture comes from the Internet

Of course, in most cases, it is not a big problem, but for long-term dry cough or blood in sputum, especially people with a long history of smoking, it is possible to suspect whether there is a possibility of lung cancer.

2, chest tightness, chest pain

Lung cancer is often accompanied by mild chest tightness in the early stage. As the disease progresses, the chest tightness or chest pain will increase. Common chest pains are dull or throbbing pains with irregular onset times that are exacerbated by coughing.

3. Difficulty breathing

A small number of lung cancer patients experience chest tightness, shortness of breath, and difficulty breathing, which are related to the tumor compressing the trachea, resulting in poor airflow.

4. Fever

It is also one of the symptoms of lung cancer. Some tumors can block the airway and cause obstructive pneumonia. At this time, the patient will have fever, and the blockage will persist if the tumor is not eradicated.

Patients with mild severity may only have low-grade fever, and some patients with severe disease may develop high-grade fever. The condition will improve after the use of antipyretics, but the fever will soon return.

If the above-mentioned symptoms appear, especially in high-risk groups, it is best to be vigilant, seek medical attention in time, and have professional doctors help in the investigation.

Others are better off having annual physicals with low-dose helical CT and related tumor markers. Only by raising awareness of cancer prevention and doing early screening can we effectively resist cancer.


Don’t want to get lung cancer, stay away from “three kinds of qi” in life

In my country, the incidence of lung cancer is rising. If you want to avoid being targeted by lung cancer, you should try to stay away from these “three kinds of gas”, because they may “gas out of lung cancer”!

1. The “smoke” of cigarettes

Smoking is recognized as the most important factor in causing lung cancer in the world. Secondhand smoke and thirdhand smoke also increase the risk of lung cancer.

The more you smoke and the longer you smoke, the greater your risk of developing lung cancer.

In addition to harming themselves, secondhand smoke caused by smoking may also harm their family and friends with lung cancer.

In recent decades, the incidence of lung cancer in men in developed countries in Europe and the United States has shown a downward trend. Tobacco control has contributed greatly, which also proves that the view that “smoking induces cancer” is correct.

2. The polluted “atmosphere”

Air pollution is another culprit in causing lung cancer, and its pattern is also very obvious: densely populated big city residents, the incidence of lung cancer is higher than that of residents in rural areas, the more serious the air pollution, the incidence and death of lung cancer rate is also higher.

3. “Fume” in the kitchen

Soot pollution and lampblack pollution are important reasons for increasing the risk of lung cancer in women.

Soot pollution: It mainly comes from households burning briquettes. The carcinogens released by indoor coal burning are many times more than smoking. With the continuous development of urbanization, this type of pollution has gradually decreased.

Fume pollution: When frying and frying food, the oil fumes formed by high-temperature cooking oil contain a large amount of carcinogens, such as benzopyrene. In China, many women who cook in the kitchen for a long time and are exposed to soot or high-temperature oil fumes have a higher risk of developing lung cancer than others.


Stay away from lung cancer, be sure to do this

Maintaining lung health is imperative, and everyoneAll should focus on staying away from lung cancer, be sure to do this:

1. Quit smoking

Smoking is harmful to the lungs. Needless to say, everyone knows this. The best way to deal with smoking is to quit smoking.

2. Use masks and air purifiers well

The most direct measure against air pollution is to wear a mask and use an air purifier when the air quality is poor, which are good ways to protect the lungs.

3. Improve the cooking method

For kitchen fumes, on the one hand, it is necessary to improve the cooking methods, and try to reduce the cooking methods such as frying, frying, and stir-frying. product.

4. Keep exercising

The lung itself cannot expand and contract actively. Usually, our breathing and breathing are achieved through the movement of breathing-related muscles.

Studies have found that improving the strength and endurance of the muscles involved in breathing is good for lung health, while exercising muscles in other parts of the body is also beneficial.

5. Balanced diet

Maybe many people think of “eating pears to moisten the lungs” for the first time, because eating a pear when you have an itchy throat and cough will make you feel very comfortable.

But only because pears contain more water and sugar, which fight dryness and relieve symptoms. As for the effects of “moistening the lungs” and “relieving cough”, there is no research to prove that pears have these functions.

In fact, human beings are a whole, and health is also a systematic project. Only when you eat a balanced and reasonable diet and your body is healthy will your lungs be healthy.

Source: High Quality Living Home