“Kidney is the foundation of nature”, look at the major threats brought by kidney deficiency

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” The quality of the kidney qi determines the qi and blood of the whole body, and affects the quality of life throughout life. If the kidney qi is sufficient and the five viscera and six fu organs are adequately nourished, a person will not be prone to qi and blood deficiency, and will be healthier, younger, and have a higher quality of life.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the kidney is the innate foundation of the human body. The root of yin and yang, the root of qi and blood. Human beings are dominated by the kidneys throughout their lives. Teeth, bones, hair, menstruation, sexual function, reproductive capacity, body shape, and face will all change with the changes of kidney qi. Women also have unique menstrual periods, pregnancy periods, lactation periods, etc., which can easily lead to kidney deficiency due to insufficient essence in the kidneys. Next, let’s take a look at the major threats that kidney deficiency can bring.

Aging of the face

Kidney deficiency makes the face lose its beauty. Unsightly dark circles appeared, and his complexion was pale and dull, haggard and even freckled.

Dental problems

As people get older, their teeth become loose and fall out, which not only makes chewing inconvenient, but also affects aesthetics and health. Loss of teeth or loose teeth may be caused by kidney deficiency. Because the kidneys are responsible for the strength of the bones throughout the body, and the teeth are also part of the bones. Once the kidney qi declines and the kidney essence is insufficient, the teeth cannot be nourished, and the teeth will be withered, yellow and black, loose and fall off. Even tooth decay is also related to the function of the kidneys.

The hair is browned, gray or even falling off

The nutrition of the hair comes from the blood, but the vitality of the hair comes from the kidney qi. When the kidney qi is strong, the hair is dense, black and shiny, and it is strong and not easy to fall off.

Puffy eyelids

The kidneys control water, and if the kidneys are deficient, the water can not be discharged in time, which will cause edema of the eyelids. After getting up in the morning, I always feel uncomfortable in the eyes and swollen. You can go to a Chinese medicine doctor to check whether the kidneys are insufficiency.

Hearing problems

The kidneys control water and open the ears. If the kidney essence is sufficient, the hearing will be good. Once the kidney essence is insufficient, people are prone to ear back, tinnitus and other phenomena.

Deformation of the body

Kidney deficiency will make people’s body out of shape. We always said that when the spleen is deficient, the body will gain weight. In fact, there are many Obesity belongs to kidney deficiency type obesity. Some people diagnosed with kidney deficiency in traditional Chinese medicine have weakened endocrine function, decreased secretion of adrenal cortex hormones, decreased basal metabolic rate, and slowed down calorie consumption in the body, which leads to obesity.

Back pain

People with kidney deficiency generally have symptoms of low back fatigue and soreness, which is also one of the symptoms that patients often complain about during clinical diagnosis and treatment. Therefore, when there is inexplicable back pain, weakness in legs and feet, easy fatigue, or joint pain, muscle soreness, etc., you can also go to a Chinese medicine doctor.

Early menopause

Kidney deficiency may cause premature menopause in women. Especially for some professional women, work and life are under great pressure, which will deplete the kidney qi to a certain extent, causing the imbalance of kidney yin and kidney yang. , hot flashes, night sweats and other menopausal symptoms. Therefore, if female friends really feel that they have symptoms similar to menopause, they still need to nourish the kidneys more.


is a major manifestation of kidney deficiency. If a woman in her 30s has low sexual requirements and has no interest in sex, it probably indicates that you have kidney deficiency and can go to the Find a Chinese doctor.

Fear of cold

is a very typical feature of kidney yang deficiency. Kidney deficiency can be divided into kidney yang deficiency and kidney yin deficiency. By the way, people with kidney yin deficiency will not be afraid of cold, but there will be “heat syndrome” symptoms, such as fever in the hands, feet and heart, which will make people irritable, difficult to concentrate, and often accompanied by insomnia, dreams, etc. disease. In fact, these are somewhat similar to the previous symptoms of menopause, which should be distinguished clinically.

Gynecological diseases

“Kidney-Tiangui-Chongren-Uterine reproductive axis” is a special physiological structure of women, and this structure is also affected by kidney qi. The rise and fall of gynaecology is directly related to the functional state of the “Kidney-Tiangui-Chongren-Uterine Reproductive Axis”, which is an important cause of many gynecological diseases. Such as menstrual disorders or even amenorrhea, loss of libido or even loss of sexual function, difficulty in getting pregnant or even infertility, premature ovarian failure, etc., are all related to kidney deficiency. Kidney is an important factor that determines whether a person is healthy or not, young or old, and also an important factor affecting qi and blood. With good kidneys, people will look young, and a woman with good kidneys will have an evergreen tree of health. Therefore, nourishing the kidney and ensuring that the kidney qi is not deficient is the foundation of delaying aging and ensuring health. In order to avoid kidney deficiency, we can avoid many unnecessary troubles by paying proper attention in our life. The key to kidney protection lies in daily health care:◇ Pay attention to the moderation of sexual life, “excessive housework” will dissipate kidney qi and damage the kidneys. For young people in their 20s, once a day or 3 times a week is appropriate; in their 30s, once or twice a week is appropriate; when they are in their 40s and 50s, two or three times a month is appropriate. Of course, this is not absolute, it needs to be different from person to person, and it is related to age, physique, personality, etc. ◇ Avoid bad emotions such as sadness, worry, and panic. Any kind of bad emotion will lead to problems in the internal organs, so take care of the kidneys. /span>. ◇ work and rest rules, know how to adjust. Don’t work too hard, otherwise, excessive fatigue will lead to kidney deficiency. A combination of work and rest can lead to long-term health. ◇ Wind, rain, cold and summer should be properly avoided, do not get wet, do not run water, keep warm, Do not live in a cold and humid place for a long time, or in a hot place… In short It is also an important means to avoid damage to the kidneys. ◇ Diet should be restrained, not overeating, not partial to food. Control tobacco and alcohol, eat more foods that benefit the kidney, such as black food, foods that nourish the kidney qi, and nourish the kidney essence, etc., which are beneficial to the maintenance of the kidney qi. In short, all aspects of daily life may affect the kidney, and kidney deficiency will in turn affect qi and blood. Therefore, female friends should pay attention, pay attention to the middle way in everything, not too much, not too bad. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle will largely prevent kidney qi from being damaged.

Source of content:

Published by People’s Health Publishing House, “Regulating Qi and Nourishing Blood—Women Are Younger by Raising Qi and Blood”

Author of this book : Teng Xiuxiang

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